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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    For some unknown reason I skipped breakfast altogether. BAD PENNI!!! LOL!! Lunch: bbq pork (but only ate half and will have the other half for supper most likely), two bites of mashed potatoes, two bites of baked Beans (OOPS here come the farts), and ice tea. Oh also had a bowl of tomato Soup. No real exercise today. I am thinking about getting in the pool in a few. Does that count? Good Deed: Went with sweetie on a Guitar string mission. He has a gig this Friday and needed to change his strings and no one in the valley had his particular kind of strings. So we had to go looking for some. I went along for the ride cause he asked me to go. He loves it when I go with him. LOL!! More later.
  2. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Lisa: I just sent you an email. OK forgot to post my meals yesterday. LOL!!!!! Breakfast: one scrambled egg, two slices of oranically grown tomatoes, cup of international cafe vienna coffee Lunch: one cheeseburger (no bun, just ate the meet and cheese), three onion rings, 16 oz of root beer (I know I know the carbonations isn't good, but I wanted it) LOL Dinner: two pieces of a chicken, cheese quesadilla (only ate the insides, no tortilla) with a dab of sour cream and guacomole, four french fries with ketchup, about an inch of my sweeties burger that had swiss cheese and a 1/4 inch of bacon on it, NO BUN, 16 oz of ice tea with Equal. NO Snacks during the day. I gave my pedicurist and manicurist a larger tip than usual yesterday. That is my good deed for the day cause they did not look at the tip just put it in their pockets. I gave them a $10 each. LOL!! Bet they were surprised. WOW! Looking at everything I ate yesterday it seems like a whole lot. No wonder I am at a stalemate on losing. I drank about 50 oz of Water yesterday. So I have to up the ante today. Today's meal will be coming tonight before I go to bed. My exercise yesterday was 30 min on treadmill and 30 min on my new nifty swifty recumbent bike (thanks Lisa). And I walked all over the place when I went shopping after my mani and pedi.
  3. Penni60

    Immediate Support Needed

    Lisa; I just added your AIM to mine. So, I will be there for ya. And anyone else here is my info. AOL(AIM) Penni60 Yahoo: pennimerrick MSN: Penni60
  4. OK I need all you to pray for my daughter, her husband and my 16 yr old son that are in Orlando Area. I just got a call from her saying they are heading to her Mother in laws house cause the storm is supposed to hit in an hour. My daughter works at a vet's and saw a tornado outside their window about three miles away. IT did not touch down but they closed the office and told everyone to go home and be safe. It is a category 4 now. I am so worried about her. They predict the storm will last for at least 3 hours when it does slam them. So for the next 4 to 5 hours I will be on pins and needles. My daughter also told me that Disney and Orlando both were hit by tornadoes today. Not sure of the damage. She just heard it. She was on the phone for a short time as they were in the car heading to safety. Pray for them and everyone else to be safe.
  5. Penni60

    Lulu & Delarla finally meet!!!!

    OK, short meeting but we did meet. And I have a picture to prove it. LOL!! Lisa came and got the total gym and I got the recumbent bike. WHOO HOO!! Her friend went on the Wheel of Fortune on Friday. She can fill you in on those details. We chatted lots. Watched her friend Lucien and my sweetie eat like horses while we were good little bandsters. Yes, Lisa you were a good eater while you with here. LOL!! She tried to sabotage me once or twice but I thwarted that attempt. LOL!! Anyway, here is the pic of Lulu and Delarla in front of my house.
  6. Penni60

    Wanna come to Vegas!!

    Glad you are back with us as well. Wonder what happened? Oh well you are back now. Welcome to the Bash in Vegas. Looking forward to meeting all you guys.
  7. Penni60


    Hey, Lisa: It seems to me that if they want to avoid medi- mal practice insurance problems then they would not touch you at all. The minute they touch you for anything they take on your care. Even if it is for a fill. That is my understanding. It sounds like they just don't want to deal with another surgeons patient period. I still say you should get Dr. Billy set up as your doc. Get an appt and then go see him. My insurance is covering my visits so far. Yours might too.
  8. Penni60


    I found a dr in Ventura that takes on most Mexico patients and not just patients from Dr. Lopez. He told me that he hasn't refused one yet.
  9. Got a phone call last night from her. She sounds exhausted. They are staying with MIL and things are not good. So, she called me in tears wanting to know if the offer I made of a hotel room was still open. I said OF COURSE!! MIL is a real bitch. I can't stand her. Her own son can't stand her. LOL!! So, I got the last room in the town close by to where they live. They check in today. LOL!! Her husband works for Florida Power so he is working 30 hours then taking 6 hour off to rest then back at it. He sounds like he could just drop. I worry about his safety. He said one guy fell and hit his head. They had to life flight him to the nearest town as the town where he was hurt is not operational. Pretty serious stuff. Thanks again for all the support
  10. Penni60


    I will start a new thread. Look for "Weekly Challenge" post in the SUPPORT forum.
  11. Penni60


    Lisa: I challenge you too. LOL!!! Don't we already have a challenge going? Hey I exercise a minimum of 3 and at most 6 days a week already. I am guilty of in between Snacks that I need to cut out. So that challenge will be difficult for me but I am up for it. Eating healthier is always a good challenge. I up your challenge and raise you a "good deed day". Do one good deed for someone. (IE: Get the mail for an elderly neighbor, walk the neighbors dog, make dinner for someone that is sick, run an errand for someone that is unable to do it themselves, take someone to a movie, read a book to a child, etc). Any takers? We should report back what we did and how it made us feel.
  12. Penni60

    Questions regarding pain

    I keep saying "just let 'em rip". That is my motto. If you keep supressing them you will eventually blow out your eyeballs. Then where will you be? Blind and still full of gas. LOL!!
  13. Penni60


    WHOO HOO!! Marie; You are my hero. Darcy: I too wanna do a walk/run marathon sometime in the near future. I was on the way to training for it when I had the last surgery. So I gotta get back to it seriously now. I started training last week but had to take a break in the middle cause I started training too hard and the port started bothering me again. I just babied it and now it is fine. But I will have to slow the process of training and get back to it this week. I am deciding what marathon to go for. I am looking at all kinds of them. I was told that to plan for one that is 6 to 8 weeks out and train for that day. So use that as a guideline. Marie: Your story has inspired me to push myself to get ready for that marathon. KUDO's and tears in my eyes. I can feel your excitement. NOW GET SOME REST!
  14. Thanks guys for all your support. THat is what kept me sane during that time of uncertainty. I was ready to scream and get on the next flight out to go hunt for them. So thank you for your support. I love all you guys.
  15. Penni60

    Wonder if anyone would be interested?????

    STill waiting to hear from him. I sent him a personal email from this site but haven't heard from him. Does anyone have a phone number for him or know how to contact him other than email? I don't wanna go through with this till we have his OK.
  16. THis might be a question for Alex, founder of the message boards. I was thinking the other day and wondered if anyone would want a t-shirt with LapBandTalk.com on the front? I would certainly buy one. How about you guys? I would be willing to pay at least $15 for one. How about you guys? Black with the purple and yellow logo like at the top left hand corner of the home page. Either large in the center of the shirt or small over the right breast pocket area. Or small on front and large on back. We could all wear them in Vegas. LOL!!! Ideas, thoughts, comments, etc????
  17. At 3p I got a phone call from my daughter and talked to her and my son. They are fine. They are saving their cell phone batteries as they don't have power and the land lines are sporadically working. They are doing well. Just frustrated with no power. On the up shot, her husband is making quadruple time working on getting the power up which will help when they have to redo their roof. LOL!!! Thanks for all your concern and prayers and support.
  18. I just talked to my ex's wife. They live close to my daughter. She said they drove over there and was able to talk to the kids. They are fine and weathered (no pun intended) the storm. Their house has some Water damage at the front door and they will need a new roof as all their shingles are gone but for the most part the house appeared to be in good condition. Of course they have no power and the Nextel cell phone system is down. There are some land line phones that are out as well. But it is good to hear the kids are OK and safe. Thank for all the prayers. I am still not going to be satisfied till I hear their voices myself, but it is good to know they are OK.
  19. OK, now I am really worried. All the phone numbers I have for them I cannot get through to anyone to talk to. Again I know in my gut that they are OK but I wanna hear their voices. LOL!! Ya know! I have a friend in Jupiter that is going to drive to Lake Wales and try to find them for me. She said once she does then she will kidnap them and bring them to her house. I told her to not risk her life to find them. I know my son in law, Jeremy, is probably busy restoring power. Erin is probably safe at her MIL house with her brother, Bradley. I just wanna hear they are safe. Keep praying.
  20. Kim: Not sure if this will help or not. I did not go through a coordinator at all. I called the facility directly and set up my surgery through them. I used Sanoviv Medical Institute and Dr. Lopez did my surgery in Rosarito, Mexico which is about an hour from San Diego. Now that said, Lopez has gotten a bad rap from some of us for this lack of aftercare. But from what I have heard from a new patient of his that seems to be improving. I still like Lopez for the surgery but would consider getting the aftercare from another surgeon closer to my home if I were you regardless of what surgeon you decide to go with. My surgery cost me $13,550.00 which included the surgeon fees, hosptial fees, and everyone else's fees. I also paid an additional $5,550.00 for a week at Sanoviv. They are pricey on their fees. I stayed for the week but I had other treatments while I was there. You can do the two or three day stay if you want and it would be cheaper. That was money well spent in my book. Hope this helps. The facility is great. Check them out at www.sanoviv.com.
  21. OK have been in contact with my ex and his wife. They are ok and made it through the storm. They live about 40 miles south of my daughter. I still have had NO contact with my daughter since earlier today. I know in my heart they are fine but I wanna hear their voices. I have been trying all day long to call on her cell phone and on my sons as well and can't get through. I would bet the lines are down. I am going on the assumption that all is well till I hear differently, but damn this waiting is for the birds. I would usually be attacking the frig at this point with the stress level so high, but can't even resort to that anymore. LOL!! I know the last I heard that Orlando (45 min North of my daughter) had experienced winds of 105 mph and had reported damage to the Airport. Lots of Tornadoes reported as well. I know that my daughter does not have any power but her husband (my son in law) works for the Electric company and would most likely have power repaired for them first. Privilege does have it's perks. LOL!! But there is also the worry of him working with live wires and doing repairs. They have only been married since June. My mind is doing major tricks on me at this point. I have to go read a book or something to get my mind off this. When I know something more I will fill you guys in. I am sending up Prayers for everyone that was affected by this storm. Let's remember the three that have already lost their lives from this storm. And the many more that were injured or lost their homes or businesses. Thank you for all your support. I am so glad again that Darcy told me about you guys. So double thank you again Darcy.
  22. Penni60

    Cosmetic Cost

    Can't answer that question but WOW!! Are you that far along that you need all that? Fill us in on some details. When, Where, Who, How much you weighed prior, How much lost, you know all the good stuff.
  23. Penni60

    Regarding Pain part deaux

    BUMMER Leatha> Keep us posted. HOpefully if it is your gallbladder then they can go in and take it out and then you can start the road to healing for real then. Tell them to talk sternly to your body while they have you open and explain that you have had enough of surgeries for the rest of the millenium. LOL!!!! Prayers are with you. Still have my gallbladder. UGH!! I think!
  24. Penni60

    ***t-shirt Voting***

    Results so far on the voting. 11 responses so far. One person said she didn't care what color shirt or printing color. A couple of us chose more than one color for the print. One person is choosing between a 2XL or a 3XL. 1. Pick a t-shirt color, choose ONE of the below: 6 a. Black 2 b. White 2 c. Purple 0 d. Red 2. Statement on back of shirt, choose ONE of the below: 5 a. "BIG FAT LOSER!" 4 b. "So happy to hear of your LOSS" 1 c. "So happy to be a LOSER" 1 d. "Used to be FAT, but still a LOSER" 3. What color should the print be, choose ONE of the below: 2 a. Black 3 b. White 5 c. Purple 2 d. Red 4. Tell us what size you are requesting? 1 a. Large 4 b. X Large 4 c. 2 X Large 3 d. 3 X Large 5. What is the most you are willing to pay for the shirt including shipping and handling? 1 a. $15.00 10 b. $20.00
  25. I think the gurgling noises are too funny myself. It just means that you have restriction and the liquid is going through the opening. THink of your opening like the sink drain. Remember how Water sounds sometimes when it drains? That is what is going on in your stomach. All is normal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
