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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Lisa: Yeah but what else do you want? I am going to do all that and more while in Jamaica. LOL!!! You forgot, manicures, pedicures, massages, cabana boys with rum soaked rags that are cooling to you at poolside, drinking Yardie Martinis, Rum creams, Daiquiris, margaritas, red stripe beer, chocolate martinis, rich creamy dishes made with island treats, rum cream brulee', chilean sea bass, lobster, steak, not too much is fried there with the exception of plaintains that is, pastries with honey, am I there yet? I leave tomorrow for Nashville, TN to visit friends and family then fly to the Island on the 31st. Will try to check in while there but don't hold your breath. LOL!!
  2. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Teresa: I feel your pain. I was married to my ex for 11 years and with 4 children to support he thought it was stupid to buy diapers, clothes, food, formula, bottles, shoes, pay electric bill, pay water bill, pay rent, etc. Instead he would buy stereo equipment, parts for cars we didn't have but would buy later, stereo equipment for the car we didn't have but would buy later, clothes for HIM, etc. I always had a steady job which paid way more than he brought in. Thank god for that otherwise we would not have survived. I never rubbed it in his face. You don't do that in a marriage. Long story short he was an ass and I dumped him. I am NOT NOT NOT NOT saying for you to do that. I am just saying that is what worked for me. If you guys can get some counseling and it starts to improve then that is wonderful and it was meant to be. But if it doesn't work and you still are feeling crappy about the relationship then leave him for two weeks and see what happens. I don't mean divorce him I just mean a little break from him. Make him pay his own bills for a change and take care of himself. Sometimes, that wakes them up. LOL!! Just a suggestion. Sending HUGE hugs to you. Lisa: I think YOU will win this competition. I am stuck at 45 lbs loss and can't seem to get over the hump. I am probably in one of those 6 month plateau thingys. LOL!! WHOO HOO!! LISA LOST 50 LBS. YOU GO GIRL!! What do you want from Jamaica? And men don't count. I can't put them in my back pocket. I have tried.
  3. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    Today, Wednesday, which is my official weigh in day I am 251 lbs which makes it 45 lbs lost so far. WHOO HOO!!
  4. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    OK I am NEVER EVER gonna weigh myself except on my regular weigh in days which is Wednesdays. I tried to weigh on MOndays and that is a mistake. I am now back to the original 45 lbs loss. Wednesday is my weigh in day from now on. LOL!!! Yesterday Tuesday info: Breakfast: PRotein Bar, 24 oz water Lunch: 1/2 barbeque pork sandwich no bun, baked beans, 16 oz ice tea Supper: cheeseburger pattie no bun, 10 french fries, 16 oz ice tea Desert: about 6 to 10 bites of a brownie gave the rest to sweetie Good Deed: Told Computer guru to come another time to work on my computer since he was having a hard day. He said he would take a percentage off his bill. WHOO HOO!! Exercise: Walked about 30 min around neighborhood.
  5. Penni60

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    OK let me just start this by saying, " OH MY GAWD! " I went shopping yesterday after I got a much needed manicure and pedicure. I was feeling a little down cause I was in a slump / plateau weight loss wise. So I go into WalMart and think just for shits and giggles let me go to the NORMAL people section and look at workout clothes. Now mind you I knew I was heading to AVENUE after so I didn't really expect to find anything that would fit my little toe much less all of me. I find some really cute leopard shirts and some black pants. I take them into the dressing room, laughing the whole time thinking these will never work and I will need to have the fitting room clerk come in and help peel me out of them. OR I will hurt myself putting on the pants and have to be rushed to the ER and have to explain why my arms are in the legs part of the pants. "Well you see I figured if I couldn't put the legs in the right place then I could put my arms in there and use it as one of those half sweater thingys everyone is wearing these days." Can you imagine the laughs in the ER when that is explained. OK I digress. So I take the cute leopard outfits (there are three of them by the way, Blue, Gold, and Grey--have to get all three) into the dressing room. I make sure the door closes and no one is even anywhere close to my stall. I don't wanna send up warning signals to anyone when they hear me beating and banging on the sides of the walls because I can't get into much less out of the outfits. LOL!! I undress. That is a shocker cause of the floor length mirrors. AGH!!! It's like being on "What not to wear." I keep expecting Clinton and Stacey to barge in and say "What are you thinking?" LOL!!! Anyway, I am picking up the Gold leopard shirt. I think this is the one that I really like and if I can't wear it there is no need in trying on the other. GUESS WHAT??????? IT FITS!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is tight but IT FITS!!!!!!!! But here is the best and coolest part. THE PANTS FIT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you wanna know the size. Remember this part guys, this is the most important part. I am in WalMart where NORMAL people shop for clothes, not Avenue, not Lane Bryant, not Catherine's, but WALMART. The size are you ready 16/18. IS not that the coolest thing EVER? I haven't wore that size in about,.....oh,......... say 30 years give or take one or two years. I was in the dressing room and started crying. I was so thrilled I had to step out of the room and look at the BIG full length mirror and dared Clinton and Stacey to come around the corner. I was hollering "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I am all verklempt!!! Love you guys. By the way I bought all three outfits and one more blue and black one. I will be stying and profiling when I work out now. LOL!!
  6. Penni60

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    OOPS that pic is big. NOt sure how to resize it. I am sure there will be someone that can do it for me. Here is a pic of me with braided hair almost two years ago.
  7. Penni60

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    There isn't gonna be room for my clothes much less anyone or anything else. Not sure what I am gonna do about souveniors. Guess I will just have to get a carry on bag and bring them home that way. LOL!!! I will be sure to post some pics when I return home. Just as a teaser here is a pic of one of my previous trips. This is a pic of the ocean when we stopped along the side of the road for a fresh coconut. MMM MMM GOOD!!!!
  8. Penni60

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    I actually went yesterday to Avenue and got a size 14/16 and it fit. That would be 16/18 in Target size clothes. I got lots of cool stuff for my Jamaica trip coming up. I am so excited to be heading to the island mon. Thanks guys.
  9. I think that is more related to the drastic bypass than to the Lap Band Surgery. That said, anytime you go under anesthesia you run that risk with any surgery. If you refer to the actual surgery then I have heard more risks and deaths from the bypass than the lap band. You are correct they don't understand because they aren't in your shoes. They are saying that because they love you and are concerned about you doing surgery and probably aren't really clear on which surgery you are having. Most people when you mention any WLS automatically think of the Gastric Bypass. I know I have had to explain it several times that I did not have that surgery but had the banding. Be patient with your family. They don't understand and don't expect them to cause they can't. Only someone that has been in or is in your shoes can relate. I can relate cause I have been there. We are here for you.
  10. Heather: I have a daughter the same age as you. My heart goes out to you. I just wanna take you and hug you. Pain: I had minor discomfort after surgery. I attribute that to the staff not making me get up after I rested that first day. If I had gotten up and walked I would not have as much discomfort as I did. The pain is NOTHING compared to child birth. I had 4 children and all naturally. NO MEDICATION at all. The only thing I can suggest to get over the discomfort sooner is to walk as much as you can. Splint your abdomen with a pillow to support that area while walking, coughing, and or sneezing. I was up and walking around that next day and taking a shower on my own and getting up and down on my own. The more you do it the quicker you will work out the pain. But you also need to rest as much as you can too. Breaking of the Band: Haven't heard of this happening at all. Can't really speak to that.
  11. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    OK I walked this morning for about 40 min at the park. Then I went shopping for clothes to wear on my Jamaica trip. GUESS WHAT??? I tried on size 14/16 W at Avenue and WHOO HOO!! They fit. I am so excited. Some of the pants I still wear a size 18W. That is because of my inherited LARGE hips. I gotta get working on the pilates for hips tapes. LOL!! Anyway, I got a couple of cute shirts and some really cute thong sandals one pair in yellow with flowers and one pair pink with flowers. Lisa you probably know what I am talking about. DARLING shoes!! I then went into Target and looked for some clothes but they didn't really have anything I liked. Oh well!! I have some stuff that I ordered last week that should be here any day. I am excited to get those clothes. A couple of tropical dresses and accessories to match. LOL!! Breakfast: TOO FUNNY!! Didn't eat till 2p today. Water for breakfast Lunch: fruit and walnut salad from McDonald's and Water Supper: NOT sure yet what we will have. I will have to update you guys on that agenda. Good Deed: Helped a lady with her buggy at Target after it fell over and all her stuff fell out. Poor thing. She looked ready to cry. Then let someone else take a closer parking space at Avenue and I took one farther away so I could walk more. Yeah I know STOOOOOPID!!!!!!!! Lisa: You are still doing good. And wasn't that just sweet of you to eat that ice cream up from Chris so he wouldn't be tempted. My sweetie does that too. LOL!! Darcy: Paint the room psychedealic, put in a stobe light and black light as well. Get some beads for the doorway. Wear a headband while exercising. Put some bongs around just for show or to use whatever suits your fancy. LOL!! That will shock him.
  12. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    OK I know this is not something to get all bothered about and I have already spoken with Lisa online and she said to not even count it but still I am up a .5 lb from the last weigh in. I now weigh 251.5 lbs. BUMMER!!! I really wanna get under 250 before my birthday on Sept 5th. That would be the best present I can give myself. Off to walk this morning. 8 oz water so far.
  13. Penni60

    My port is a pain!

    My port was like that for awhile after surgery. Your body is still adjusting to the port and the band so give it some more time. I had my surgery in April and then had port revision surgery in July (my port was tilted). I am just now getting to where I can't feel the port but every now and then I feel a little pain shoot through the area. It is normal from what I have been hearing. The "feeling" of the port will lesson over time, but you will probably always be aware of the port but shouldn't feel pain. You are still recuperating from surgery.
  14. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Last day of challenge for this week. Brunch: 1/2 egg (scrambled), 1 small slice of ham, quarter size of brie cheese, gouda cheese, and cheddar cheese ( I love cheese can you tell?), teaspoon of refried beans with salsa, two cups of coffee, one mimosa (sweetie took me to our favorite restaurant for brunch this morning) Snack: 3 vanilla cookies, 32 oz water Supper: 1/2 barbeque chicken breast, 1/2 corn on the cob, 1/2 cup sweet potatoes, 8 oz water, and, um,... an apple martini YUM!! Desert: Apple cobbler of which I shared with sweetie and only ate about 4 apple slices. Water: drinking a 24 oz bottle of water right now. So I think I have that covered today. LOL!! Good Deed: Proofed and revised a letter to one of our problem tenants for sweetie. Took phone call from my INSANE sister and talked to her for over an hour about what I have no idea. LOL!! Exercise: Didn't really do anything today. I took the day off and did NOTHING. Needed a rest day. Weigh in tomorrow everyone.
  15. Penni60

    Going On Vacation!!

    Alex: I go to Jamaica simply for the wonderful rest and relaxation. IT is so peaceful there and the scenery is so beautiful. The Rasta Men are nice too but that is not the reason I go. I have a sweetie back home. I started going there with my girlfriend about two years ago on a girls vacation. We had so much fun in the sun that we decided that once a year we should go back. We both go so often that we are looking at some property while we are there this time and seeing about purchasing something for a vacation time share thing. Would save us bunches of money on our travels there. LOL!! Where are you headed on your vacation????? Inquiring minds want to know and all that stuff??
  16. Penni60

    Going On Vacation!!

    Yes, the leopard outfit is going with me. Yes, I will be in my bathing suit and show pics. I am not too proud. LOL!!! I might even get my hair braided while there. I did that one year and it was so much easier to take care of. LOL!! Too hot to deal with there. Pics to come after my return. Leatha: Load em up and come on down. Plenty of room on the island for us all.
  17. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy: Shame on your Hubby. I hope you made him pay for leaving your AIM on. LOL!! Yes it is time for a fill in my estimation. I was at your point as well and thought the same thing. I was eating everything in sight and larger portions before my first fill. I went an entire 3 months without one though so I think I did pretty good. Today will be lacking in good deeds and exercise for me. I am taking a "ME" day. Sundays have been designated as "ME" days for awhile in my book. I either do nothing or do lots it just depends on what the mood is.
  18. Penni60

    New Dr. Billy patient

    Debbie: Yes Dr. BIlly and his staff are soooooooooooo supportive. He encourages us to make sure we come back every 4 to 6 weeks and no more than that as he sees the best results with those visits. He really takes the time to explain things and gives you reasons why things are the way they are. Please do keep us posted on how you are doing. If you want my home number then PM me and I will send it to you.
  19. Penni60

    New Dr. Billy patient

    I had my port revision at the outpatient clinic of that hospital. Was treated very well. Very attentive and was very professional. Dr. Billy on top of being good looking he is very professional and proficient. And his bedside manner is so caring and supportive. Where do you live in relation to Ventura? I am in Van Nuys, CA. I have my next appt with Dr. Billy on Sept 23. Keep us posted.
  20. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Day 6: Breakfast: 1/2 cheese omelette, 1/2 half pancake with butter and syrup, cup of hot tea Lunch: tuna salad, 20 oz Water Supper: meatloaf, spinach, and baked apples, 20 oz ice tea snacks: two vanilla Cookies, two ritz crackers with cheese, 20 oz water Exercise: Walked 40 min on treadmill Good Deed: Proofed the aforementioned legal document for Lisa. water: Still struggling with that one. Come on Monday so we can all weigh ourselves. Been working out like a mad woman but my eating habits are not improving I can see. LOL!! Gotta work harder on that one.
  21. Penni60

    New Dr. Billy patient

    There are so many avenues I could go with this. LOL!!!!! I am sorry I will be out of town I would come and hold your hand. Which hospital are you going to have your surgery with him?
  22. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    HERE HERE!! I hail Donali the fair maiden of INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Penni60

    Help, heartburn

    Seanmama: I think you should probably contact your doc and talk to him about it. Sounds a little like it could be reflux.
  24. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Yesterdays info: Breakfast: Protein bar, cup of cafe vienna Lunch: cheeseburger no bun, 1/4 baked potato with butter and sour cream, 16 oz ice tea supper: left over Barbeque pork, baked Beans, 20 oz Water Snack: Grande Mocha Frap double blended no whip cream (sorry it is a weakness) Good Deed: Roadied for my sweetie and then helped sell his CD's after the show. Got home at 2am. UGH!! but was fun too. Exercise: 20 min Ab pilates then roadied for sweetie. Lifting heavy guitar cases, mic stands, etc for 20 min. Sweatie work. LOL!! Remember weigh in is next week guys. Rebecca of course you can join. All are welcome anytime during this posting.
  25. Penni60

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    Thanks donali: IT feels really good to get in that size. I haven' t wore that for at least 30 years, so it feels really good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
