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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Jamaica Vacation

    Here is Karen and Ann on the beach. Karen is in the black and white suit and Ann is in the blue suit.
  2. Penni60

    Vegas Bash

    Lisa: We both started at a 43 lb loss. So anything above that is what we will use as a guideline. So far I have lost 4 lbs. If your current signature loss is right then you are winning with an amazing and might I had very impressive 8 lb loss. But it ain't over yet. Remember I go for a fill on the 23rd of September. HEHEHEHE!!! See ya in October.
  3. Penni60

    Loosing weight but not feeling like it !

    OK I can so relate to the "fat" and "skinny" days. I just got back last night from my vacation. We went out to eat. I felt so "fat" and bloated. I even looked down at my ankles and noticed they were swollen. I get "bloated" and swollen from airplane rides myself. It takes me a couple of days to adjust. While on vacation I had a couple of those "fat" days and a lot of those "skinny" days. LOL!! It truly is a mind game sometimes. I had a hysterectomy in 87 when I was 27 so I haven't had a period for almost 20 years. WHOO HOO!! So my "fat" days aren't related to that. Thank god.
  4. Penni60

    Out of control!

    I would encourage anyone having major surgery to take at least a week off regardless of the type of surgery. You just need time to heal and to let you body adjust. Everyone's pain tolerance is different. Mine was minimal but the discomfort was worse the second day for me. But I attribute that to not being made to get up and walk sooner. Use a pillow to splint your abdomen when you walk, get up or down from a chair or bed, cough, sneeze, or anything that will put a strain on your abdominal area. Donali, I am so going to HUG you big time at the Vegas Bash. You are such a breath of fresh air around here and we miss your insight alot.
  5. WOW Babs: that is great 134 lbs. Whoo Hoo!!! I plan on taking pics of everyone at Vegas both as a group and individually then will post them when I get home.
  6. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Penni!!!!!

    Thanks Ryan
  7. Penni60

    Andrea's lap band in 5 days

    YUP I took the pics. The Sandals is the one right inside Montego Bay. I stay at the Ritz when I go and do the all inclusive. Pretty expensive though. If you wanna stay for just one night and have transportation then Sea Castles is just down the road from Ritz (which is about 15 min from Sangster's airport). Sea Castles has efficiency apartments with frigerators and stoves. They are average of $50 US per night. The resorts can really get you with fees. Oh and keep in mind there is a HUGE government fee added to everything. Worse than Federal Taxes here. Negril is nicer than Montego Bay. I wanna stay at Riu resort next time I come. IT is about half the cost of Ritz and nicer. I think we are coming in December. This trip was so much fun this time. I am sad to leave in the morning but alas I must. Hey at least the airport is open now. HOme tomorrow
  8. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    I was in MOntego Bay Jamaica
  9. Penni60

    Andrea's lap band in 5 days

    Here is Sandals resort. Ove to the Right would be the road leading to the end of the runway.
  10. Penni60

    Andrea's lap band in 5 days

    Andrea: First, CONGRATS on the wedding and the lap band. WHOOO HOOO!!! Second, as someone that goes quite often to Jamaica if you have not been to sandals resort before then please reconsider your location. It is in a not so good location and I don't go in that area at night at all. I am sure it is probably a secure hotel if you stay there but leaving and returning is questionable. And it is right there next to the tiny airport so I am sure you will hear the airplanes coming and going. Here is a pic of the airport. Next post will show you sandals resort.
  11. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Penni!!!!!

    Can't wait to have surgery on my arms to make them look normal. LOL!!! It will be a long way off though.
  12. Penni60

    Erosion or NOT??

    I am not qualified to read these films at all but just looking at the films it appears the band is doing what it is supposed to do. I can see restriction, I can see the barium flow through into the pouch, I can see it clearly. I don't know what you mean by an OPEN band??? IF you mean the band is not around the stomach like it is supposed to be then you would not see the slight restriction on the films. If you mean the band has no fill and no restriction then to me that is not evident on these films. Again I stress I am not trained in reading these films but I do see some restricted flow of barium. To me that implies there is a band in place and doing it's job. I would highly encourage you to take the films to another radiologist and get a second opinion that knows what they are looking at. Also get the endo done pronto. If it is erosion then that needs to be dealt with soon. How much of a fill did the doc put in? Did you feel any restriction with that fill while drinking the barium? It is so important to have a qualified person that deals with our lap bands regularly to know how to treat us properly. We all have to be proactive and not just take their word as gospel when it comes to our health and the health of our bands. Always always get copies of your results like this. Hope this helps
  13. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    OK I weighed on Saturday the day before my birthday and had put a goal while on vacation of getting under 250 by my birthday Sunday the 5th. GUESS WHAT??? I did it. I weighed 249 on the 4th. I am so thrilled and being on Vacation that is awesome for me. WHOOO HOO!! What a great birthday gift to myself. THat makes 47 lbs for me so far. Here is a pic at the beach with a girlfriend of mine.
  14. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Penni!!!!!

    Hey guys. Yeah I leave tomorrow and I know there is another hurricane headed this way. I was scheduled to leave tomorrow anyway and the hurricane isn't supposed to hit here till Friday am. So I will be long gone. I turned 44 Sunday. LOL!! Here is a pic of us going to dinner that evening. Don't we look GREAT?!!! I feel so wonderful.
  15. Penni60

    Happy Birthday Penni!!!!!

    Hey guys thanks for the Birthday greeting. I plan on getting all dressed up this evening for a dinner out in Montego Bay. I will of course take pics. Here is one to whet your appetite or what I am experiencing. OH and I have three guys hitting on me every time they see me. LOLOL!!! I am having a ball. Here is the pic. IT is of me in the pink hat, my friend Ann in the pony tail and my friend Karen in black hair. Aren't we a happy bunch? That is what liquor will do. Oh yeah I am sunburned too. But who cares? RIGHT!!
  16. Penni60

    New from TN

    OK guys if meeting today is not doable then that is fine. We can do it another time. I come to Nashville quite often as I have family and friends here still. I won't be in town tomorrow as I am heading on a plane for Jamaica. So if tonight isn't workable then that is cool. NOt a problem at all. I understand about the MNF issue totally. We can do it another time.
  17. Penni60

    New from TN

    OK guys if meeting today is not doable then that is fine. We can do it another time. I come to Nashville quite often as I have family and friends here still. I won't be in town tomorrow as I am heading on a plane for Jamaica. So if tonight isn't workable then that is cool. NOt a problem at all. I understand about the MNF issue totally. We can do it another time.
  18. Penni60

    New from TN

    Jen, Michelle, Tricia, and anyone else in the Nashville, TN area. I am here and here is my cell number. 818-201-4109 Call me and let me know what works for you guys today the 30th Monday to meet. If Lunch is not an option then what about dinner? Would love to meet you guys.
  19. Penni60

    Kimberly's Band-Day Sept 2nd!

    Good Luck on your surgery date. Please do come back and give us updates. We are here for you. We'll keep the light on.
  20. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Hey Just checking in. I am in Nashville and just relaxing in the hotel room. I leave TUesday morning for the Island. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO ready too. OH can you believe it there is a scale in the hotel room. SIGH!! Can't seem to get away from it can I? LOL!! If I remember right there is one in the hotel room in Jamaica too. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been a good girl and eaten moderately healthy. I am in the south by the way where Fried Foods is considered a second veggie. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!! Hey I grew up in the South so I can make fun of them. LOL!!!! Saw my mom and she is looking good these days. I went with her to plan her burial (no she isn't going anytime soon). She wanted to get it done and out of the way so I didn't have to deal with it when the time came. We laughed the whole time making the plans and I think the mortician (who knows us both) thought we were loony. LOL!!! I kept telling Mom to jump in the casket to try it out. She almost did it too. LOL!!! My daughter went with me and we all three were running from one casket to the other feeling them and looking inside them, you know under the part where the feet and legs are that no one sees. LOLOLOLOL!! I kept saying there is no way Mom would fit under there. We all rolled. LOL!!!! She is as skinny as a rail. OK so that counts as my good deed for this whole trip I think. LOL!! Exercise: getting up at 6a to go to the exercise room and do a whole hour on the treadmill and recumbent bike (30 min each) then to breakfast. Love you guys.
  21. Penni60

    Going On Vacation!!

    OK I am going on Vacation beginning August 27th through Sept 7th and might not visit the site as much during that time. I will have my laptop with me but won't be on it too much. Oh and the 5th of Sept is my birthday so I am gonna Celebrate all night long in Jamaica. LOL!! I am heading to Nashville, TN for the first 4 days to visit my Mom, daughter, grandkids and friends. Then a couple of my girl friends and I are heading to Montego Bay, Jamaica for a week. WHOO HOO!! Pictures will follow when I get home. I go to Jamaica at least twice a year, once with my girlfriend and once with my sweetie. I am way overdue for this first trip, because I had band surgery in April, daughters wedding in June, revision surgery in July. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for this vacation. So off to see the RASTA MAN!! Or should I say MEN!!! LOLOL!!!!!!!
  22. Penni60

    Going On Vacation!!

    OK one quick post before heading to catch the 10 am plane. I gotta leave at 8a here. Traffic is horrible from the Valley to LAX. SIGH!! I know I have over packed but I DON'T care. LOL!! I have some really cute clothes and all in a size 16/18 and I am gonna flaunt them. LOL!! I got so excited the other day when I found a strapless bra in my size. I have been searching hi and lo for one. So I bought two of them. LOL!! I ran out of room in my suitcase for some things so I had to get a bag for a carry on. UGH! I was so hoping to not have to carry anything on except my purse. Oh well. It isn't that much of an inconvenience though. Will try to get online and post something tonight but might not. Heading to Nashville, TN first to visit family then off to Jamaica for a week. Pics to follow.
  23. Penni60


    WHOO HOO!! NOVEMBER 16th come on down. That is just in time to not stuff yourself and to stuff the bird instead. LOL!!
  24. Penni60

    ***t-shirt Voting***

    I still like "BIG FAT LOSER" too.
  25. Penni60

    ***t-shirt Voting***

    I have not heard a word. So the votes are in and here is what has been decided. The winner is listed with several asterick (*) beside it. 1. Pick a t-shirt color, choose ONE of the below: 9 a. Black ********** 2 b. White 3 c. Purple 2 d. Red 2. Statement on back of shirt, choose ONE of the below: 6 a. "BIG FAT LOSER!" ****** 6 b. "So happy to hear of your LOSS" ******* 3 c. "So happy to be a LOSER" 2 d. "Used to be FAT, but still a LOSER" 3. What color should the print be, choose ONE of the below: 2 a. Black 3 b. White 9 c. Purple ***************** 4 d. Red 4. Tell us what size you are requesting? 1 a. Large 9 b. X Large 5 c. 2 X Large 2 d. 3 X Large 5. What is the most you are willing to pay for the shirt including shipping and handling? 1 a. $15.00 16 b. $20.00 OK it is a tie between these two statements. Please choose again which you prefer and only choose from these two. Statement on back of shirt, choose ONE of the below: 6 a. "BIG FAT LOSER!" ****** 6 b. "So happy to hear of your LOSS" ******* And since I will be out of town starting tomorrow then someone will have to pick up this ball and run with it and get the shirts made and all that jazz.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
