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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. OK guys here is my official weigh in for this weekend competition. We both started having lost exactly 43 lbs. So anything above that is how we determine the winner. I weighed this morning and I have lost a total of 49 lbs. So I have lost 6 lbs since the competition began. I now weigh 247 lbs. WHOO HOO!!!! I am so thrilled and excited that I have come off the plateau I was bit_hing about earlier. Can't wait to see all you guys in Vegas this weekend. Let the games begin.
  2. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    I am so thankful that they found out the culprit. Now take it easy and get some much needed rest and take care of yourself. You know nurses make the worst patients. LOL!!!
  3. Penni60

    Bad Day

    Lisa: It sounds like he is not understanding that getting the band placed is NOT the miracle to weight loss. That it is a TOOL to be used to help you loose the weight. I have always made a rule in my home that NO ONE goes to bed mad at each other. Go rub his shoulders and kiss him on the head and tell him that you understand he is frustrated and concerned about your weight loss issues and that you are too. You need his support and understanding right now. And if he doesn't give it to you then we are always here for you. I hear your frustration loud and clear.
  4. Penni60

    All of you on your way to Vegas

    OK Lisa/Delarla: Lulu/Penni is coming to play. WHOO HOO!!! I got three count em three bags of clothes to bring. Mostly size 22/24 with some 24 thrown in there. One bag is all casual One bag is all pants (jeans, dress pants, capris, etc) One bag is all dressy clothes I have a 5 bathing suits. One is a leopard print with a leopard sarong. Roar Even!! I have a bag of shoes. Ranging in size from 8 1/2W to 10W. I emptied out half my closet of stuff. And two drawers in my chest. LOL!!! Who knew I had drawers in my chest. LOL!! So that is why they were so big. I don't want anything back. It all goes to you guys or to the women's shelter. I am so looking forward to this trip. I am all giddy. I just made my son some chocolate Peanut Butter oatmeal Cookies for his birthday. You guys should have seen his face. He lit up like a christmas tree. Tomorrow is his birthday. I am taking him to school then going walking then coming home take a shower and loading the van and then hitting the road. See ya tomorrow night.
  5. Penni60

    Penni / Lisa Competition: Who won?

    Hey Lisa get out your glue gun for the helmet. I have the cutest tiara to put on it. Chris will die!! Oh and I have presents for all attending the Buca dinner Friday night and whoever doesn't show up there will get a present on Saturday. I just love all you guys.
  6. Penni60

    Penni / Lisa Competition: Who won?

    Already got it. So obnoxious Lisa/Delarla will rear her head on Friday night. LOL!!
  7. Penni60

    Penni / Lisa Competition: Who won?

    That would be accurate Lisa. CONGRATULATIONS. Tiara coming.
  8. HUGE CONGRATS to the both of you. Keep up the walking and also take it easy every now and then. Give yourself plenty of time to heal.
  9. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Veronica: I do weigh myself at the same time every day. Usually after bathroom, before food, and before exercise. SIGH!! Weigh in tomorrow for me and Lisa. Darcy: Keep us posted. I think it is a good idea to do the hospital stay. Come back and post to let us know what is going on.
  10. Penni60

    Really Gross!!

    You know I miss eating a salad. I just can't do the lettuce unless it is chopped really fine like for taco's in strips. I have PB'd too many times on lettuce to try eating it again. I do miss a good salad though. BUMMER!!
  11. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Awww you guys make me cry with such caring and support. LOL!! I don't even use the other two scales anymore since I got the stand up scales. So I am not even sure where I stand now on weight loss. The PCP scales have me at 244. My home scales have me at 250. Dr. Billy scales have me at 250. So what do I weigh????? Only the shadow knows!!! LOL!! Ya know what. All I know is I feel great. I look great. I have way more energy than I used to. And I am fitting into much smaller clothes. Thanks guys for the pep talk. IT is working. LOL!!!!! I have lost 24 inches total all over and that is GREAT!!!!!!!! I am in a smaller size clothes!!! I can breathe now!!! I don't get out of breath when I walk across the floor!!! My blood pressure is no longer out of control and I am off medication. In fact my BP was 120/80 at the PCP Monday. Can't get better than that. My knees don't hurt when I walk. My back hasn't bothered me in ages. People I haven't seen in ages are doing double takes at me. I am being flirted with more. :D I think that is enough for now.
  12. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Funny you should ask that. My great great grandfather married a full blooded Cherokee indian that was on my mother's side. On my father's side my great great great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee who married a full blooded Choctaw. So yeah there is indian blood in my heritage. THanks for noticing. I think I see it more now as well. I honestly don't remember if the scales were reading the same or not. Hey Lisa: Did you tell me my scales were off? Remember when you were here and you weighed yourself. Did they say you were heavier or lighter? Can't remember.
  13. Penni60

    To busy to Bit_h! Help!

    Michelle great advice. All things I would have mentioned. Hey Rica how was the bachelorette party in Vegas? Oh and are you coming to VEgas this weekend?
  14. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    OK now it is my time to vent frustration. Since Lisa and I started this competition I have ONLY LOST 3 F#$%^&*ING lbs. So what is up with that. I went to my regular PCP yesterday for my 3 month checkup. His scales weighed me at 244lbs which would make have me losing 52lbs so far. I like that. But my scales at home have me at 250lbs which is at 46lbs loss. SIGH!! So confused and disappointed. I know I know I should be happy that I have lost at all and not gained. I did gain 1 lbs back from the Jamaica vacation but hey that is OK. I can lose that easy. I am so frustrated right now. I guess this is one of those plateaus so many people speak of. I just did my measurements hoping I would see a difference there and guess what? NO, NOTHING, NIL, NADA!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so ready to scream.
  15. Penni60

    Surgery in 2 weeks

    Hello: COngratulations on the decision to have the surgery. That is the first step to losing the weight. We are here for you. SO ask anything or share anything you want. We are like a family. So welcome.
  16. Penni60

    Motorcycle Class

    YUP I am not gonna try to but succeed in "dragging 5'10" of 260 pound Polish double Libra woman with Mom's schitzophrenic gene tucked away for emergencies in her pocket up there!" LOLOL!!! This is gonna get interesting. I will just locate the keys to your orange beauty and put on your nice leather's and climb to the top. I will await your arrival to retrieve said prize possessions and then have them lock the doors to go back down till you agree to ride that screamin thingy with me. LOL!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE
  17. Penni60

    My Lap Band Is Tommorrow 10-05-04

    I ate anything i wanted the night before. I thought honestly that I would not be able to eat it afterward. SILLY ME!!!! Come back and let us know how you are doing.
  18. Awww Cindy: I hope you continue to have success with weight loss. Please do come back and let us know how you are doing. Just because you aren't banded anymore doesn't mean we don't still care and want to hear from you. Please do stay in touch. You will be in my prayers.
  19. Penni60

    Motorcycle Class

    Restriction is good. But you have to be careful when reading our posts and to NOT I repeat NOT be eating any nuts when you laugh. Can you get the picture now? Yup spit them suckers out all over the desk. UM can we say EWWWWWWW!!!! Ok I wanna go up top. Any takers? I think Delarla should go with. All in favor say "AYE"!!!!! Aye says Lulu er Penni er whoever the heck I am right now. LOL!!
  20. Penni60

    new pics

    HOLY MOLY!!! LOOK AT YOU!!! You are awesome. And I agree you don't look like you weigh 200 you look smaller. AND just let me point out those gorgeous LEGS. WHOO HOO!! Sorry we couldn't get together when I was in town maybe another time. I come quite often.
  21. Penni60

    Motorcycle Class

    OH OH OH!!! I have soooooooooo wanted to ride that thing for the longest time. I will go up there and ride that thing for sure. Isn't there a roller coaster up there too. Let's get drunk then go up there and jump on it. LOL!!
  22. Penni60

    we are worth it!!!!

    That is so uplifting and sooooooooo incredibly true. Thank you for posting this Chantal. By the way, how are you these days? I think about you often.
  23. Penni60

    Motorcycle Class

    BLAH BLAH BLAH Tell it to someone that believes you. LOL!! You did it because you wanted your hubby to suffer and worry and wring his hands about HIS nifty swifty new Harley when you learned to ride it and then take off without him knowing exactly where you were going. LOL!! Come on Fess up now!
  24. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy and Lisa: Both of you get to a doc soon. Don't worry Darcy I am gonna bonk her on the head for sure when I see her. And if I was gonna see you I would bonk you on the head too. Love ya both though.
  25. Penni60

    Post-op 1 week - question?

    Estrogen is stored in the fat cells of our womens bodies. When you lose the fat the Estrogen is released. And yes if it gets worse or pain is involved then certainly go see your doctor pronto.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
