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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Hey You know I love a challenge. I walk at least 2.5 miles every day so yeah I am in. Where's Delarla??
  2. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Michelle for following through with your plans. HUGE CONGRATS!!! I know how hard it can be to just take that step sometimes. It is like we want to do something and it sounds like it will be a blast but then we talk ourselves into not doing it for all kinds of reasons. Then we regret not following through. I do that all the time. I think it stems back to when my self worth was so low and thought I was NOT WORTHY of having a good time. Since I have lost this weight I have changed. I still fight with that inner voice sometimes but for the most part I WIN now. SO HUGE CONGRATS again Michelle. I just love ya big time. OH YEAH I agree with everyone you have killer eyes.
  3. anita: OH I wish I had known sooner you were getting banded tomorrow I would have driven to the hospital and been there with you. I am in the Los Angeles area. Like Michelle said give us a call anytime.
  4. Penni60

    Alcohol? Hey Vegas Girls this ones'for you!!

    I have found that post band drinking is a shock. I can get happy on two sometimes only one drink. Depends on how strong it is made. And yes you do have to be more careful when drinking cause as we all know it can impair your judgement at times and you could do damage to your band. My rule of thumb is when drinking while being banded is to drink one drink then have a glass of Water. Helps flush out the liquor and keeps you from getting dehydrated and avoids a hangover the next day. If I eat while drinking I only put enough food on the small plate and eat from that plate only. I don't ask for seconds at all. I munch on little things that go down easy. If I slip and eat something I know I shouldn't then I just stop drinking till it passes. The whole thing to drinking and being banded is the empty calorie issue and potentially doing damage to your band. Keep those two things in mind and enjoy the libation. LOL!!! __________________
  5. Kelly Ann: We are all here for you and just close your eyes and take that leap of faith. You won't regret the decision. It had changed my life for the better. I don't regret my decision at all.
  6. Penni60

    Vegas Gossip

    Teresa: You made it home. HOORAY!! I was wondering this morning when you and K.C. would get home. By the way, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hat. I wore it all the way home Saturday night. I will get a pic of me in it on here in a couple of days.
  7. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Hey Donali shrink a pic of me too. PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!! I don't care which one just pick one. LOL!! Gosh I miss all you guys so much. Donali I will put the boa in a place of honor. I hear my life size bullwinkle crying to have it around his neck. Or maybe the life size teddy bear in my living room. Once it finds a home I will take a pic and post where it landed. I am ready for another BASH. Who says it has to be annually? How about every 3 to 6 months. Like 4 times a year. LOL!!!
  8. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Hey some of us are challenging each other to eat better, drink our Water, and get in our exercise. This is somewhat like Ediets.com challenges with some variations. Below are the guidelines. NOT RULES!!! There is an added challenge to do a random act of kindness at least once a week but as many as you can get in would be awesome. 1. Log-in daily and give a brief update of your day--meals, water intake, helping others, feelings, etc. Anything you want to share. 2. This Challenge will run Monday through Monday. 3. Weigh in once a week ONLY! Typically on Mondays but only once a week. The challenge will start tomorrow August 16th and run till the October Bash in Vegas. Wanna have prizes? 1. Most weight lost 2. Stayed as close to eating properly 3. Most Exercise minutes 4. Most creative with exercise routines 5. Motivation Queen If you guys think of others then chime in. By the way, all this is just a suggestion. So, give us some input on the challenges. YES, NO, YOU ARE NUTS! Best of luck to all participants!
  9. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Haven't really discussed the location of next year's bash. Everyone could always come to my home. I have a huge pool and a huge yard out back. And a HUGE house as well to mingle in. There is a NICE hotel just around the corner from our house that is gorgeous. I have stayed there several times when we first were looking at the house to buy. So I know it is a nice and clean and safe place. Usually runs about $90 a night. I will start a new thread in a few days to start talking about the next Bash.
  10. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Trust me Lisa you would not have liked it even with the ending explained. Such a bad movie. But the fun part was seeing my 17yr old beg me to go to see it with him. Who'd a thunk a 17 yr old son would actually WANT to hang out with his mom instead of friends? Gives me warm fuzzies. I dreamt about those stupid zombies all night.
  11. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    I think someone beat us all up and no one is talking. I am so sore. WHat gives? Arms, legs, calves, back, chest, one joint on my forefinger hurts. NOW how weird is that?
  12. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Yes it was COLD, FRIGID, ICY water. But man with the margaritas in us we didn't even notice. So much insulation. Oh yeah and our fat helped with that too. LOLOLOLOL!!!!! By the time I got out of the water I was warm. Hey anyone else noticed their muscles aching besides me? I am so sore all over. Especially in my chest and abdomen area. What gives with all that? Did I challenge someone to a sit up competition?? If I did who won?
  13. Penni60

    any one with this answer

    QueenMichelle: I have found that post band drinking is a shock. I can get happy on two sometimes only one drink. Depends on how strong it is made. And yes you do have to be more careful when drinking cause as we all know it can impair your judgement at times and you could do damage to your band. My rule of thumb is when drinking while being banded is to drink one drink then have a glass of Water. Helps flush out the liquor and keeps you from getting dehydrated and avoids a hangover the next day. If I eat while drinking I only put enough food on the small plate and eat from that plate only. I don't ask for seconds at all. I munch on little things that go down easy. If I slip and eat something I know I shouldn't then I just stop drinking till it passes. The whole thing to drinking and being banded is the empty calorie issue and potentially doing damage to your band. Keep those two things in mind and enjoy the libation. LOL!!!
  14. Penni60

    Vegas Gossip

    OK I have to admit I had an inclination that something was "going on" with Chris and Babs. But after careful scrutiny I came to realize the problem isn't with Chris it is with Babs. She is an instigator and loves to cause drama. Chris is so devoted to Lisa it is sickening. I agree he can't stand Babs. They do tolerate them just because of that precious child, Chloe. I wanted to take her home "on that day." She stole my heart. As I hugged her and kissed her with a tear in my eye Saturday I whispered in her ear that if she wanted to talk or needed me for ANYTHING to tell Lisa and she would call me. Little Chloe just whimpered and hugged me tighter and said in a quiet little voice "OK, I love you Penni." Just broke my heart.
  15. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    OK wasn't gonna get on the scale either this morning after the weekend we had. I did gain 1 lb. I am 248 lbs. I expected more but that is cool. I can lose that no problem. LOL!! That one lb was worth all the fun.
  16. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Michelle, everytime I do LOL now I will think of you. Love ya girl. Donali, I hear that you and John had a blast with the rock exploring. Thank you for the feather boa in case I forgot to tell you that. I miss you already. Vera, those feathers in your hair were priceless. Damnit no pics of that though. Teresa, hope you and K.C. got home ok. I know how grueling a long trip like that can be. Check in and let us know you made it home OK. Carol, I meant to tell you that you are a such a beautiful person. Sorry about that. Leatha, have you thawed out from the frigid pool yet? BRRRRR!! Oh no pic of this but Leatha did flash some of us after she jumped in the pool. She was wearing one of my old bathing suits and her boob jumped out when she jumped in. Damnit it no pic of that either. LOL!! Ginny, love ya girl. You have such a great personality oh and just let me tell you LOVE LOVE LOVE THE HAIR. Megan, Bridget, and Bridgid (hope I got the names right), didn't get to chat too much with you guys but you are all so precious. Babs, woman you inpsire me. WOW!! On the before pics. Karen, so glad to have meet you. Hope to chat with you more. Email me anytime. How is the little girl you were concerned about? Vika, didn't really get to chat with you much but you LOOK GREAT. Did I forget anyone? Other than MISS DELARLA but heck she knows how I feel about her. After all there is a pic of us kissing. Oh and Lisa there is one someone took of us tongue lashing each other. REMEMBER that? I do. LOLOLOL!!!!! I will leave you with this picture of a moonlight taken off the Montego Bay in Jamaica. It is just serene and quiet and soothing to me. I get this feeling when I am around so much love as I was over the weekend. I just love all you guys and wish it hadn't have ended so soon. Kisses and hugs Someone resize it for me. I don't know how. SOrry
  17. Penni60

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy Look at you. WOW!! What a difference. WONDERFUL!!! Darcy and the Pity Partiers!!!! Sounds like a singing group. Who is doing the "do wops"? LOL!! OK I was so bad today on my eating it isn't even funny. But tomorrow is back to the old grindstone. Not gonna weigh myself till next Monday. Well gonna try anyway. Gotta get rid of some of this weekends indulgence. Took my 17 yr old son to see "Shaun of the Dead" this afternoon. SHESH!!! Could it get any cheesier? Comedic remake of "Day of the dead" where the zombies become for lack of a better word "pets" of the humans in the end. Too bizarre but my son loved it and he loved the fact that I took him to see it and went to see it with him. He knows I hate those types of movies but it was a birthday present for him. He really appreciated the effort. I love my son. LOL!!
  18. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Lisa, How much fun was John singing for us? The rest of the gang don't know what they missed HUH???
  19. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    OK Since Lisa won the competition between she and I, Donali gave us prizes. Lisa got the really really cool MP3 player and several CD's. I won the feather boa, which she kept trying to steal from me all day. I got it home though minus a few feathers. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Hey Lisa have a talk with Sachi will ya. She tried to steal my feather boa. LOL!!
  21. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Here is Miss Chole's beautiful painting. Isn't it gorgeous for a 5 year old. So much talent.
  22. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    More pics
  23. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    OK I have more pics to post as well. And Lisa sorry but I gotta post this one of you with the red underwear. It is tasteful and I said. Vera has the best pic of them though. POST VERA POST VERA!!!!!! Guys the phone call was hilarious. I kept asking this poor boy cause he was only 17 (yes I asked him) why he was calling me. He kept saying "maam" after everything. Bugged the shit out of me. Too funny. He is of spanish decent, brown hair and eyes, Carlos is his name, no girlfriend (I said it was because he was calling me on a Saturday night instead of asking a girl out on a date--he laughed), Lives in Louisiana or Texas can't remember. LOL!!! TOO MUCH FUN with that poor boy. I finally had to let him go. He never asked me one single question. I bet I asked him 20 or 30 in rapid fire. LOL!!!! Anyway, here are more pics.
  24. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    OK guys, let me just tell you that this weekend was ONE BIG BAG OF FUN. The margaritas were flowing literally. The food was delicious with tamales, taco and tosada fixin's, sour cream, guacamole, refried Beans, cheese salsa dip, crab did, chips and salsa both hot and mild. YUM YUM!!! More later. Gotta run and get some Breakfast with John. Love all you guys.
  25. Penni60

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    OK here is some pics from dinner at Buca tonight. Everyone went to Terrible's across the street from the restaurant and I came back to the hotel to post some pics. And I was pooped from the drive then meeting everyone then eating then then then. LOL!!! ANyway wish you were all here. It's a blast.

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