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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    FUNNY thoughts!!!

    # 8 and # 9 had me rolling. I love these things.
  2. Penni60

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    SIGH!!! I live for challenges. So what is the stakes this time and when is the end?
  3. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    Delarla: TJ ready whenever you are.
  4. Penni60


    Delarla: You are a "crack up" but I love ya anyway. Hmmm. Where is my banana split? HMMM!!!
  5. Penni60


    To change your CUSTOM AVATAR (which is your picture): Click on the USER CP located at the top of page. Then click on the Edit Avatar link located on the LEFT side of page Under the SETTINGS & OPTIONS box. Scroll down the page past the cartoon avatars and you will see CUSTOM AVATARS. In the box that says CUSTOM AVATARS FROM YOUR COMPUTER click on the browse box and find the pic you want to use for your new Avatar. Then click SAVE CHANGES. To add your SIGNATURE: Click on the USER CP located at the top of page. Then click on the Edit Signature link located on the LEFT side of page Under the SETTINGS & OPTIONS box. A box will pop up and there you can change the font, color, bold, italics, etc of your Signature. Then click SAVE CHANGES. Hope this helps. If you don't see the Custom Avatar option then let me know.
  6. Penni60

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Hey Delarla: I want that darn tiara back. I walked 4.7 miles in 1 hour and 45 min. I ROCK!! I walked to Queen's greatest hits and Train's "Jupiter". IT was awesome and I will pay for it tonight. I earned that darn tiara. LOL!!! I have refrained from weighing myself since I showed that 3 lbs gain. So I am looking forward to weighing on Monday. WHOO HOO!! I am gonna kick butt on that scale. HOPEFULLY anyway. LOL!!
  7. Penni60

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    OH OK here is the pic of me before I go walking this morning. So overlook no makeup. I love that hat though. I wanna make them in all colors. Keeps my little ears nice and warm. Thanks Teresa.
  8. Penni60

    i have a dumb question

    In the medical field that always confused me too. Being a nurse I came to realize both cc and cm were the same thing. Some docs like the cm instead of cc. Go figure! Oh and by the way, there are NO dumb questions.
  9. Penni60

    Need some input please!!!

    Jack I have PacifiCare insurance as well. I am now in the middle of filing to see if they will reimburse me for the initial surgery. SUCH A HASSLE. Willpower: it is a battle to get the insurance co to even talk about the lap band. So hang in there. There is always self pay as an option.
  10. Penni60

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    Hey Teresa: WHERE IS THE PATTERN FOR THAT HAT???? I haven't gotten a good pic of it yet. When I do I will post it.
  11. Penni60

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    I just did 3 miles listening to QUEEN's greatest hits. WHOO HOO!! "Another one bites the dust" "We will rock you" VERY VERY motivational when it gets to "FAT BOTTOM GIRL". LOL!! So much fun. GReAT walk too.
  12. Penni60

    FUNNY thoughts!!!

    Here are some more funnies. TEN TOP INDICATORS THAT YOUR EMPLOYER HAS CHANGED TO A CHEAPER HMO: 10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters. 9) Directions to your Doctor's office include "Take a left when you enter the trailer park." 8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles. 7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter. 6) The only item listed under Preventative Care coverage is, "An apple a day." 5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month. 4) "The patient is responsible for 200% of out of network charges," is not a typographical error. 3) The only expense covered 100% is "embalming." 2) Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M's on them. AND THE NUMBER ONE SIGN YOU'VE JOINED A VERY CHEAP HMO: (1) You ask for Viagra, and they give you a Popsicle stick and duct tape . Vera, Yes I have had shopping cart races in WalMart and the Grocery store. LOADS OF FUN!!!!
  13. Penni60

    Stranger Danger

    Ryan: My heart goes out to you. You have suffered at the mouth of a stupid woman. Next time this happens just look her in the eye and offer her a doughnut. Tell her it is her last meal. She will shut up so fast. LOL!! Then politely walk away. Her words can only hurt you if you LET them. I had to suffer those types of slings and arrows all my life. Then when I decided to get the band I had to defend my decision to everyone. I then decided it was time to STOP doing that. I politely told everyone, "This is what I have to do for ME not YOU. This will help ME become healthier and live longer. If you do not want this for me then you truly do not care about me and therefore I do not want nor need you in my life." Shuts them up everytime. LOL!! I have lived my entire life thinking my worth was what everyone else told me it was by the way they talked to me. I did it in my marriage and in my teen years. After my divorce, a good friend of mine told me something that opened my eyes. She said, "Learn to love yourself first. Then everything else will fall into place." It was so true. Even when I was more obese than I am now I still loved myself. I just did not like the package it was in. LOL!! Anyway, you are a special person and you are loved. NO one can take that feeling of LOVE away from you unless you LET them. SO STOP LETTING THEM!!!!
  14. Penni60

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    OH MAN!!! Next time give us a little more warning. I would have loved to swing over that way. But alas I have company that weekend. BOO HOO!! Take lots of pics. So, is anyone else planning a get together and just not sharing the info? LOL!!!
  15. Penni60

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    OK got up this morning and went for a 2 mile walk with 2lb weights on my wrists. WHOO HOO!! Worked up quite a sweat. Burning those pounds off.
  16. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    EGADS!!!! I am up 3 lbs. All that darn candy. OK NEW WEEK NEW BEGINNING! No more JUNK FOOD/ FUN FOOD at all. I just can't deal with this anymore. IT is not good for me. Not to mention I gain weight but I FEEL awful too. Too much sugar is not good for the body. My joints hurt, my tummy hurts, I feel sluggish, and just plain lazy. That will stop today. Gonna pull LULU out of the back room and throw some workout clothes on her and we are gonna do the vertical swing. LOL!! Get that blood a pumping and those muscles working to burn off all that darn f%^&*(ng candy. LOL!!! I am even considering heading to a gym and enlisting a personal trainer in helping me. You notice I said CONSIDERING. LOL!! Gotta run take my son to school and then go walk some of this candy off. Love you guys!
  17. Penni60

    Hey Miss Darcy

    Whoo HOO!! DARCY you go girl.
  18. Penni60

    Junk Food Challenge

    OMG Lela, too funny. LELA POSTED: And yes, men can have PMS too! Just ask Chris who buys tons of junk then says, "but honey, I'm spotting." I am dying here. Too funny. Jack: Only reason to not throw it away now is because we still have munchkins coming around. I just told John to get rid of it after the last goblin. He agreed. WHEW!! THanks guys.
  19. I was struggling to find some vitamins that would work for me. I hated having to crush up the ones I was taking. Tasted like CHIT! Then a friend told me about this liquid one. So I tried it and WOW! It really helps with energy and keeps me going during the day. Once a day capful makes it easier for me as well. I am so happy you like it. Yeah the green color sorta threw me as well but the taste is great.
  20. Penni60

    Junk Food Challenge

    OK, Although this is a good challenge and any other time I would be getting all "A's" I am suffering horrible and failing this challenge. Halloween with all it's trappings of candies, Cookies, popcorn, etc etc is making my life a living hell. Wonder if Boris Korloff had this problem when he filmed Count Dracula? Too much blood sucking lead to weight gain. HMMM??!! something to think about. Then as if Halloween with all it's sweets isn't something to worry about here come the Christmas Holiday's and New Year's parties. SIGH!! I think I am gonna rebel against this challenge till after the holidays. LOL!! Who is with me? Yes Lisa (LELA-I like that too), it was a HUGE bag of cheetos. Yes, you should be worried. Today is not any better. I ate a half bag of scoops Fritos with French onion dip, four or five mini hershey bars, and some Hot Tamales gummy candy. Is this not crazy?????? However I did manage to carve two pumpkins for our front porch. They are so cute. That was my exercise for the day. Beleive me Lela if I could get away for those two or three days I would be in the van with John heading to Vegas, but I just don't see it happening. BOO HOO!! After Halloween is over I am throwing away what candy is left. Or either putting it under lock and key and not giving myself one of the keys. LOL!!!! If it just didn't go down so flipping easy it wouldn't be so bad. But man is it band friendly. SIGH!! Love you guys and gals.
  21. Penni60

    Junk Food Challenge

    This thread makes it more "real" for me I think. More real in the sense that I NEED To get my head screwed back on straight. More real that I am in big trouble as far as gaining what I have lost if I don't stop the insanity. Remember that "Stop the Insanity" woman. She as a trip. I can feel ALL your pain and frustration cause I am there right with ya. We should look at all this as an addiction. To me that is what it feels like. I gotta have it gotta have it. That is what my brain is telling me. My body is screaming NO YOU DON'T. Guess who wins? I ate a tuna wrap last night with cheese and spicy mustard from subway. Not too bad then ate a whole freaking bag of CHEETOS. THere I said it. Not a small grab bag but a whole BIG FREAKIN bag. UGH!! As scarlet would say on Gone with the Wind. TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY! LOL!!!
  22. Penni60

    Junk Food Challenge

    :cry :angry :angry :angry :angry :angry :angry :cry :cry ONLY ONE CHEETOS???? That sucks!!!
  23. Penni60

    Junk Food Challenge

    I sooooooooooo need this challenge more so than the others. Cheetos is my down fall. So is chocolate. So is candy bars (any kind). And so on and so on and so on. LOL!!! OK one fun food a day right? So if I eat one small bag of Cheetos that counts as ONE or what? Thanks Lisa for starting this thread. Love ya!!! SMOOCH!!!
  24. Penni60

    My Grandfather had a heart attack

    Sending lots of positive vibes and prayers your way. As someone that has had their share of tragedy lately I so understand your situation completely. My thoughts go out to you at this time. And yes, God does give us strength to handle these types of situations. Put your faith in HIM to get you through.
  25. OK when will this end?!!! I just got a call from my mom. My aunt, her sister, just passed away. I am frantically making flight arrangements, hotel arrangements, and car rentals arrangements. SIGH!! Seems I just got back from a trip for a funeral in September when my step-father's dad passed away. Now, my aunt died. It was unexpected and rather shocking to hear. She was in her late 70's and in poor health but she passed away in the ER tonight. It was not expected. I already said that didn't I? SIGH!! So if you don't hear from me for a day or two that is why. I am taking my laptop but not sure how much I will be using it. I can already feel the love coming through this connection we all have. THank you guys in advance for the support and love. I will update you as soon as I can. On a plane in the morning heading to Nashville then driving to Princeton, KY about a hour and a half drive for the viewing, if I can make it in time. Otherwise the funeral will be Saturday or Sunday. This woman used to babysit my kids when I worked. She was a pleasure and she will be missed. Love you all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
