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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. Penni60

    blood clots - is there a risk?

    Blood clots are a risk with any surgery period. The reason there is more of a risk with the others is because of the time you are under and the actual way the surgery is performed. With the dudonal switch I think they have to actually open up your abdomen and with the lapband we can have it done laparoscopically. Anytime you do surgery as minimally invasive as possible the slimmer your chances of developing blood clots or other complications. But it is a risk with any surgery. Hope this helps clarifies things. Walking is good for any surgery recovery. IT helps recirculate the blood flow and it gets things moving, it gets the lungs exercised and helps get rid of the effects of the anesthesia as well. So walking really speeds the healing process along.
  2. Penni60

    I did it!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!!

    Here is a pic of your side by side before and after.
  3. Penni60

    Crazy Family & Inlaw stories

    OK I will contend here that Liana is a winner cause I know alot of those stories already but I gotta share my crazy sister stories. John and I were touring and we were staying at a friends house in North Carolina. Their phone kept ringing and ringing one morning. They were both gone to work so we did not answer the phone. The answering machine picked up and we heard our friend say "Pick up the phone John." So he did. He said turn on the TV they are bombing us. You see it was Sept 11, 2001. YIKES!!! So yes we were mesmerized by the events unfolding on the TV screen. Then my cell phone started ringing. I answered it and it was my sister. She said and I quote, "Are you guys ok? You aren't in New York right? Tell you what you go get your kids, I will get Momma and we can meet at THAT place you know. We will head for the hills." LOLOLOLOLOL I said OK meet you there. She was so totally serious guys. She has never had her feet firmly planted on this earthly plain. So many more stories about her that they are too many to post here. THat was one of the better ones.
  4. Penni60

    NSV for me today

    Aw shucks guys you make me blush! And thank you so much for the support. Teresa my primary didn't want me to go either but now he is a convert. He asks me all kinds of questions about it when I go in for a visit. We must educate these docs so if a patient is in need of some information then they know who to turn to. Thanks again. And just let me say we are all awesome here. Every last one of us have taken that step to get healthier and happier with our bodies and our minds. I still struggle with looking in the mirror and seeing that before Penni. I have to remind myself I am not like that anymore and it shocks me everytime. I went shopping yesterday for a christmas outfit and had to go a size smaller than I thought I would need. 14/16 shirt and still 18 pants but the shirt really surprised me. WOW!!!
  5. Penni60

    NSV for me today

    But don't I look good from the backside too? WOW!!
  6. Penni60

    NSV for me today

    IT was all LULU's fault. Really it was. That was LULU people believe me really it was. heheheheheeheheh Bet the truffles are good though HUH??
  7. Penni60

    NSV for me today

    Thank you all. I feel like a million bucks. Yes I have my spunk back finally. LOL!! Thanks Becky for noticing. LOL!! Michelle(shellyj): I will actually be in town for two days for Christmas. I won't be back for a couple of months after that. I will certainly let you know when I will make my next trip there and we gotta meet when I do. Lisa: How are those TRUFFLES????? HMMM???? I was totally surprised by the reaction from the office staff. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!
  8. Penni60

    weekly scale challenge

    Hey Michelle this is my 8 months anniversary as well. I had forgotten we were banded the same day. Too cool. I am down another lb. WHOO HOO!! That makes it 55 lbs for me total. I am so thrilled with my weight loss right now. I am sure I have lost more inches but haven't measured myself yet. I will do that after I do my morning routine. Off to take son to school then walking.
  9. Yeah I lost 1 lb. I am now 241 lbs. WHOO HOO> I really would like to get under 240 for the Christmas holiday. I think I can make it. Heading out to walk after dropping off son at school. It is wicked cold here this morning. LOL!!! Had to throw that "wicked" in for the Massachusetts people. The funny thing about Calif is as soon as the sun starts to shine it begins to warm up considerably more than it would if I was say in Kentucky or Tennessee. That is a good thing. I hate the cold. My bones don't like cold. Exercise was pretty slack this past week. Gotta step it up this week. Heading to my regular Doc at 9a for my usual check-up. So this morning will be a short walk. Most likely just a 30 min walk. But that is better than nothing, RIGHT?? Say yes Penni. Thank you. Tata for now
  10. Penni60

    Got Rumors?

    Nancy you crack me up. I hear ya though.
  11. Penni60

    Update on my problem port

    WITCH!!! 66 lbs YOU SUCK!!!!!! You know I love ya
  12. Penni60

    Update on my problem port

    Lisa, by now we have both proven to each other time and time again that we have this connection. I woke up at 6:30 this morning and thought something was happening I needed to know about. I wasn't scared or upset just knew that something was happening out in the etheral world and I needed to be aware of it. SO now I know what that THING was. I am so pleased and crying for you as well. I know how hard it has been to stay strong through all this crap but you have been like a rock. The port issues will resolve themselves and you know I will be right there holding your hand when you wake up either way. I will hold your hand all the way. There will be all of us holding you up all along the way. So for this short period of time where you won't have control we as your band brothers and sisters will hold you up. I love ya girl.
  13. Penni60

    Christmas Tree Trimming Party

    If you guys wanna send an ornament then get on the ball and send it off. Party is December 19th Sunday. Send me an email Penni60@aol.com and I will send you my home address. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
  14. OK every year I have a Christmas Tree Trimming party at my house. Last year we had a 9 ft tree. The year before we had a 13 ft tree. The only requirement is that you bring one ornament to put on the tree. Sorta leaving something of you behind. Nice sentiment I think. Anyway, I think the date will be either Dec 18th Saturday or Dec 19th Sunday. If you want to come and help just let me know. I live in Van Nuys, CA and can put up about 6 people comfortably if you don't mind sharing a bed with someone. Just a thought. Here is what the tree looked like last year.
  15. Penni60

    What do you want Santa to bring you?

    Santa: Here is my list of what I want? 1. World peace so everyone that is in harms way can be home celebrating instead of fighting. 2. World hunger eradicated forever. No one should ever go to bed hungry in this world. 3. Band healthy for eternity. Do not want to worry about erosion ever again. And if that is too much to ask for then 4. I want a Canon EOS Rebel digital camera with all the accessories. 5. Diamond ring and a marriage proposal 6. Trip to Jamaica in January for a week.
  16. Penni60

    Anyone need size 22, 24, 26 clothes?

    Just got rid of a bunch of mine too. I am in 16/18 now. WHOO HOO!!! WOW haven't been in those for ages.
  17. Penni60

    Changing a user name

    Sally: You can find him by clicking on Members list at the top of the page then clicking on "A" then finding his name ALEX (he is the only Alex listed) then just send him a PM through this site. Hope this helps.
  18. Penni60

    High Protein Snacks

    Went to the site leatha but which jerky are you referring to. The only one listed was the teriyaki. Is that the one?
  19. Penni60

    Changing a user name

    You can send Alex a PM and ask him (he owns the site) to see how to do that. I personally think the only way is to re-register and use a different user name. Editing your profile is simple. Go to USER CP located at the top left hand blue tool bar and then click on the Edit Profile link on the Left hand side. If you have anymore problems let me know and I will see about helping you.
  20. Hey just curious, are there any Pacificare of Calif people out there and if so how long to get approved and what obstacles did you run into? I have had the surgery and now filing to get them to reimburse. Thanks.
  21. Hey FRAN: Where are you? Hope all is well and your surgery was typical and no complications. Come and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. Don't rush it and take this time to heal. We'll keep a light on for you.
  22. Penni60

    dissappointment and hunger

    Yeah what Whipple said! And then some. Doesn't he just have a way with words? Tellie: let me put this bug in your ear. She calls and informs you of a great deal but there is a deadline. You rush to make the arrangements. She calls and says she missed the deadline. Doesn't this sorta sound like she did it on purpose to get more money out of you? I am a suspicious person by nature. I do alot of booking flights online and I have never heard of deadlines for flights. I have heard of flights costing more if not booked farther out than two weeks. You should complain to the heavens. You should not pay the cancellation fees I would call the airlines personally and ask for a credit on your next flight plan. I would tell the booking agency to just try to get the $100 cancellation fee out of me. I would not authorize them to use your credit card for it. You should NOT have to pay anything else for anything since it was NOT your fault for the mix up. This is NOT a friend of yours if she isn't going to fix it for you. I certainly would not use her to book my flights anymore. By the way, call or PM or email (penni60@aol.com) and I will be happy to find a good flight for you anytime. I do it all the time for myself, my family, and yes my friends. I have never had a complaint. I have been doing this for almost 5 years now. Travel Agencies are for the most part a good thing but mostly they collect extra fees for finding you somthing you can find online or just by calling the airlines yourself. Anyway, step away from the food and grab that phone and take your frustration out on the appropriate problem. We all support you Tellie. Love the name by the way.
  23. Penni60

    Chicago bash, anyone?

    Let me know the details of when and where and I will see if I can swing it. Sounds like bunches of fun.
  24. Penni60

    Burping & Farting

    I am sitting here just cracking up and yes, wait for it, farting too. LOL!! When Lisa arrived at the house, I slung open the door and opened my arms for a big ole hug and out popped the fart from Lisa. I laughed so hard. I said welcome home. LOL!!
  25. Penni60

    Christmas Tree Trimming Party

    OK I agree GREAT IDEA MEGAN. If you are interested in sending me an ornament to put on the tree then send me an email at Penni60@aol.com and I will reply with my mailing address. The party will be on the 19th of December so I would need the ornaments by then. I can always add them later if they come after that but it would be nice to put them on that day. One other thing please place your name somewhere on the ornament so I know who it is from. This is so exciting. I will post a pic of everyone's ornament once it is on the tree. Then I will post a pic of the whole tree once decorated. I am all verklempt now. So emotional. LOL!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
