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Everything posted by Penni60

  1. OK back from my holiday thrills of Tennessee, Land of Snow and ICE. It was pretty but very treacherous. Got on the scales this morning and I lost 3 of the 5 lbs I had gained. WHOO HOO!! Hearing about all the fun everyone is having sliding down the hill on cardboard: PRICELESS Spending time with all 4 of my kids and their spouses: PRICELESS Laughing till we pee: PRICELESS & HILARIOUS Rocking your grandson in your grandmother's chair your daughter and sweetie had restored for you: PRICELESS and lots of tissue. Mom not being able to make it to the Christmas party: Upsetting but smart due to bad weather. This Christmas was the best ever except for Mom not being able to make it.
  2. I am just letting you know I am flying out tomorrow morning for Nashville, TN The Land of SNOW, ICE, and idiots on the road. SIGH!! I will not be home or back online till Monday the 27th. Christmas will be fun this year with all the snow and ice. I will make sure to take pics. I might just get a snowball fight started. Haven't done that in years. The grandkids would love that. LOL!!! Have a wonderful and joyous and safe Holiday everyone.
  3. Here is my suggestion. First, are you trying to upload an avatar or post to a thread? Two entirely different things. Second, If it is an Avatar then it has to be 50 x 50 size. I am offering to resize your pic for you if you send it to me via email. (Penni60@aol.com). Third, If it is an post to a thread that is simply done. Open up or click on post reply and then scroll down to where you see "Additional Options". In that box there will be something that says "Attach Files". CLick on Manage Attachements and then click on browse and find your pic you want to attach. Once you find the pic then click on upload after the upload is done click on "Close this window". Then hit Submit Reply. Your pic should be in the post then. Hope this helps. I am leaving town tomorrow morning and won't be back till Sunday night late. So if you want me to resize your pics send them anyway but know I won't get to them till Monday the 27th.
  4. Penni60

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    OK I am so there. Michelle maybe we can travel this journey together?
  5. Penni60

    Update on my Mom's condition

    For some of you that knew my mom was having all kinds of colon problems just wanted you to know that she is clear of cancer threats. Her colonoscopy showed NO SIGNS OF CANCER which was a huge fear for me. They think for now it is the diverticulitis and all her polyps that are causing her pains and bleeding along with her AVM sites. But nothing is conclusive just yet. Just talked to Mom. She sounds great. Tired but good. Her colonoscopy went well. They were able to get all the way through and she was NOT AWAKE during the procedure so there was NO PAIN for her. Thank GOD. They said NO cancer was evident. WHEW! I was afraid of that. She said she won't know much else till she goes back for her follow up and I don't remember when she said that was. We talked for almost an hour on the phone. She is doing really good so far. We are both looking forward to Christmas. We discussed the craziness with Tonya, my sister, these days. SIGH!! Not sure what is gonna happen with her in the future, but can't dwell on that right now or at all. My sister had a really bad car wreck about a year ago that left her with some degree of brain injury. The extent we are not sure because Tonya will not give us a straight answer. She is overly medicated as well and is in denial about that. So Mom and I wait for that dreaded phone call that she has either been in fatal car wreck or has OD'd on her medication. I visited her in Sept or Oct can't remember now and it was bad. She was slurring her words and falling over things. She had also gained about 50 lbs and my sister was always the skinny one. IT was a shock. There is way more to this story but not enough time to go into it. She also has a diagnosis of Manic/Depressive and I also think Paranoid Schiz as well. Lots going on with her. SIGH!! But MOM is well and doing better. Thank YOU LORD!!
  6. Darcey, Jack, and Barbara B: CONGRATULATIONS and come post letting us know how you are doing.
  7. Penni60

    1st annual BANDSTOCK

    Always wanted to go to Michigan. Hey we planned a hell of a good band get together last Oct in Vegas. So any planning needed count me in.
  8. Penni60

    Help! I'm Eating Everything!!

  9. Penni60

    Just a venting thread

    And that my dear friends is why I love this woman. Chris just needs to watch out. LOLOL
  10. Penni60


    Megan you are delivering a child. A MALE child that is. Har har har!!!
  11. I wasn't gonna post my stats because I have a 5 that is FIVE POUND GAIN, but thought oh what the hey so I posted it. I am in a very heavy state of depression here. and the holidays aren't helping any. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Penni60

    Delarla/Lisa are you around!!! VEGAS

    OH man, I wish I could come. I even looked at flights to see if it was doable. I can't make it though. I am flying out on Friday morning for TN for the holiday weekend with family. It would have been fun to spend part of it with you ladies before heading to TN. Have loads of fun and get pics.
  13. Penni60

    I miss Donali

    Vera: I was just thinking about her the other day. I miss DONALI as well. Come and say HI lady. Yes you can kiss John first but come and post is the next thing you MUST do.
  14. Penni60

    My Holiday Greeting to All

    Happy Holidays to one and all. Stay safe over the holidays people.
  15. Teresa: First of all where have you been? Second I want that pattern for the hat you crocheted for me. I love it and wear it all the time. I mostly wear it when I walk at the park now because it is chillie willie out now. So either PM or email me the pattern. You can also mail it to me if you need to. HI to K.C.
  16. Penni60

    Liquid Vitamins

    I wouldn't take it more than recommended. You would be getting double dosage and some of the Vitamins that would be OK but there are other good things in there that you shouldn't double up on. Yeah Lisa if you don't like the Nature's Plus (Green liquid) one then send it my way. I love that stuff.
  17. Penni60

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    I crochetted hats for all my daughters, grandaughter, two of my friends in TN and two of my friends daughter in laws for christmas along with doing a scarf for each othem as well. SO easy and quick. I am now crochetting myself a hat, actually the hat is done, I am now doing the scarf to match. I used to make vests years ago and also made a doll, teddy bears, doll clothes for the large dolls (3 feet dolls). I crochetted like mad then. Used to sell the stuff I made too. Was very lucrative for awhile. Then the kids started needing me more. Darn kids!!! LOL!!
  18. Penni60

    Did you all get your books??

    Got my book today from the publishers in Calif. Haven't read it yet. Looking forward to reading it though.
  19. Penni60

    This year's family picture

    GORGEOUS husband oops FAMILY yeah I meant to say FAMILY. Seriously, great looking family. And you being so healthy makes all the difference I bet.
  20. Penni60

    Chicago bash, anyone?

    Late July is MUCH MUCH Better for me as well.
  21. Ok staying steady at 241 lbs. I should have actually gained some since I was eating way too much crap over the last week. I scolded myself and started being more diligent about eating healthier. Hey Leatha, I got some of that Tillamook Jerky. YUM YUM!!! Love the peppered steak Jerky. So delicious and full of protein and low carb. Great for a quick snack. Just be careful of the extra sodium in them. Exercise has been non-existent the last week. I am starting a new regimen this week. Walking is a good thing. But I need to step it up some with the weight training as well. Thinking of hiring a trainer. Any thoughts on that? I know Alexandra was using one for awhile -- wonder how that is going?
  22. Penni60

    NSV for me today

    All I gotta say is HOLY MOLY!!!! I am so pleased with my progress to date. Went to my regular doc for a routine appt and everyone of the office staff remarked how much weight I had lost and that I looked GREAT. Even the doctor said "WOW!, you look great." Isn't that just the coolest thing? Here are my 8 month anniversary pics. Compare them to my Sept pics as I don't have a pic beyond that since now. I will include a before pic as well so you have some reference too.
  23. Penni60

    Christmas Pictures

    Chris is a little greyer and you are more beautiful.
  24. Penni60

    Did you all get your books??

    Still waiting on the book I ordered as well. Anyone have an email so I can write to them???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
