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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by djshipmom

  1. Hello FEB bandsters....

    This month, most of hit our 6 months after surgery. How is everyone doing and feeling? Summer is almost over and we will be jeans shopping very soon!! WOW! Anyone exited to go shopping for this year and is anyone getting close to their goal weight?

    BEST WISHES to EVERYONE and Cheers to all you SUCCESS :)

    That's right we are all at our six month mark WOW how time flies. I am still loving :wub: my band hope everyone feels the same way !

  2. I was banded June 25. My port is a hard knot under my skin and protruding. It feels very strange to touch. It's not round and flat like I thought it would be. It almost feels sideways. I hope I'm wrong! Can the rest of you feel your port? It's really, really sore, but I can sleep on that side.

    I can feel it and mines at a slight tilt but my second fill went super smooth now that my surgeon profiled it's location. I like feeling my "secret weapon" but it does creep some people out.

  3. Hello all! Checking in also. Down 51 lbs to date and really enjoying summer clothes so much more than last year at this time! Struggling a bit with all the summer parties/occasions and my love of wine... Working hard every day.

    I hear on both comments. Feeling and looking good people noticing my hard work. :-)

    Try making kabobs I did chicken, shrimp and sausage ones they were a hit at the cook out that I went to and I didn't miss the BBQ feel.

  4. My surgery date was set for 7/2/13

    Went to my preop appt today and was rescheduled because I was drinking the wrong Protein shakes (Atkins) and went on vacation last week and had Sno cones that weren't sugar free :( didn't meet the 15 pounds weight lost only lost 8. So tomorrow I have to start my diet over for 2 more weeks I'm not mad at anyone put myself for not following the list that was given to me. But I was soo mentally prepared for surgery tomorrow my new date is 7/16/2013

    Atkins shakes were on the list from my surgeon.....hmmmm

  5. Congrats on being in the green zone! I go in for my 3rd fill on Monday. I'm really hoping that I get in the green zone. I was doing good for a while but the past month or so has been a struggle for me. I'm finding myself being tempted more and more with the "bad" things. Some days I feel very satisfied and have no problem with the "tempting" foods, but other days I'm starving and it makes it so hard to stay on track. I'm 5 months out and was hoping to be a little further along than I am, but that's not to say that I'm not proud of what I have accomplished thus far, just wishing it was a little better :)

    You are doing fabulous and I bet you have alot more pep in your step. I am finally noticing how much more I can accomplish with my 50+ weight loss.

  6. I just came from my Doctors office after my 3rd fill. I lost another 6 pounds in two weeks. I told him it seemed to easy. He asked me if I was hungry, I said no. He said I was in the green zone. But I am not just eating 1/2 cup of food, I am eating 3 oz of meat and vegatables. He told me as long as I am eating the Protein first that I should keep doing what I am doing. He did give me another cc of Fluid, bringing me up to 3.5 cc's in my 14 cc band. I don't have to go back to see him now unless I lose less than 4 pounds in 2 weeks, and feel like a need a fill. Onward to goal!!! :lol:

    Keep up the good work!! I am still hunger but I am in a calorie counting and exercise groove so I am ok . I had my second fill 6/27 so hopefully this will help take some hunger edge off.

  7. It was horrible, but it did not deter me :). The nurse had very little experience and had bad information. I had to be stuck several times (and I'm terrified of needles anyway), had my first stuck episode on barium Fluid (they do the first fill with the fluro) and got to stay in the office for 1 1/2 hours through all of this mess. Good times :). But since then I have had the same nurse (not the one in training that did my first fill) and she is awesome and does it perfect every time!

    I just realized I was not that clear on the information part above. She thought I only had 2cc in my band from surgery, I actually had 3, so when she added the typical first fill amount to the band, that put me over in the red zone and I had to burp and spit up (Pbing) and deal with disgusting barium Fluid in the office while she ran around trying to get a hold of the doc and help from other staff. I don't understand why she was on her own already as obviously she was not ready.

    Wow my 8 pocks then a X-ray feels like like small potatoes to your experience but you are absolutely right whatever fill experiences we have are to get us to the greater good of being in the green zone. My band still feels like a aid to my calorie counting and exercising. I hope getting to the green zone will feel great and take the hunger pressure away or lessen it.

  8. I know how u feel. I have only lost 7 pounds in a month. I keep going up a pound down a pound, it seems like for weeks! I had my second fill on Tuesday which puts me at 6.5cc in a 14cc band. I dont really feel anything, just a lump in my throat when I start eating, but we are getting close. Weight loss has really slowed down so i guess it's time to start excercising!

    I have also slowed down on the weight loss. I'm at 8.5 cc's but I am thinking about calling tomorrow to get another fill. I can feel the restriction but I don't think it's enough. I also have to get some exercising in daily. Hopefully my two year olds will sleep tonight all night so I can have some kind of energy after work tomorrow.

    I have also slowed down on the weight loss. I'm at 8.5 cc's but I am thinking about calling tomorrow to get another fill. I can feel the restriction but I don't think it's enough. I also have to get some exercising in daily. Hopefully my two year olds will sleep tonight all night so I can have some kind of energy after work tomorrow.

    Start with 30 min of exercise 5 days a week and when you start to see and feel the results you be up to 45 min etc etc. GOOOOD LUCK!!!!!! :)

  9. I was banded in feb. Was disappointed at first ...had four fills and am now on 12 ccs since last Thursday. I started at 289 pounds and today I am 248. Down 41 pounds. Port still is soar and doc said I will probably feel that way forever. There was a few times I was stuck for weeks at losing weight. I joined weight watchers 2 wks ago and lost 8.4 pounds.

    8.4 lbs off that's great!!!!

  10. I am starting this topic because when my first fill back in April didn't go smooth

    I searched and search this site for answers . My doctor was very assuring the next time would be smooth but I trust this community and all your experiences involving the band.

    I have since had my second fill June 27th and it went very smooth. But I was nervous going in hoping there wouldn't be drama like the last one.

  11. So I'm about 10 hours out of surgery. Feeling good. I got all staples no stitches only hurts when I get up and use my stomach muscles. I only took 5ml of pain meds they recommended 10ml. Did 20 min of walking 1/2 mile, did good. The only pain I have is between my shoulder blades and moving into my chest it's from the gas. My walk helped get some out. :-) starting weight today 4/26/13 is 314 lbs my goal is to get down to 130!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery :)

  12. I, too, had my surgery on 3/19, with nothing in the band at placement. My first fill is 4/29 (and I'm nervous about it). I am able to eat anything I want but I am not able to eat the volume of food my brain will try to tell me is okay. I eat the Protein first, always, then take a nibble or two of whatever else is there. I have found that I am extremely picky about what I put on my plate. Since I know I'm only going to be eating a little of anything, whatever it is had better be something I am really going to enjoy. I get to savor every bite. Last night, for instance, my husband made chicken livers and grilled onions with rice. He doesn't make rice properly so that wasn't too hard to pass up :), but the livers and onions were DIVINE!!!! I had room for 2 1/2 chicken livers and a few forks of onions and I was DONE. And felt very satisfied, too, both volume-wise and taste-wise. I am just so impressed with how this is all working. Already I know it is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    I totally agree!!! The band is the best thing ever :)

  13. I am so excited I was cleared for solids by my surgeon. My first meal was Caesar salad with salmon. I have been exercising 40 min a day with a goal to exercise 5 times a week. My hard work paid off a bit I enjoyed 2lbs of weight loss this AM and I feel very comfortable in a paired off jeans I shied away from.

    I am also starting to feel good . I have little to no port site pain...once that constant reminder of the surgery was gone I really started feeling my "happy me" come back. :)

    How are the rest of you Feb 2013 banders doing? This thread has been quiet......

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