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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by straybb

  1. straybb

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Also to answer your questions, I chose NSG because a friend of mine is also having a lapband done and she lives on the SouthSide. I thought that we were at about the same point with the Aetna Insurance hoops as well as the steps in their program but now it looks like she is far far ahead of me. Also, the program fees are VERY different. NSG is $495. I believe WLSin Hampton wanted like $795? I don't remember what the exact $ amount was but it was a couple-hundred dollar difference. I don't mind having to drive to that side of the water for everything as I live in Fox Hill which is pretty close to the HRBT, so it's not that far to go.
  2. straybb

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    Hi there! I posted this at the SCH lapband support group as well.. I haven't had my Psych evaluation yet, I am scheduled fore next Friday. God gave me this blob of a body and I am finally going through the process to receive the tool to sculpt something out of it. I don't feel like a failure at all. I've dieted as far back as I remember and now realize that it wasn't the right tool for the job. My body is the (huge) block of clay, and the LapBand is the sculpting tool. We all live in our own little World, but you DO have a choice what path to take, depression is something that I haven't ever really had a problem with, aside from those awkward teenage years... Be the Clay! Allow your tool to aid you in scuplting a smaller you! I just found out that my PCP didn't document which diet that he had me on when I came in monthly for the weight appointments and now I am looking at doing the monthly visits for another 6 months. I went to him every month for 8 months last time and while he *asked* me how I was doing (he had me on the 1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet even though I am not diabetic,) apparently the only thing that he documented in my chart was my weight. I asked him this last Friday to amend the notations or write up a letter stating what the diet was and how I did for each month and he stated that he won't do that because he cannot recollect my answers for each of those months. I felt like I had been punched in the Stomach. God I hope that Lola has some magic up her sleeve! It's tough to wait for my tool to be given to me because I ooooze potential, just like the rest of you do, but it's a tough pill to swallow to think that I may be stuck making 6 more monthly visits to my Doctor, who by the way, is Dr. Clarence Friend @ Hampton Careplex. I am considering changing PCP's after about 10 years with him.... I don't feel that I have failed or am inadequate because of my optimism, I hope that it may be contagious and help others.... I am looking forward to buying new clothes for my Sculpted body but I hope and pray that I don't have to wait another 6 months. I know, I know, I have been fat this long, what's another 6 months, right? LOL A FRICKIN' ETERNITY! ) Have a good weekend. -Alison
  3. I wish I could say that I found love here...I found the love of food. I guess they should be more specific about the motto. My name is Alison and I live in Hampton VA., but chose the Norfolk Surgical Group's Dr. Wohlgemuth for my surgery. I met with him for the first time yesterday (3-22-07) and am even more excited than ever to have the LapBand done. My email address is straybb@yahoo.com. Howdy from VA! Alison 5'2", 250lbs., 46BMI
  4. straybb

    Newly Banded in Williamsburg

    I posted this in the newbie section as well... I live in Hampton but am having the Surgery done by the Norfolk Surgical Group. More specifically, Dr. Wohlgemuth. I am also a member of the yahoo groups sch_lap_band_support which is Hampton Careplex, I believe, and also sentara_southside_lb_support. Not too much going on in those... This one is hoppin' though! I do enjoy Virginia. It is a wonderful place to live! The laws here are pretty screwy but you have to take the good with the bad. I moved here from Riverside, California in the early 90's and don't regret it. Sourthern Ca. is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there again if I can help it! Born and raised there, I had enough of So. Ca. to last a lifetime. Northern Ca. reminds me of here though, so I would definitely go back there! So, I just called my Surgeon's office and left a voicemail for the coordinator to call me back because I feel like I am off-track. I need to regroup and keep my eye on the prize, so-to-speak. With Norfolk Surgical Group, you are required to go to 2 Support groups before you can be scheduled for surgery. They happen on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. They also require a class for exercise and nutrition. There are several other requirements but My Surgeon is booked until June, but I fear that I won't be able to get banded until July at this rate! I need to know what else that I haven't done so that I can get it done as soon as possible so that there is nothing else holding me up from being banded. My new-year's resolution was to have the surgery and lose 30 lbs., by independence day. At the time it seemed very realistic! It's looking less and less realistic now. I am so sick of yoyo dieting. I am a very strong person and would stay on a liquid diet for a year if necessary. I was on slim fast for years and also California Slim and a few others so drinking my meals is certainly nothing new to me. What brands have you found helpful so far as the shakes go? What is the name of the liquid protien Suppliment that you like? Have you found that it affects your Bowel Movements negatively? Please share your info and I am not one to say 'that was TMI' - there are not many subject that I find Taboo. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Alison :hungry:
  5. straybb

    Virginia is for Lovers!

    I do enjoy Virginia. It is a wonderful place to live! The laws here are pretty screwy but you have to take the good with the bad. I moved here from Riverside, California in the early 90's and don't regret it. Sourthern Ca is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there again if I can help it! Born and raised there, I had enough of So. Ca. to last a lifetime. Northern Ca reminds me of here though, I would go back there! So, I just called my Surgeon's office and left a voicemail for the coordinator to call me back because I feel like I am off-track. I need to regroup and keep my eye on the prize, so-to-speak. With Norfolk Surgical Group, you are required to go to 2 Support groups before you can be scheduled for surgery. They happen on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. My Surgeon is booked until June, but I fear that I won't be able to get banded until July at this rate! My new-year's resolution was to have the surgery and lose 30 lbs., by independence day. At the time it seemed very realistic! It's looking less and less realistic now. I am so sick of yoyo dieting. I am a very strong person and would stay on a liquid diet for a year if necessary. I was on slim fast for years and also California Slim and a few others so drinking my meals is certainly nothing new to me. What brands have you found helpful so far as the shakes go? What is the name of the liquid protien Suppliment that you like? Have you found that it affects your Bowel Movements negatively? Please share your info and I am not one to say 'that was TMI' - there are not many subject that I find Taboo. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Alison:hungry:
  6. straybb

    Virginia is for Lovers!

    I am pre-band yet, and it looks like there is a pretty long waiting list. Dr. Woowoo says that he is worth the wait. lol. I have been blessed with a Comedic Surgeon! Or at least a Surgeon with a pleasant sense of Humor. I am full of it myself, so we should get along swimmingly. My questions are: What shakes taste the best, from any of your experiences? Can I start a liquid diet in advance? I am single and live alone so I am in for some rough seas, but at least there won't be anyone bringing any fast-food home for me to smell and desire. What else can I do pre-operative to aid my Doctor in a successful procedure? I am fortunate that I am not Diabetic and have few obesity related health issues and I LOVE SPLENDA. Are these questions lame or legit? I appreciate any advice you have to offer! Alison

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