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About tjakobi

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  1. So the CT came back normal but it did show a little fluid on the left lung. Doc says when I was constipated I probably was breathing shallow due to the pain which caused the fluid to accumulate. So good news is no blockage and I should be pain free in a few days as long as I concentrate on breathing deeply to get rid of the fluid.
  2. I am 3 weeks post op and began experiencing severe abdominal pain about 3days ago. I have been on mushies for 2weeks. I called my dr and was told it was most likely constipation from the dietary changes. Makes sense since I haven't been able to have a BM without taking Milk of Magnesia since surgery. Dr had me take Magnesium Citrate yesterday to flush out my system but I am still having pain on my left side. Now I am sitting at the hospital waiting to have a CT Scan. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  3. tjakobi

    Mushie Food...HELP!

    I take grilled chicken or canned tuna and put it in the blender with a bit of mayo and mustard for moisture. Makes great tuna or chicken salad.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
