I've been excited about getting this surgery for the last six months but now that it's almost here (hopefully next month) I am getting nervous and wondering if this will work for me. I have had success losing weight in the past just to gain it back, but i have slowly gained over the past five years without losing. I've tried too many times to count but by the third day I am starving and just give up and go back to eating whatever I want. I know I have some willpower because I did quit smoking 3 months ago after being a smoker for 22 years. I've also started excercising about the same time I quit smoking and I'm now walking 5 days a week compared to the ZERO excercise I've done in the past 10 years.
I have my first support group meeting tonight and you know what's crazy? I'm nervous about going because I'm afraid I'll be the biggest one there! Hello it IS a support group for WLS.
Anyone else nervous and have doubts?