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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs_Daily

  1. Mrs_Daily


    Is or has anyone tried juicing while on the lapband? Pro/cons?
  2. Mrs_Daily

    Water Intake

    Thanks everyone. Yea I like diet sweet tea and I love a cup of hot tea before bed. Has anyone tried adding fruit, a mint leaf to their water?
  3. Mrs_Daily

    Advocare 24-Day Challenge

    Ive done the 24 day challenge before (before lap band) and its great but the vitamins you need to take with the kit are pretty big... And there are a lot of them you have to take through out the day... I would think twice
  4. Mrs_Daily

    Advocare 24-Day Challenge

    Ive done the 24 day challenge before (before lap band) and its great but the vitamins you need to take with the kit are pretty big... And there are a lot of them you have to take through out the day... I would think twice
  5. Friday cant come fast enough... Mushy food phase :) Chicken breast food processed topped with avocado and refried beans and a little little sour cream

  6. Looking forward to onederland

  7. Looking forward to onederland

  8. Looking forward to onederland

  9. Looking forward to onederland

  10. Looking forward to onederland

  11. Looking forward to onederland

  12. Looking forward to onederland

  13. Looking forward to onederland

  14. Survived my first family BBQ

  15. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    Haven't tried soy milk
  16. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    I'm on phase 2 of my ***** OP diet.. Which is 2 shakes and puree soup for dinner... I know I can't have milk but what about almond milk?
  17. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    During my consultation i had asked the nutritionist if i could use the almond milk since i can't have milk and she said no and gave no reason other than if it says milk then no... Lol maybe she was having a bad day
  18. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    Awesome! Def gonna use almond milk helps the whole full liquids stage
  19. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    Yes that is what we use on a regular around here... But wasn't sure if it was ok to use in my shakes... I can barely stand mixing my shakes with water like my post op diet papers say to do...
  20. Mrs_Daily

    Almond Milk?

    Yes that is what we use on a regular around here... But wasn't sure if it was ok to use in my shakes... I can barely stand mixing my shakes with water like my post op diet papers say to do...
  21. Mrs_Daily

    I cant stop eating bad

    Before my surgery I looked for the healthier versions of the foods I liked.. I love to eat too but I don't love what the bad foods have done to my health... It's a sacrifice to change our eating lifestyle but so worth the health rewards. I've had to re-learn to make non emotional decisions when it comes to food and say I don't want these chips instead of I can't have these chips. You have came soo far and it's never too late to start again.
  22. Mrs_Daily

    first time for everyone :-/

    This might sounds stupid but what is PB and sliming? Just got banned April 26th and still learning... Glad you're ok
  23. Well, as my first week on liquids is coming to an end... I am starting to feel a little nervous because Its been easy with the liquid diet. This Friday I start full liquids, puree vegetables and fruits etc which I believe will go great. But what about when I actually start on solids???? Im terrified I'll mess up or do harm to myself. So for those who have been there and done that... What advice can you give? Did you feel terrified when it came time for solid foods?
  24. Each day feeling better. Since Ive started the lap band process ive lost 20 lbs. Great feeling!

  25. Day after surgery and all is well. Relaxing and sipping on my protrin drink

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
