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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dearlh

  1. dearlh

    Favorite already made protein shakes?

    Hi, yep i get the premier protein chocolate shakes at Sam's Club. Good for on the go but i prefer the wey protein powder from Wal-mart mixed with unsweetened almond milk better. Tried chocolate peanut butter first now ready to open vanilla flavor. I always add a banana or frozen berries in too. You may want to just go ahead an keep ur blender out handy cause it will be used often. good luck
  2. Hi All. I too have a slight "buldge" at my portsite. Dr. said depending on the build if the patient everyone is different. Hope also as I continue to shed weight, it won't stick out. Can feel a slight pull at times if I bend a ceerain way but not to tender unless I push on it. I'm almost 1 mo. post op, down about 20lbs. 35-40 more to goal! thanks
  3. dearlh

    Protein Powder

    Thanks everyone for replies. I bought vanilla wey protein at WM. should be more compatible with more mixes than chocolate. variety is the key. I know my local health/nutrition stores are really high priced! thanks:)
  4. Hi all. A little over three weeks post -op, went to my app. this morning expecting a fill but she said as long as I'm losing weight (20 lbs. since surgery 3/11/13) an not starving myself she figured might as well wait awhile. She did say make sure not to miss the middle meal an get more protein in an more "hard food". See my endocrinologist on the 11th. Curious to see how much my A1C has dropped from 9.1 in Jan.'13. I guess thats positive news? thanks
  5. dearlh

    Fill Appt.

    Thanks suzzie n john. good luck with ur success as well.
  6. Big Congrats John! Where your at now is my goal weight. Hope I can make it there an maintain it.
  7. Hi all. was banded 3/11. down 18lbs. go for first fill on 4/3. Hope all goes well afterwards. worry about getting stuck cause not much restriction yet.
  8. dearlh

    so nauseated :(

    yep thats what i drink every morning.P.P. chocolate peanut butter flavor with unsweetened vanilla almond milk an a banana throw in for good measure. Pretty good
  9. Hi All. Had my 2 wk. post-op dr. app. today. Dr. said I'm doing well an he could notice my face looked thinner. He said the face is the first noticable area with even minor weight loss. I go in for first 1 cc. fill on 4/3. Dr. also said pretty confident I'll be able to stay off insulin. YAY!!! Now I'm really motivated!!!
  10. dearlh

    Two week follow-up

    Thanks cargirl. Your a sweetheart. You give alot of awesome advise/support to all of us on here. thanks
  11. dearlh


    mmmmmmSpice Jelly Beansmmmmm!
  12. dearlh

    Hiatal hernia repair

    Sorry u guys r having so much discomfort. I feel pretty lucky that I didnt have really any real pain, never even filled prescription for meds or use a heating pad. No nausea either or shoulder pain. Hang in there...it gets better each day. Just remember to try n walk n move around as tolerated.
  13. dearlh

    Is this normal?

    my dr. said no restriction when put in just tube filled. When everything is healed 4-6 wks out tben fill but start eating n chewing right from the beginning even tbough i dont feel restriction to get ur mindset on track. i think i do feel fuller sooner now anyway.
  14. dearlh

    5 incisions??

    yep i have 5 too. largest one at port site. 11 days out n still alittle swollen at port site.
  15. Hi abbieL. thanks for reply. my dr. said have some o.j. n candy around for low b.s. but not go overboard. I stopped all insulins when I got home. Fine by me!! down 11 lbs. since surgery, never had pre-op diet. take care good luck
  16. Hi all. 10 days post-op doing ok eating mush, just alittle cheating to keep bs from getting too low. incisions look good but noticed port site area still swollen pretty good. No real pain. Anyone else notice this or does it just depend on build? I see Dr. on tues. for follow-up. thanks
  17. Hi all. I'm 1 week post-op. Been pretty good, not much pain, gas (yet!) on full liquids now but had some sf fruit cups (chewed well) I dont have any restriction yet just tube filled. My biggest issue so far has been low BS. Dr. said lay off insulin for now till eating more cal. Thats my end goal anyway. Just feeling alot weaker n lightheaded if I exert or like stand up too quick. Anyone deal with this issue? Thanks for ur opinions.
  18. My doc said peel the actual band aids off but use anti bacterial soap n let the water n soap run down without scrubbing or really touching incisions. Then pat dry lightly. After a couple showers the steri strips will look raggy n fall off on their own. I just peeled mine off..gross dried blood yuck! look much better n feel much better! hope this helps.
  19. dearlh

    Had my surgery

    I find I just cant DRINK enough protein shakes..I just feel bloated like Im drowning internally so Ive been adding 1/8 scoop P.P. to sf pudding. Seems ok or not? I still drink 12 oz. wey P.P. in unsweetened almond milk each morning n plenty of green tea n water throughout day. thanks
  20. Hi cullychick how u feeling today? day 4 for me. alittle weak but doing good otherwise. down 13 lbs. since mon. surgery.
  21. lol:) you forgot one thing....CHEAP!!!!!
  22. dearlh

    Premier Protein Powder

    lol like when as kids we used to dump entire box of cereal in mixing bowl just to get prize in the bottom! mom hated that!!
  23. Hey everyone. I opened my jar of Wal-Mart powder it says one scoop to 8 oz. I didnt see scoop included. What size scoop? Im guessing maybe like u would use making coffee? thanks
  24. dearlh

    How do you know when you're full?

    yep 3 days post-op i find myself not able to get more than 1 p shake in am. I sip water/diet green tea/ sf cl throughout day n by suppertime maybe sf jello or pudding. chest n abdomen feels full. Went out today an plowed snow n walked around wallyworld shopping. By the time i got home n stuff carried in, Im beat!! Still trying to heal more I guess Down 11 lbs. since mon. surgery n Dr. told me to hold insulin till eating more regular to prevent hypog. fine by me!
  25. dearlh

    Weird question:0

    3 days post-op no issue with that but even when I brush at bedtime i wake up with really nasty taste in my yapper! like I'd been licking dogs rear end overnite!! lol Whats up witb that? Never had that issue before!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
