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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Aza359

  1. Aza359

    Tomorrow, my life changes.

  2. Aza359

    Tomorrow, my life changes.

    I was super nervous having crazy dreams the night before, the morning of i was semi shaking walking in the hospital but as i got prepped i was magically fine i was not nervous i was excited! I had a long wait and next thing i was wheeling back and scooting myself from one bed to the other, next i was in recovery like What?? Lol i asked the nurse how did it go shes like great you been here over an hour knocked out lol!!! I'll be 1 week post op tomorrow I feel great, slight gas pains here and there and patiently (sike) waiting to move onto purees lol
  3. I am having such a hard time tolerating the taste of isopure.. I have tried Apple melon- yuck and Alpine Punch -a bit better... That after taste is just not appetizing
  4. Wooohooo you go girl!!!
  5. You look great!!! Hoe much have you lost so far and how long has it taken you?
  6. I had surgery 2/13 Day of surgery 226. Came home 2 days later and i was 238!! Nearly fell over but i am sure its from all the saline going through my IV and how bloated and swollen i was. Slowly i see my weight getting back down today i was 228! Anyone else experience this? I know the weight will come off eventually!
  7. Aza359

    New lapband

    The pre-op diet i had consisted of liquids Protein shakes popsicles broth Jello for 2 weeks. The first day was hard but by the 2nd and 3rd day i was fine and time flew by towards the end of my 2 weeks i was sick of liquids but just kept it up. Had surgery 2/13, and wasnt able to eat or drink that whole day until i did test the next morning, passed the test and started my clear liquid diet. By this time you may be so use to your liquid routine it will not bother you to continue it for another 1-2weeks. You will be so focused on healing then thinking of food. You will get use to it and it isnt that bad! Just think you will be losing a good amount of weight and it will be so worth it! Good Luck!!!
  8. Aza359

    New lapband

    Yes! I tried seeing if my grandma had some .. No tea so tomorrow i plan on going to the store for some, right about now i will try anything lol
  9. Aza359

    New lapband

    I just got banded 2/13 had minimal complications just with the gas they fill you up with, the most important thing for you to do aftet sirgery os listen to whay your surgeon/nutritionist has planned for you and make sure i follow the liquid diet, walk around, drink as much fluids to keep u hydrated. Everyone differs! Im feelin way better just dealing with the gas is a pain! Good luck on your journy and if u feel something is not right never hesitate to call your dr!
  10. Hello 24yr female newly banded 2/13.. Did great in the hospital, but my first full day at home was very challenging. I felt no restriction but had a hard time drinking liquids. Had no pains with the lower incisions but the top and side one i had mild pain. but the pain im in now is all due to the gas, been taking my meds, walking, drinking more fluids. Oh i also have really bad dry mouth and i know TMI- diarrhea. Trying a heating pad now. Oh never have i wanted to burp/fart so much in my life lol!!! Attached is my stomach very bloated and swollen a few days ago but the bloating and swelling looks better today
  11. Aza359

    Newbie banded 2/13

    Well im glad something helped you out! Im going to keep trying if nothing changes ill be able to tell my surgeon for some more advice
  12. Aza359

    Newbie banded 2/13

    My surgeon and nutrionist as well advised not to have carbonated drinks or sip through straws along with other stuff
  13. Aza359


    Hello newly banded 2/13.. Did great in the hospital, but my first full day home was very challenging. I felt no restriction but had a hard time drinking liquids. Had no pains with the lower incision, but the top and side one i had mild pain. but the pain im in now is all due to the gas, been taking my meds, walking, drinking more fluids. Oh i also have really bad dry mouth and i know TMI- diarrhea. Trying a heating pad now. Oh never have i wanted to burp/fart so much in my life lol!!!
  14. Aza359

    Newbie banded 2/13

    Thank you both! Feel good today just determined to get the gas out. Lol sorry about the pic just wanted to show off my battle wounds haha
  15. Aza359

    New lapband

    Wow!! Im 24 still in a little pain with my top two incisions and the gas pains come and go very irritating the day of surgery i was 226. Two days later i was back up to 238 i was blown away but from all the saline i was receiving through my IV an how swollen and bloated i was i blame that lol the other day back down to 234 and today 229
  16. Aza359


    I have nothing in my band, i had a hard time drinking fluids because i started feeling really nauseous out of no where but today im feeling much much better just need to relieve this gas! Walking walking away and trying the heating pad as i write
  17. Aza359

    New lapband

    Wow you went back to work the next day!! Wow i took a week off not due into work until 2/22 and got banded 2/13
  18. Aza359

    Lapband Buddy

    Hello 24 just had surgery 2/13 did great in the hospital but once i got home it was a whole new game, barely able to drink 3 cups of liquids, and the gas is just chillin in my body making me feel real achy and i have super dry mouth and some things just dont taste the same either.. Hoping in the next few days i feel a lot better gas wise
  19. Aza359


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
