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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Hope-fully

  1. I had lap band 2/7/13. My stomach hurts from time to time during the day. It comes up like hunger pain and makes me feel bad. I have not had a fill yet due on 3/18. But I can eat lunch and within 2-3 hours my stomach hurts eating makes it subside mostly but not completely. I feel like the pain is making me eat when I'm not really hungry. When I get up at like 7 if I don't eat by 9-10 it is really bothering me. Any advice?

  2. I had lap band 2/7/13. My stomach hurts from time to time during the day. It comes up like hunger pain and makes me feel bad. I have not had a fill yet due on 3/18. But I can eat lunch and within 2-3 hours my stomach hurts eating makes it subside mostly but not completely. I feel like the pain is making me eat when I'm not really hungry. When I get up at like 7 if I don't eat by 9-10 it is really bothering me. Any advice?

  3. Good afternoon. I got lap band done 2/7/13. I sometimes feel strange and wanted to know if it is normal.

    I have high blood pressure but it is controlled. It is hard to describe but it is like when you played contact sports and got hit some, the next day between your shoulder blades and around your ribs a discomfort. Not really a pain

    It is not all the time but if I'm in a chair for couple hours sitting up I feel it. Has anyone felt this. I am also about 18 lbs less than my weight on 2/4


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