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LAP-BAND Patients
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About luckycharm101

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  1. luckycharm101

    First one for May???

    My surgery was May 9th. I've had a really positive experience so far. The gas pain was rough the first few hours. I really haven't been that sore. Just a little uncomfortable. Today has been a really good day. I slept we'll last night and am looking forward to making progress. I've lost 7 lbs since Thursday so that is exciting. Thanks for all the updates. I wish u all the best.
  2. luckycharm101

    First one for May???

    It wasn't bad. The worst part was the wait. I had to be there at 11:00 and they didn't take me back till 3:00. But it was painless. The only affect I had was pain from the sergical gas but it was mild. Ready for the next step.
  3. luckycharm101

    First one for May???

    Scheduled for May 9th. Couldn't be more excited. I had my EGD yesterday. That was my last thing to have done before surgery.
  4. I too just scheduled my initial consult for February 27th. I can't wait, I'm excited and nervous and overwhelmed. I've been thinking about the lap band for about a 1.5 years. I finally decided to pick up the phone and call my insurance company to see if they supported the procedure and to my surprise they did. I have gained over 75 lbs since I had a hystroectamy 2.5 years ago. I am currently weighing in at 253 as of this morning. That puts my bmi at 37.7 so I have to qualify by having a sleep study done or I can pig out and pack on 6 more lbs between now and the 27th and save myself $500 or more on a sleep study. That's a horrible way to look at it but I've had all I can take. I have always been energetic and athletic up until my hystroectamy. I have to get some relief. I find myself being super depresed and overly tired. I feel that I am missing out on the most important time of my kids lives simply because I can't get the scale to move no matter what I do. So i've decided it's time to do something for myself. I'm just thankful that my husband is so supportave.

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