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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to jamilyne 102668 in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    They were stretchy capri pants - I don't even care - they were a medium and I am very happy. Thank you all so much for your support
  2. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to JustWatchMe in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I went down two sizes in underwear. I was forced to buy new panties when my old ones fell down at my surgeon's office.
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    Kai-shek reacted to jamilyne 102668 in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I just bought a medium pants - a medium!!!!! I was jumping up & down in Macy's fitting room!
  4. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in Food Problems   
    I am not in your position (only halfway there) but I think you're on to something with the mindset dilemma. I did wonder if there could be some kind of food sensitivity issue. Wheat allergies are rampant here and can cause all sorts of gastrointestinal problems. If it's in your system it can cause reflux for days so there could be some kind of vicious cycle going on. The yogurt would be soothing. Just a thought, may not be it at all but worth throwing into the mix....
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    Kai-shek reacted to SandyM in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Not going to put on a bikini , but I feel pretty normal when I get in the pool:)

  6. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from naenaern777 in before and after pics   
    One year later and 88lbs less.

  7. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from naenaern777 in before and after pics   
    One year later and 88lbs less.

  8. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to princessheather in Proper Calorie Intake while VERY Active   
    It sounds weird but I definitely think you are not eating enough. Up your Protein calories by 200-300. I swear it will work . Your body is holding onto the weight because it knows your not going to give it more food. I've been through this. I was stuck and it works. Went from 298 to 138
  9. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to SandyM in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Yesterday, I had to go to Dallas, Texas. I worked at Baylor Hospital for 5 years and have been gone for about that long. I had left there heavy and gained 50 lbs after leaving. I've been to Dallas a few times but refused to stop in and say hello to my old coworkers because I didn't want to show up there 50 lbs heavier than they remembered me. Yesterday, I decided to stop in and see them. I caught 7 or 8 of my old coworkers. The first words out of each of their mouths were, You look great, you've lost weight. Except one......she said "you're taller now". Lol. I don't think so, but I'll take it. To think, I use to duck behind the clothes racks in the stores if I saw somebody I didn't want to confront...not any more. I'm loving this.
  10. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Shazam in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Biker jacket in bright red and tight leggings, this is awesome for me.
  11. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from naenaern777 in before and after pics   
    One year later and 88lbs less.

  12. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to PrettyThick1 in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    I read the article. She's full of it. She's not happy being fat, no one is - if they are honest with themselves.
  13. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to SandyM in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    Hell yeah!!!
  14. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Mikee57 in I can't Believe it! Is this REALLTY Happening for Me?   
    Congratulations on your fantastic success, enjoy your place in the sun you have well and truly earned it, love your pics you look amazing and thanks for the inspiration. xxxxxx
  15. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Mikee57 in I can't Believe it! Is this REALLTY Happening for Me?   
    Congratulations on your fantastic success, enjoy your place in the sun you have well and truly earned it, love your pics you look amazing and thanks for the inspiration. xxxxxx
  16. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Alex Brecher in Studies Demonstrate Long-Term Weight Loss Outcomes for LAP-BAND® System   
    I can personally attest to the above....I'm almost 11 years out with my LAP-BAND and at my lowest weight ever!
  17. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in I really do have legs!   
    I mentioned a couple of days ago that I bought my first dress in I don't know how long. It was a heck of a NSV for me. Well, a co-worker caught the moment for posterity and I've attached it here. Liz in a dress. Who would have thought it. Thank you lapband!! I'm so happy I could friggin' cry.....

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    Kai-shek reacted to enjoythetime in I can't Believe it! Is this REALLTY Happening for Me?   
    2muchfun, you're such an inspiration!!! I've learned sooo much from you by just reading your posts and comments, you give genuine and solid advice and I just appreciate you so much!!!
  19. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to enjoythetime in I can't Believe it! Is this REALLTY Happening for Me?   
    I just returned from seeing my surgeon and found out that I've EXCEED MY GOAL!!! The tears just won't stop flowing! I'm setting here in disbelief that this is actually happening. One year ago I was setting in this very chair with tears flowing because I was so miserably overweight that I could barely bend over to tie my shoes and even though I knew my surgery was a GO I sat here with that hopeless feeling wondering if this plastic little ring was really going to help me. As I reflect on the past 11 months it all just seems so unreal and hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I'm where I am today. I go in every month to see my Dr. so of I course I knew I was 6lbs away from goal but to see those numbers and to hear someone say you made it, you passed it, is life changing!!!
    For anyone who's thinking about this surgery, or is in a rut wondering why you had the surgery, it's ALL worth it!!! The 2 week pre-op (or whatever your doctor orders), the discomfort from surgery, the 6 weeks of bandster hell because you're sick of liquids and mushies, the starving all the time until your first fill, the balancing act of how much Fluid is enough, I'm in the green zone or the yellow or red, It's ALL worth it!
    I NEVER truly thought when I had this surgery this would happen for me the way it has. I knew I was determined and that failure wasn't an option but I never thought the outcome would look like this!
    My life has changed in so many ways. First and foremost, I'm healthy!!! I can walk up a flight of stairs without being winded, play sports with my kids, buy whatever I want in the stores and no longer have to wonder if it comes in my size, I don't have to worry about flying and praying the seat belt fits around me. I'm so much happier, the small things in life just seem to make it all worth while and before I missed so many of them because I was so unhappy and self concious. One of the greatest feelings is not feeling like an embarassement to my husband and kids (not that they ever made me think I was), but when your mom is 34 years old and is as wide as she is tall, it's hard to be proud of that I'm sure.
    Don't get me wrong it's not all sunshine and roses, but it is what you make it and if you put 100% into it you're going to get a good return on your investment!
    Now it's time to move onto the next phase, life long maintenance which scares the hell out of me to be quite honest!!!! I know however that this time I've made a lifestyle change, unlike with past diets, where when once you've reached your goal you think you're "done" so you start raiding the pantry because "you've earned it", this time I know it's all about balance and doing things I know I can LIVE WITH AND WITHOUT for the REST OF MY LIFE.
    This group is an amazing source or support and information!!! Thank you!

  20. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to JustWatchMe in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Skinni(er) jeans!

    They're not skinny jeans, but I got a little bit skinnier, and these jeans I haven't worn for years fit today -- loosely! I'm also pulling blouses and tops from the back of my closet that fit again. I almost got rid of them about a year ago when I was depressed and needed closet space for bigger clothes. Thankfully, I never mustered the energy to go through the closet back then. I won't make the same mistake with my too-big clothes. Those are going to be donated pronto!

  21. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to SillyAuntDi in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I am heading home from two fantabulous days at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. I walked for two days without getting short of breath. I rode whatever ride I wanted without having to worry about whether I would fit. And I made smart food choices. I feel more and more like me again
  22. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Shazam in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    Biker jacket in bright red and tight leggings, this is awesome for me.
  23. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to pink dahlia in before and after pics   
    Wowser! You ALL look faaaaaabulous !!!!! Congrats to all on your success !!!!
  24. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Wendydarling19 in before and after pics   
    Huge inspiration! All of you who just posted before me are such a huge inspiration!
  25. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to bsellis in before and after pics   
    I'm still a work in progress but I'm down 110 lbs since starting my pre-op diet 9 months ago.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
