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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to readysetg070113 in No more DIET New Year's RESOLUTIONS for me!   
    I agree with above posters I am so grateful to be banded and enjoying the holidays. Gerri g banded 7/1/13 was the greatest day of my life. I hit the gym 5-7 days a week. This is my new lifestyle thankful for the supportive people here n in my life. Those who don't get my new lifestyle o well I love the person I have become because if the band. I'm not doing the eat everything in site cause jan 1 is diet time. This is my new life. If I want it I eat but way more selective in what goes in my mouth and the band keeps me in check by not allowing me to over eat so why did I wAit so long !!!! Happy new year everyone
  2. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to parisshel in No more DIET New Year's RESOLUTIONS for me!   
    Yes! When surrounded by people groaning about the 20 lbs they gained between Halloween and the end of the year, I remember that mindset.
    But last year, when I ended 2012 saying "2013 is going to be MY year!" I just knew that this year, my year of getting banded, I would finally be free from being "on" or "off" a program, free from obsessing over points and calories, and free to experience what a dimmed down appetite would bring into my life....peace around my food.
    Had I not chosen to move forward with a lapband, I am certain I would weigh more today than I did at the end of 2012.
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    Kai-shek reacted to B-52 in No more DIET New Year's RESOLUTIONS for me!   
    Love it..Love it...Love it....
    Was at my Sister-in laws for a Christmas dinner the other day...and everyone at the table..(in between stuffing their mouths) were all talking and committing to diets starting New Years...we also have a Wedding coming up in the spring so they are extra motivated.(?)
    Where oh where have I heard all this before???
    And they give WLS a bad name? I really feel sorry for THEM.....
    Every Lap Bander has had the surgery because we know, for us anyway, the we could not loose weight with dieting...I know I failed at all of them....I needed surgery, for a PERMANENT Life Change....and that is EXACTLY what I got.
    As far as the Gym goes....it will be a circus for a few months after New years, very, very crowded with people having resolutions...us regulars, including the staff, all smile because we know it will get back to normal in due time.....(I've been going 5 days a week for over 3 years now...Can't stop!)
    Every Person on this Forum should feel proud going into the New Years knowing you have been set free from all that nonsense....it's a multi-million (Billion) dollar scheme we don't get caught up into anymore....
    Just wait...the TV weight Loss Adds will start very soon in earnest....my problem is trying to avoid listening to them all....
  4. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to HealthyNewMe in No more DIET New Year's RESOLUTIONS for me!   
    For the first time in my adult life I won't be making my typical "I'm going on a diet," "I'm going to lose weight," "I'm going to join a gym and exercise everyday" resolutions.......
    I have the band.... I don't DIET anymore.
    I am losing weight.
    I've been going to the gym 5-6 times a week for the past seven months. It's now a regular part of my day that I must do..... I crave the endorphins!!!!
  5. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I went clothes shopping with my girlfriend yesterday and fit into size 12 slacks...and several small and medium tops. I haven't fit into sizes this small in like 20 years.
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    Kai-shek reacted to SeaSounders♥ in A Christmas Miracle   
    You are a true inspiration! You have done amazing work and congratulations on all of your accomplishments and future endeavors as well! Merry Christmas & Happy New Years to you!!
  7. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in A Christmas Miracle   
    A friend of mine told me I should post this for both the newbies and the veterans to show you all that anything is possible.
    Many of you know my journey but for those who don't, I was banded January 14th, 2013 and at that time was morbidly obese and suffering terrible pain from joint disease in both my knees and hips. My surgeon had told me six months earlier that at my current weight, I was not a candidate for surgery and I needed to be under 200 lbs. or I was going to wind up in a wheelchair.
    I was very successful with the band and in six months, had lost enough weight to be considered a surgical candidate. By that time, my hips were so bad that I needed both of them replaced and I spent the two weeks prior to surgery on constant bed rest because I couldn't have any more cortisone shots and the pain was so bad that I could barely get to the bathroom and back. I was on a double dose of Percoset round the clock and even that didn't diminish the pain. For those of you with bad osteo or rhuematoid arthritis, you can understand what I'm talking about. And for those of you who are still dealing with 'regular' joint pain...I am your worst nightmare in terms of how bad it can get.
    Fast forward nearly a year since the lapband surgery, and subsequent hip replacement surgery, and just take a look at the pictures attached. I'm the gal in the middle...with no deer antlers (mine got wet and droopy), but there I am at my Water exercise class...moving and doing, and standing and in only post op pain. I look at this picture and want everyone on this forum to understand that no matter where you are in your journey, you can improve your life and get back whatever obesity took away from you. It is possible, I am living proof of that. I am one of the success stories, and anyone else on this forum can also be a success story. If you are doing well, wonderful...keep it up. If you are struggling...get the help you need and get back on track. You can do it!!
    I've also attached two other pictures of me....one from Christmas last year, and the selfie I just took today. Yes...that's the same girl...just 100 lbs. less of her. I hope you read this post as many times as needed to inspire and help you to reach whatever goals you've set. I'm not perfect, and I'm not stunning...I'm just a normal, somewhat flabby middle aged woman who got her life back.
    Next week, we are going to the travel agent to make plans for a family cruise...and this time, I know I'll be able to not only get off the ship, but do whatever the kids want be it sightseeing, snorkeling, swimming in the ocean...or almost anything. Thank you lapband and thank you for reading this. Happy holidays to all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  8. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to B-52 in 10lbs to Goal Weight!   
    Curious...when you reach your goal weight, then what??
    I ask because I have set and reached a few goal weights, and continued to loose....
    If it was a diet, I could start and stop it when I choose...perhaps start eating more of the bad foods or something...
    But like my Dr, explained to me when I asked him about reaching a goal...this is not a diet...I had surgery to correct and alter my bad eating habits...it is now a lifestyle with new eating habits and food choices...and it will continue as such as long as I have the band....so then, my body will continue to adjust to this lifestyle (with weight loss) until it determines it is at the place it should be...levels out on it's own....
    Which is exactly what has happened....I weigh myself once, sometime twice a day...I have been fluctuation up and down within the same 5 lbs for 2 years now...in other words, I have stopped loosing or gaining....and it was not because I determined it to be so....my body made the choice....
    Incidentally, my weight today, at age 62....is the same weight I was back in High School when played football...back in the 1960's.....and I feel just as healthy and strong....(or so it seems)
  9. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to PrettyThick1 in 10lbs to Goal Weight!   
    I got my third fill (total 5cc/10cc band) in August and it brought me to the green zone, I decided against additional fills because it's obvious I am where I should be now. I hit a plateau about 6 weeks ago and the scale didn't budge for nearly a month, then out of nowhere the weight starts coming off again. I've lost 6 lbs. this week, 2 overnight last night alone. I know I'm not eating or getting the amount of Protein I need, so I am going to make a serious effort to do better. I have the feeling that I am now anemic because I am cold almost all of the time. I won't go into any other details, I'm happy about seeing the finish line but I am aware that I have to do better about my nutrition to stay healthy.
  10. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to tlbutler in Personal Triumph through Loss.   
    Hi everyone. I met with my bariatric team today and I am finally under 200 pounds!! My surgery date was September 17th, start weight 259 and today I weighed in at 198 (my 10cc band remains unrestricted)!
    It was a very tough month as my 25 year old sister Gina passed away unexpectedly and I was laid off from the job that I have has since 1998. My emotions have been all over the place...all I do is think of food---like I want to bury my face in a pan of brownies (baked with Heath Bar toffee candy) with butter crunch ice cream, whipped cream, nuts and lots of cherries!!! It is soo hard and I can honestly say that this sucks bad as I have never had to deal with such intense emotions and not be eat my way through.
    I am blessed with a great support system and a wonderful family. I hope that you all have a safe and happy New Year's Eve and that 2014 bring us abundant blessings!!
  11. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in Merry Christmas   
    Same here. I've been going out to dinner alot this week and will do so for the next several days. I look forward to it because the band (as long as I listen to it) helps me to taste and enjoy without eating to excess. I don't miss the overeating...I focus on enjoying what I do eat and enjoying the much slimmer version of myself. I don't find it that challenging at all.
    In fact, I've had a blast this week so far and expect to continue it...there's nothing to fear as long as you approach it correctly. So far I've had Turkish last Sunday, Greek last night, Indian tonight, and will enjoy Japanese on Thursday night and Italian on Friday night. I don't expect a loss this week, but I don't expect a gain either. This I can live with..and hope to for years to come.
  12. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Redberd in Merry Christmas   
    Merry Christmas to all!
  13. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in Merry Christmas   
    Happy Christmas! Blue, I so know what you mean about being disgusted by the gluttony and then the knowing we were once right there -- ouch! Not anymore! I am enjoying the holiday spread in teeny tiny amounts. I'm sure I'm not setting any records for weight loss but it's very important to me that I am not depriving myself. This is why I got the band.
    Right now I'm trying to line up a walk around the lake before dark -- that's a mindset I sure didn't have before!
  14. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Jim1967 in Merry Christmas   
    Merry Christmas to you all. Remember it is a lifestyle change not deprivation....dieting is deprivation.

  15. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Bandista in Size 10 Jeans   
    If anyone wants to know if the band works the answer is YES, YES, YES

  16. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Bandista in Size 10 Jeans   
    If anyone wants to know if the band works the answer is YES, YES, YES

  17. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Monicab in Size 10 Jeans   
    You look amazing, congratulations
  18. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Lady VS in Size 10 Jeans   
    Agreed!!! I'm in a size ten as well. Down from a size 22. So yes, the band works just fine. Congratulations!!! You look pretty.
  19. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Pittsburgher in Size 10 Jeans   
    Looking good!!
  20. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Bandista in Size 10 Jeans   
    If anyone wants to know if the band works the answer is YES, YES, YES

  21. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in Size 10 Jeans   
    Yippee! Have a wonderful time -- you look great!
  22. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to kll724 in Size 10 Jeans   
    Have a nice trip, I think that it is summer in Australia, now!
  23. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from kll724 in Size 10 Jeans   
    Thank you all so very much, without your support I could not have done it, I still have about 10lbs to lose, but that can wait. For 2014. I hope you guys all have a wonderful festive season. I am off to see my daughter in Australia, I have not felt this good in years about my body. xxxxxxxx
  24. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from Bandista in Size 10 Jeans   
    If anyone wants to know if the band works the answer is YES, YES, YES

  25. Like
    Kai-shek got a reaction from kll724 in Size 10 Jeans   
    Thank you all so very much, without your support I could not have done it, I still have about 10lbs to lose, but that can wait. For 2014. I hope you guys all have a wonderful festive season. I am off to see my daughter in Australia, I have not felt this good in years about my body. xxxxxxxx

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