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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Kai-shek got a reaction from Sharpie in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    interesting, but not right for me I happy thin, and willing to do whatever it takes to stay this way.
  2. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in BMI is bulls**t   
    what a gorgeous post
    written by a gorgeous lady
    you are so strong mentally and you have no idea how
    much you inspire me and everyone else who reads
    your posts..
    i am glad i am able (to see) people for who they are
    not what they look like..i raised my son to do that exact thing..
    my mom judged by appearances....the bigger i got, the more of a fat, lazy, smelly slob i was
    and if my mom thought that about me, i guess everyone else did too..
    the way i was treated growing up made me desperate to be wanted/loved...food was my solace..
    NOW i am in control of my emotions and my food intake and my execise and my want power...my band/plication gave me some back bone and i guess i grew a pair...because those who use to bother me, no longer do as they have no control over me....my ole man told me last week, when he heard some people trashing my beloved heels, haters gonna hate...
    go..you are my friend and i am honored and proud to say that
  3. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in BMI is bulls**t   
    Right back at 'ya my friend. You have no idea how important your posts were and still are. I credit you for helping me to be successful. I know you'll deny it, but I'm telling you that it's true.
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    Kai-shek reacted to j0anna in BMI is bulls**t   
    BMI puts too much pressure on people. I think it's a joke. My doctor wants me to weigh somewhere around 206lbs. Which would still, to a bmi chart, make me "obese". He said there are too many factors, especially for women, that the chart doesn't consider. And I'm pretty sure the only time a bmi number was used for me was when trying to get approval from insurance. Lol. You're doing awesome and I loved this post!
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    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in BMI is bulls**t   
    I was on the phone the other day with the pre-op nurse. I'm having a procedure on Monday and she needed to go over some things with me. While discussing my medical history, she was basically confirming what was already on her records...which included my last weigh-in which was oh..maybe 3 or 4 lbs. more than my current weight. But I heard her loud and clear when she noted that I was obese.
    OK, I thought...yes, technically I still am obese based on my BMI...but this obese woman is wearing a size 12 slacks and tops anywhere from small to XL depending on the manufacturer. This obese woman fits into tight spaces, airplane seats, restaurant booths, suway and bus seats, and pretty much anywhere at this point I suspect.
    This obese woman doesn't get stared at anymore, doesn't get dirty looks when she is out and about with her cane...because now this obese woman didn't do this to herself...oh no...she probably is recuperating from some kind of surgery or injury. Now folks treat me kinder...sad but true. Plus I don't feel as self conscious either...
    This obese woman shops in regular clothing stores..no more Avenue for me. This obese woman is not ashamed to wear a bathing suit anymore...even with all the saggy skin, I wear the suits with a skirt to hide some of that. This obese woman got her legs up on the shower seat today to shave. Such an ordinary thing unless you can't do it...
    This obese woman hopes to lose a few more pounds just so she is no longer clinically obese, but I'll take this kind of obesity any day compared to a year ago when I carried 100 more pounds than I do now and couldn't move because of the knee and hip pain.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...one day at a time, one pound at a time...and watch how your life will transform as you do. Happy Saturday all! I got out today...walked slowly and carefully but made it out. It's cold but not like yesterday...it's a balmy 22 degrees currently.
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    Kai-shek reacted to j0anna in lap band + plication   
    I've had lapband with plication for almost 10 months. I've never had any problems (knock on wood), haven't been stuck, pbing, slimming or anything. I have NOT gotten any fills and I've lost over 100lbs. It's been the greatest thing I've ever done for myself and I hope you have an amazing journey! Good luck.
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    Kai-shek reacted to mrsto in lap band + plication   
    I have the band with plication, and at 9 months out, have no issues at all. Like CarolinaGirl, I've never been stuck, nor have I PB'd or slimed. I'm very happy with my decision, and feel that the plication gives me a very strong signal, at times I've tried to eat through the band signals. I cannot say what it would be like without plication, but I just know that I'm doing very well, and haven't had any surgery related issues. There have been a couple of times when I thought I was having an issue, but after testing by my doctor, it was nothing. The feeling that alerted me was a sticking pain at the bottom of my sternum. During the holidays......when I pushed it a bit, I've had a couple of stomach aches. But I can't honestly say that wouldn't have happened when pushing it without surgery. The difference is, pushing it now is so much less food than before.....which was the whole point of having WLS.
    Good luck to you!
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    Kai-shek reacted to Lady VS in I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.   
    You are not alone. I'm a foodaholic also. Some days are better than others. It's all about will power.
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    Kai-shek reacted to SandyM in I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.   
    Funny thing is, tonight I was walking thru Walmart past the huge containers of super sized candybars and the thought that ran through my head was "wow, I can't believe I don't even want it". It was so liberating. My hope is that someday, this will be my normal thinking all the time. Kinda like the urges when I first quit smoking compared to now where I have no desire for cigarettes at all.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.   
    Sometimes I do feel like the band is on my brain because before my surgery I felt like once a craving set in, or the grazing, I could not override the impulse. The band allows me to do that (usually). I keep asking myself, "am I really hungry?" If the answer is "no" (as it usually is), I try to 1) not start, 2) stop if I did start, and 3) walk away. I like the FOR NOW part of the definition of satiety, that I have had enough food for now. This tells me that it's okay, if I'm hungry again later I can have some food. Later. Keeps the deprivation meter from getting set off.
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    Kai-shek reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.   
    naturally.....my mind (sees) the foods i (want/wish) i could eat and eat by the gallons...the commercials alone are enough to make me drool sometimes..and hub and people at work snacking/crunching..heck yeah...my mind thinks i can eat like i did before......but i know i cant....why cant i? i am not dieting? because i was a volume eater. i could not get enough..it was like having a hole in my stomach and me trying to fill it up.....it was not ever satisfied...and NOW i know that because of my WLS, me overeating like that can hurt me, i choose to live this new life i have made....small portions of excellent (protein) filled foods.....and you know what.....now i crave those things.....and and alex was talking recently about how strange it is that now i (make myself eat) as i know i need to for my health.........and before i ate just to eat.......what a difference 19 months make........GREAT post liz.........as always
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    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.   
    I just wanted to mention that even with the fantastic loss I've had, and the lapband sitting there inside me, I am still and will always be a foodaholic. I was walking home yesterday from the grocery store and all I could think about was wanting to order a baked ziti from the Italian restaurant for dinner that night. I didn't....I had a chef salad instead, but oh boy was the urge strong. And this is not a once in a while feeling...it's alot of the time and I just fight it when it comes on and am grateful when the feeling passes.
    I guess I'm going to have to work this just like with any other kind of addiction...one day at a time.
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    Kai-shek reacted to intelirish in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    it just occurred to me that while at the gym i put on socks on while standing on one leg and bringing my foot up to the Sock WTF when did that happen... Normally my gym work out was just putting on socks
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    Kai-shek reacted to QueensTy in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    Since I've lost some weight I am happier knowing I'm on the road getting healthy.
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    Kai-shek reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    My experience through this adventure so far has been every emotion practically known to man or woman.....this has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life time..And i have been through a lot in my life.....
    There are times I think the world is my oyster and I have been so happy I feel almost out of control...there have been times I have felt so dark it is a wonder to me that I can go on....
    I did this for health reasons and the fact that I could not hug my grand daughter close to me.....some of the other reasons were there too but they did not enter my mind until after.....
    I will always see this as the best thing I ever did for myself and the people i love...but I have lost so much and gained so much in the journey that it is hard to decide if I am happier or not....
    One thing I will say though is that I can wear leather now.....I am becoming quite obsessed with it....I own 5 coats now and was looking at a vest on Ebay....Love that!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Kai-shek reacted to dylanmiles23 in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    I don't worry about gaining weight back, I worry if I will ever lose the 40-50 more that i would like. My doctor is thrilled with where I am now. I know the band will not let me get overweight again.
    Not having to take so many prescriptions a day, DONE! with that part of my life is worth it.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Jim1967 in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    Same here I have developed a new normal thanks to my band but as I get closer to goal I do worry about history repeating itself with my gaining the weight back. Although my band does not allow me to over eat like used when I was pre-op I do still think about it.
  18. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Sharpie in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    I am very happy that I am now off of my diabetic meds, high blood pressure and cholesterol too.. I am happy that I can wear normal clothes and shop with my girls without pooping out.. Happy that I can ride my horses and enjoy going out to dinner without panic setting in... I had the best Thanksgiving and Christmas I have had in many years.. did not worry or stress about how much weight I would gain and pretty much ate what I wanted .. Hope everyone is ready for another great year.
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    Kai-shek reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    i am happier that i am (healthier)
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    Kai-shek reacted to Terry Poperszky in Are you happier now that you are thinner?   
    Interesting perspective. My only observation is that I am not as anxious over gaining my weight back or about reaching goal, the LB has created a new "normal" for me.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Sherlock1969 in Came back to forum, because I need support...   
    I agree with Terry re: single. I have a friend divorced for 7 years...no weight problem but her attitude exuded from her even when she didn't realize it...it told people she was NOT interested. As soon as she said to me that she was ready to 'consider' dating she got asked out within the month. No kidding. I think our attitude and the way we feel about ourselves is broadcasted to other people. A size 10 is a GREAT size! Work on the inside and see what happens. And yes, keep the Protein, even up it, and cut out sugary Snacks. Good luck to you.
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    Kai-shek reacted to terrydumont46 in Came back to forum, because I need support...   
    i am not a veteran but can offer you some advice. don't cut down on your meat, or Protein. that is what fills us up so we don't eat all the rest of the stuff. make sure you are taking the supplements. i really wanted to talk about you single status. when i got a divorce i was at a normal weight so had no reason not to date, but i had a toddler. i watched my friends bring men in and out of the kids lifes'. i didn't want that for my daughter. so for 7 years i didn't date. i wasn't even asked out. but it was all to my stand offish attitude. i wasn't approachable. as soon as i said okay now its time for you, its time to date i was asked out constantly and was married within a year. that was 28 years ago and i am still married to the man. so perhaps you are putting out those signals. make yourself available, turn on the charms and i bet someone will ask you out. and if they don't than you ask someone out. good luck. the veterans are around. it's the weekend.
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    Kai-shek reacted to jammiebp in Fill too tight   
    Thank all of you for your support! I'm so glad I found this group
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    Kai-shek reacted to lisacaron in Fill too tight   
    I would give the doc a call and have some Fluid taken out. With the band you should be able to eat solid foods and not be bringing ANY foods back up.
    I'm sorry about the person you met at the lab, not everyone that has this surgery is ready to be fully committed to it. I know it's hard not to listen to the negative comments, for some reason they stick in our minds sharper then the positive ones.
    I'm glad you came here for support, and didn't just listen to this persons negative feed back. Please do give your doctor a call about the fill and see if you can have a tiny bit removed so that you are not bringing up foods that is never a good sign.
    Until you are able to make it into the doctor stay hydrated and go back to mushy foods or Protein shakes so you don't hurt yourself.
  25. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to lisacaron in Fill too tight   
    I agree with the above posters. If you are not comfortable eating and drinking then you might need just a tiny bit of the fill taken out.
    Remember that you can always go and have it put back in as you need it.

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