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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Kai-shek reacted to bluegirly in Ohhhh so THAT'S what that feels like!   
    I was banded on September 11, 2013. I had my first fill on November 7th. I had my second fill January 9th. It is January 17th and EVERY SINGLE DAY since my second fill I have been (almost) stuck!!!
    Let me start by saying that my band is NOT too tight! I get my fills under fluro and that takes the guesswork out of it. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!!!
    I own it. I am eating too quickly. My bites are probably a little too big. And as a result, I get stuck, kind of. It's not horrible like others have described, but it's enough to get my attention.
    Before this second fill, my band was filled enough to keep me satisfied after eating but during the meals I didn't really have to pay much attention to what I was doing.
    HOLY COW is it different now!!! And I'm not complaining! This is the way it is supposed to be....this is what I signed up for. I just got comfortable and complacent and now I am wide awake.
    I am working on developing better habits so that I get the most out of my band. I refuse to be that patient who doesn't follow the rules and then tries to blame the band or the surgeon.
    So I am putting it out there. I am taking ownership of my mistakes and publicly (sort of) making a commitment to change.
    ok, that feels better now. Thanks for listening.
  2. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Bama53 in old ways   
    I have not had real milk since surgery in Sept 13. Hope your feeling better:)
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    Kai-shek reacted to B-52 in old ways   
    After the band slaps me in the face a few times every time I do stupid things, eventually I learned....call it Behavioral Modification...
    You could hook me up to electrodes and shock me every time and get the same results.
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    Kai-shek reacted to jujusmommy07 in old ways   
    Does anybody else ever forget that they can't do things like chug a glass of milk in 3 seconds or wake up at 2 a.m. And have a bowl cereal..... I forgot I can't chug anymore I drink a bunch of milk fast and paid for it
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    Kai-shek reacted to Bama53 in Please read....   
    Thank you so much for sharing!!! Such an inspiration. Congrats!
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    Kai-shek reacted to chasingadream in Please read....   
    Thanks for that great post...it is a journey and there are lots of worries....before, during and after....I am 4 months out and feeling great and am happy with my weight loss so far. There are still worries in my mind about what the future holds, will there be problems--can I keep it off, unlike so many times before. When that happens I look in the mirror and see where I am now and think about where I want to go and then I just say to myself....one day at a time....today is here and now and that is what i focus on!
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    Kai-shek reacted to MandaMom23 in Please read....   
    Amazing, and inspiring! Congrats!
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    Kai-shek reacted to kll724 in Please read....   
    Great post, you are right, we are never totally through. But you before and "during" are great! Karen..aka.kll724

  9. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Jim1967 in Please read....   
    You're truly inspirational and have done an amazing job! I too was not excited to start my WLS journey but rather desperate. I was a walking time bomb and if it wasn't for the support of my wife I probably would've given up. For me I went through various thoughts of what if I didn't survive the procedure? How long could I continue on the path I was on if I didn't do something? It got to a point where I had to choose. Continue the path leading to early death or face fear head on and get control of it. I had reservations right up until I got into the OR and my Surgeon looked down and me and said "You ready to go?" I remember looking back at him and saying "well we're all here. Lets do this thing and hope we all have a great day"
    I never ever thought I would be where I am at today. I have no doubt WLS saved my life and I am forever grateful for everyone who helped me along the way and that includes many people on here.
  10. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in Please read....   
    A good friend suggested I post the following below so here I go.
    I've just celebrated my first 'bandiversary' and so you are aware, I was one of the ones who was not excited about starting my weight loss journey. I was nervous, anxious, fearful of failing, fearful of the future...basically a mess.
    I just wanted to say that that It just breaks my heart to read about others who struggle, who are fearful and question their decision to go ahead with WLS, and I just want them to know that we all understand the fears and anxiety but that given time, almost everyone will find success. Wishing you all well!
    Also...for those who like the visual, I've attached before and 'after' pics of myself. I put the after in quotes because I'm not finished...no one is finished with this journey..not until you're cold and in the ground but for our purposes..this is as good an after shot as required.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    There was a thread a couple of months ago, "Peanut Butter is the devil" or something like that. It's one of the things I'm still afraid to have in the house. I feel like I might get out my baby spoon and just keep going back. As for chocolate, I have a little dark chocolate once in a while and am amazed that I don't want to consume the whole thing. I was always such a finisher. If I started on something -- a stack of Cookies or whatever -- I would have to finish. I just could not override that impulse. Now I am nibbling like a mouse on a small piece of dark chocolate and feeling like what I have is yummy and, importantly, that it's enough. For me it's important not to restrict foods. That said, I could not tolerate a work environment with all kinds of sugary foods on display like that. Eeek! It's mean to bring that stuff in -- no wonder so many people have weight problems!
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    Kai-shek reacted to SandyM in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    That's what I'd do, except for the baby spoon
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    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    Oh lord...that picture is evil....just evil! LOL!!
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    Kai-shek reacted to terrydumont46 in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    I am the most committed bander alive!!!! but i am having trouble when the sun goes down. i have now thrown in the trash moose munch. it's a carmel coated, chocolate coated made from heaven popcorn. i had some and threw the rest in the trash and still threw some trash on top just to make sure. last night even though it was my birthday i had made a cake using a can of soda instead of egg and oil. my grandaughter is allergic to eggs. her birthday is coming up so i am experimenting. well that chocolate cake turned into my favorite food, brownies. gooey, lovely wonderful brownie. i had a little slice and i knew i would be going back and eating a little here a little there so it went into the trash can. blew my husband away. lol i cant have the stuff in my house. one thought about eating it and i have to or the pain of it all won't go away. i know my depression isn't helping. but i won't get to my next goal if i snack on stupid calorie loaded stuff. for those of you that Pray i need your prayers right now. and i Bless you for them.
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    Kai-shek reacted to gowalking in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    What a strong lady you are. I'm so impressed... it's a huge thing to toss food in the garbage. I've done it a few times myself and once it's done, I always know it's better off there than in my mouth. Great job terry.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Sharpie in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    yes the peanutbutter chocolate thing is my nemisis.. over the Holidays my grandaughter made Peanut Butter chocolate balls.. I could not resist them.. I ended up throwing them out of my house so I wouldn't eat them..I'm back on track.. starting my New Year off with eating good and started Zumba.. Part of the band life is willpower but it is easier to control what you eat with the band..
  17. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to B-52 in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    I CAN"T eat cupcakes or Cookies, not band friendly for me...and I have learned, the hard way, so I can now completely ignore those things...however, I would have gladly grabbed a few of the Mini-Reeses cups...
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    Kai-shek reacted to Pittsburgher in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    Well its about 1 am and I did endulge a little but not since after midnight, I do the whole midnight is a new day type of thing because techmically it is. The stuff is still sitting here, I had my share and am not intrested in anymore.
    I have my yogurt, and egg beaters for Breakfast that I will eat in a couple of hours, about 5 am. If I get hungry before then I have an extra yogurt in my lunch bag. Back to my normal day again, Im so glad I have the willpower to say no more.
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    Kai-shek reacted to Jack in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    ....wa.....wait......I thought "ice cream & chocolate" were rewards for not eating all the other junk???
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    Kai-shek got a reaction from Pittsburgher in Willpower and umm....chocolate   
    Oh poor you! my band does not like so many things and I am glad about that, but it still tolerates ice-cream and chocolate. I so wish it didn't
  21. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Bandista in Do I need another fill?   
    Hi there, I was banded November 5 and I've had four fills. No fill in band at time of surgery and I don't know how many cc's are in my band. It's kind of irrelevant since what matters is how the individual is doing with portion sizes and time between meals. Since the last fill I'm feeling restriction for the first time and not like I'm dieting. More like I'm not really hungry and I'm satisfied on a small amount of food. Yippee! I don't last the 4-5 hours, though. Am scheduled for next week so I'll see then whether I will get one more small one and then let that settle in. I think I am very, very close. Good luck to you! These are exciting times........down two jean sizes and feeling all the hope and possibility.
  22. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to B-52 in going on cruise and lapband   
    We have been on many cruises since I was banded....I look at it as just another day as far as eating goes...with the band controlling my appetite and inability to over eat....
    Life with my band is a NEW LIFESTYLE...that I have accepted and want to continue for the rest of my life....for me, I do not want to look at it as something I can turn on, turn off...decide to use as well as decide not to use...that is how I always got into trouble with dieting in the past...I had too much control...it always started with a little rationalization...I'll cheat today and make up for it tomorrow, etc...pretty soon the whole thing would go to pot....I would get completely off track, and I would once again be a big failure....
    For me...WLS is permanent....day in and day out....a physical change as well as mental.....I do not want to control it, I want it to control me...
    But then, everyone's approach to Weight Loss is different I suppose....
  23. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to Ladybandito in Fill too tight   
    Good call. A tiny infill will make a world of diifference. I know a lot of newbies think they will lose more or faster if they are adjusted too tight, but search this forum and you will see that being really tight can cause you to revert to sliders and smoothies which can pack on the pounds. Here's to you feeling better soon and your steady, continued weight loss. Please be patient, so many are in such a rush!
  24. Like
    Kai-shek reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Discouraged   
    seems to me you are doing everything right and it saddens me to read you concerned about what you are doing wrong? are you doing something wrong? to gain a true pound, you must eat 3500 calories (and not burn it off). did you do that? nope, not by what you wrote.....focus on inches coming off as that is a sign of truel/actual weight LOSS and making yourself healthier and def dont judge yourself so harshly by the scale as it goes up and down all day long....
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    Kai-shek reacted to jamilyne 102668 in Share Your NSVs Here Please!   
    I look down to make sure my shirt was buttoned and lo and behold - I see my boobs first (not my jiggly belly)!!!!

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