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Ivy Verde

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Everything posted by Ivy Verde

  1. Ivy Verde

    Pain in my left side when I breathe

    Please see a medical professional as soon as possible. Any time you have sudden, unexplained pain, you want to make sure it's not a slip or erosion. You could possibly just have developed gastritis or ulcers. But it's best to be checked to be on the safe side. I hope you feel better and it's nothing serious.
  2. Ivy Verde


    I used Chantix back in 2005 and it worked really well for me. Best of luck to you. I know it's really hard to quit. Keep reminding yourself that you have to do it before you can have surgery. Maybe that will be just enough catalyst to help you day by day?
  3. I am SO very sorry you have gone through such trauma. I'm glad you are okay and made it through in one piece. I, too, came out of surgery damaged due to surgical error. It's a hard recovery process. I'm glad you shared your story. I wish you the very best.
  4. If I continue to try to help people who are downright nasty in response, it makes me as stupid as those who can't see I'm trying to help. And I refuse to be that stupid. So, good luck to you. Thanks for the advice. And I mean that in sincerity. I don't "do" passive aggressive. I am who I say I am. I speak truthfully and that just doesn't seem to be welcome here on this site.
  5. Well, ain'tchu just a kick in the nuts? It's like talking to a kindergartner who forgot to take her medication. Okay, I gotta go be a victim now. Enjoy being insecure and "protecting" the forum from the Truth. *In my opinion. (I'll add that to all posts from now on so no one thinks I'm posting someone else's opinion.)
  6. I hadn't realized you still had your band! I take a number of medications to counteract the damage the band did. I believe that the ulcers I had are fairly healed. But I almost always have some level of gastric discomfort. It's not as acute as it was while banded, thankfully. But it's most certainly a reminder of the damage. I hope you'll be able to have the band removed without too much trouble.
  7. What a bunch of passive aggressive people. You're not "sorry for me." And I highly doubt you "wish me a long, healthy life." What a crock. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Anytime a person posts something it is THEIR opinion. It kind of "goes without saying." Or at least, you'd think so. I am not used to hanging out where I have to explain every single thing to people. I guess I will have to dumb things down. Don't blame me that the band isn't long term. Blame Allergan. They're the ones who make it. And they're the ones who state that it's NOT a lifetime device. And Insecure Mis is attributing quotes to me that I never said. For someone who's so concerned with The Truth, she's not very good at it.
  8. Ivy Verde

    Goal Weight Raised

    Good idea. Take it one day at a time. I am sure you look terrific. And you'll hit stalls here and there, but remember how well you're doing every day.
  9. I understand when you say "lack of nutrition." I was severely anemic and malnourished. I was unable to eat anything solid and relied on soups and liquids for over a year. I never had saline in my band because every time I tried, I was unable to swallow my own saliva within hours. I've regained all the weight I lost, but I truly feel so grateful to be pain-free again. I do wish I'd have gotten it removed sooner, most definitely. The turning point was when I could not lift myself out of bed to walk. I had to literally crawl down the hallway. I'm very happy today. I walk, hike, and swim. And I feel so much better, even if I am fatter than I was.
  10. Reasonable people would think, "Hey, maybe there would be something to learn from people who have been banded for a DECADE." Insecure ones think, "I'm not listening because they might tell me something I don't want to hear." Doesn't make the truth less truthful, though. So, the insecure people strike out, call people "trolls," (which is ridiculous. It's the internet) and then realize down the road that the people trying to post to HELP were actually trying to post TO HELP. The funny thing is, I WAS one of the insecure people back when I was first banded, too. I remember striking out, too. I was so afraid that I hadn't made the correct decision. And that clouded my perspective on everything. There is no reason to attack people who have had complications and choose to post about them. There is simply NO reason to take it personally. Just like I don't take any offense to people posting about their success and happiness. I'm genuinely happy for the people who are happy. I can't understand why the unhappiness of those of us who had bad band experiences should affect some people on such a deep level, unless it's due to their own insecurity. I don't see people posting "Scare tactics." If their truth scares you, it's because you know there is something to be scared about. Maybe you didn't research enough and are just now finding out about common complications. But if you're NOT having problems, just stay positive and enjoy your success. IF you develop complications, isn't it better to KNOW that others have had them, as well, and what they did to help themselves? I'd think so. No need to be SCARED. Just be aware, that's all. I truly had a horrible time while banded. My family suffered alongside me, and it's not something that's easily forgotten. It can change a person for life. I've always thought it would be really nice if people could empathize a little, sincerely. I'm not perfect. I can be a total tool when I get angry. I know this. But for the most part, I really want to help others avoid what I went through.
  11. People sure are having comprehension problems. I read your post and saw that you were asking to speak with people who have had bands for 10 years or more. I see nothing about wanting to compare bands from then with the ones of today. I had my band surgery over 10 years ago. It was an unmitigated disaster, I have permanent damage from it. I do not have a band today, thankfully. I have damage to my diaphragm and esophagus. Also, gastric ulcers, gastritis, hiatal hernia, and acid reflux. I am considered a "success" because I lost over 100 pounds. I do not consider myself a success because my quality of life took a nosedive.
  12. Ivy Verde


    Maybe Google *muscle spasm* because that's most likely what it is unless you have adhesions.
  13. Ivy Verde

    Im starting to regret......

    That's great that you never had any buyer's remorse. Maybe I did because I was suffering from severe complications from the get-go. It's not uncommon for most people to feel a sense of regret after having had surgery. It's a major life change, especially at age 17. I even had a type of "buyer's remorse" after having other surgeries. It's hard to lose organs, even if it's a gallbladder.
  14. How are you feeling today? Are you having an easier time?
  15. Ivy Verde

    Im starting to regret......

    Hi Chloe, Did you just very recently get the Lap Band? If so, I think everyone goes through a type of "buyer's remorse," honestly. Are there any counselors available to you? Or a support group or some sort? That might help--talking with others who have made the same decision. It's important to like yourself for who you are, no matter what size you are or what number is on the scale. Remember that and don't put undue stress on yourself to lose a certain amount of weight. Best of luck to you.
  16. Ivy Verde

    6yrs Banded - Chest Pain

    Ask your surgeon about referred left shoulder pain that occurs when gastric bands interfere with the Phrenic/ Vagus nerve function.
  17. Please take care of yourself. I just hate seeing anyone be hurt. Thanks for the nice words, too.
  18. You'll want an unfill. You're damaging yourself right now. Your esophagus will get dilated if you keep trying to keep food down and are unable. I wouldn't even be worried about a slip. There are so many other things that can go wrong. Once your esophagus gets all "baggy" and stretched, it takes a lot for it to heal. Throwing up-spitting up-PB'ing daily takes a toll on it. If you can't eat, you'll become anemic and malnourished. (Been there.) Get unfilled somewhat if you'd like to keep your band for more than a few years. I know you don't care for me, but I'm telling you the truth. I've seen it over and over again. THIS is how the complications start. Avoid them if you care about your health.
  19. It will push the food down into the lower stomach faster. And you'll find that drinking while trying to eat some foods is disastrous. Things will get gummed up and plug the stoma. And when the food can't move through, the esophagus keeps working and working, but the gummy glob won't go through. Then there's no turning back. Either it comes back up or you sit with the "deer in the headlights look" until it passes through.
  20. Ivy Verde

    Odd rib pain, please help!

    I know how nerve wracking it is. You'll feel much better after you're healed up. Right now everything in your body feels fragile, doesn't it? But it gets better.
  21. I'm sorry you're going through this. Everything you have written sounds very familiar. I've watched the same things happen over and over for the past 10 years. A lot of times the problems start at the 2-3 year mark and then it's a lost cause after that. (Speaking from experience.) Best of luck to you with the sleeve. I hope it works well for you.
  22. Ivy Verde

    Odd rib pain, please help!

    You're still healing, so don't get too freaked out over pains. Your stomach has been traumatized and will take time to heal fully. Try to be positive during this time and don't focus on band slippage while you're healing and just getting started. GasX is over the counter and you can buy it at any store. Only if that pain is still occurring a month from now should you be concerned. It will take at least 6 weeks (maybe more) for your body to heal from the surgery. Take care.
  23. I remember coming here back in 2003 when my friend also had lap band surgery and was a member here. But I didn't like the formatting,(didn't care for ObesityHelp, either,) so I chose Spotlight Health as my support board. Then that site kind of fell by the wayside and a group of us had a smaller, more intimate site where we all supported one another. But I remember visiting this site every once in a while. I was having such huge complications and as part of my research, I sought out every bariatric site available. And that's when I realized I wasn't the only one having horrible complications from the band. I had to do my own research to stay alive. It worked, too. If I had left my fate in my surgeon's hands, I'd be six feet under right now.
  24. Ivy Verde

    One 5 K done 2 left two do

    Sounds like fun! I have a question, though. "Obstetrical" mud racing? Meaning pertaining to obstetrics? Or is it Obstacle mud racing?
  25. A prolapse is when your stomach kind of "flops over" the band. If the band has slid down on your stomach, it most likely needs to be repositioned. Or, if it's caused damage to your stomach or nerves, it should be removed before it causes more damage. Does the Xray show where the band is currently? I doubt it has come loose. My first band slipped and twisted my stomach, causing obstruction. It was repositioned. It slipped again not long after. Then it was removed. Thankfully.

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