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Ivy Verde

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Everything posted by Ivy Verde

  1. Ivy Verde

    Recovery after band removal

    Elliemay, How close are you to your band removal date? Are you feeling okay? Wishing you the very best. I hope all goes well.
  2. It's called Lapbandtalk last time I looked. I had TWO lap bands. I'm talking about them. It's not called IHeartLapbands. People who have not yet chosen the Lap Band might appreciate knowing the negative aspects, as well. At least, those who are intelligent and would like to make an informed decision about their health would. So, your comment was rude because there was simply nothing in any of my posts that anyone should have gotten upset over. I gave the original poster information that may be of use to her. It's not up to anyone else to decide.
  3. I'm trying to help the original poster in her research by giving her pertinent information. Does that answer your rude question?
  4. If your insurance has a "No Bariatric" stipulation, it generally means that nothing will be covered. You'd probably have to really read through your information to be positive, though.
  5. Ivy Verde

    help please

    Liquids really go right through, especially if your band is unfilled. You might be swollen from surgery, causing that strange feeling. You'll be okay. Try not to worry.
  6. I am glad you're well. It's important to take care of yourself.
  7. NurseCheryl, Make sure in your research that you Google---- Gastric Banding + Referred Left Shoulder Pain. It's quite common. Being an RN, you probably know about the Vagus nerve that goes from the base of the skull down into the diaphragm, stomach, etc. The band's presence adversely affects that nerve in quite a large number of people. Even on this forum you'll see threads titled, "Back pain; shoulder pain" every day. It's due to that nerve and the band irritating or damaging it. Some people think it's a "good" thing---the consider it their "stop eating" sign. However, one that nerve is screwed up, it has a tendency to stay screwed up. It should never be considered a positive event, that pain. Just something else to add to your long list of things to research. The VSG isn't new. It's newer as a weight loss surgery, but gastrectomies have been done since the 1880s. Patients with severe peptic ulcers often had to have part of their stomachs removed. One side effect was weight loss. The part of the stomach that produces Ghrelin is often removed during VSG.
  8. I am anti-band. Well, I'm anti-pain/disappointment, pro-helping fellow human beings, actually. I had the band and do NOT recommend it. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/lap-band-surgery-half-patients-complications/story?id=13187452 This is just one thing to help you in your research. You should definitely read everything you can find on the subject. You'll find many people who are very happy with their bands. I wasn't one of them.
  9. I've been around just about the same length of time, Megan. I got my band done over 10 years ago, had it removed, and still have damage. Overall, people are very resistant to hearing about the downfalls of banding, though, I've found. Until they go through it themselves, there's really no convincing anyone that you're trying to help. And that's a real shame. With many insurance companies saying, "One WLS per lifetime" it's kind of important to make the correct decision the first time. It may be your only chance. Best of luck to you.
  10. Ivy Verde

    Need some advice, please no negeativity!

    Get the band. Go for it.
  11. Ivy Verde

    Need some advice, please no negeativity!

    What do you consider, "negative?" You've asked for "outsider's points of view" but do you only want to be told to GO FOR IT? If I say anything besides, "Go for it," is that considered "negative?" My intention is to help you, so if what I say is perceived as "negative," I apologize in advance. I'm a truthful person and say what I mean. I don't think having surgery is the lazy way or the easy way out. It's not true. It's very difficult. I also don't think that the lap band is the solution for long term good health and I wouldn't recommend it. (My opinion, having gone through some pretty bad stuff with the band.) You need to do some serious soul searching before undergoing surgery. If you're feeling unease and are less than sure about your decision, postpone your surgery date. Read and research everything--- good and bad. It's imperative that you are prepared for as much as you can be prepared for. There's no way to prepare yourself for every change. It's just not possible because there are too many variables. But make sure you know what you're getting yourself into (as much as any of us can.) Best of luck to you. I hope the turmoil subsides and you're able to have peace.
  12. Ivy Verde

    That Darn Shoulder Pain

    I had my band out about 8 years ago and I had left shoulder pain off and on all day yesterday. In your case, your Vagus nerve is probably irritated. In mine, it's because the Vagus nerve has been damaged badly. It's normal to have the referred pain off and on for a bit after surgery. If it doesn't subside after a month or so, definitely speak with your surgeon so you don't sustain damage.
  13. Ivy Verde

    Severe Back Pain

    Sounds completely familiar to me. I had horrible, debilitating referred pain while banded. It's most likely due to the Phrenic (Vagus) nerves. Do you have saline in your band currently? If you haven't gotten unfilled, I'd recommend doing that as soon as possible. It truly is NOT uncommon at all. I've talked to hundreds of people over the past 10 years who have experienced this same thing. I'm sorry you're experiencing it, too. Edited to add: You mentioned your gallbladder, too. You should definitely make sure that it's not gallstones. They also cause referred pain in the area in which you've described.
  14. Your whole story makes me sad. First, I must say that if you're waking up in the middle of the night running to the bathroom and vomiting, that's not normal and it's not just part of the package. You're going to end up damaged physically. Second, what kind of therapy did you get to help you with the emotional eating? Do you still measure your belly against your thighs? What have you replaced binge eating with? I hope that you've received ongoing counseling because from what you've written, a lap band is not going to take care of the issues you've talked about. It may stop you overeating, but it's not going to help you with the emotional aspect, the binge eating disorder, or the feelings of being out of control. Third, that "elegant woman" who gave you unsolicited advice, INSULTED you, and led you to believe that the lap band was the only answer for you was a d**k. If some rude stranger tells me I'm "too pretty to be so fat," I'm knocking them into next week. They can meet me next Tuesday to pick up their teeth I knocked out. Best of luck to you in the future. Get checked about that whole, "puking in the middle of the night for no reason" thing.
  15. Ivy Verde

    Was it worth it

    I couldn't eat solid food while banded at all. My band was positioned incorrectly. I really developed maladaptive eating habits. I hated trying to eat, I dreaded it because of the extreme pain it caused, so I stuck mostly with liquids. And even they would come up at times (and through my nose, too!) You need to consult your surgeon. Make sure your band is correctly placed. Also make sure you're chewing really well. (And I hate to advise that because I got told that all the time and it simply wouldn't have made a difference because my esophagus was being strangled due to the incorrect position. That's why I recommend making sure the band's in the right place first.) You might not be able to eat some of the foods you're currently eating. Unfortunately, it's really trial and error. I hope you can find some help so you can feel better.
  16. Ivy Verde

    Erosion - Band's coming out Tuesday

    I'm glad you made it through okay. I hope you heal well and feel better really quickly. Two friends of mine who used to post here regularly just had their bands removed due to erosion, as well. One was worse than the other- one was able to revise to VSG, the other wasn't. Best to you. Feel better soon.
  17. Ivy Verde

    On waiting list for band removal

    Your situation is very like mine. Lack of concern from a physician is always a bad sign. I wish I had "fired" mine earlier than I did. I'm very sorry you're experiencing complications. I did, too. I hope you'll feel much better after band removal. I know I did. It was like waking up from a horrible nightmare. Best of luck to you.
  18. Ivy Verde

    This CANNOT be happening :0

    You're still in the healing stage, not the weight loss stage. Your weight will fluctuate for the first couple of months, most likely. Concentrate more on just letting your body heal up for the first 6 weeks. Have you even had the band filled yet? Try not to let this get you down. You're literally JUST starting. Hang in there.
  19. Ivy Verde

    Recovery after band removal

    I'm glad. I hope someone else chimes in as well. I had a remarkable amount of damage from the band, but I also had a very good surgeon do the removal. I really wish you the best. Feel free to PM me if I can do anything to help.
  20. Ivy Verde

    Im A Whimp

    You're not a wimp. No weird stranger should be touching you or insulting you. I'm sorry that happened.
  21. I can only tell you that I did not have any gastro issues before banding. And now I have permanent and painful damage. I've witnessed the same things happening for the past 11 years amongst my banded friends. I'm trying to help you avoid what we've all gone through. But ultimately make your decision with your surgeon, of course. My surgeon wasn't exactly on the up and up, unfortunately, and cared more about money than the welfare of his patients. I hope yours is a good one and will steer you in the right direction. Sometimes surgeons who are unable to do other bariatric procedures will "sell" you on the band, whether it's the right one for you or not. Best of luck to you in whatever you choose.
  22. PLEASE don't get the band if you already have issues. Almost guaranteed they will get worse, like to the point of unbearable and damaging.
  23. Ivy Verde

    Recovery after band removal

    I felt SO much better after the band was out that I was trying to get dressed and out of the recovery room while I was still all dorky from anesthesia. For a few months after the band was out, I felt very full and was unable to eat much at all. My stomach felt shriveled up and like it just couldn't hold much. You might notice this as a side effect, too. I'd hoped it would stay that way, but my stomach stretched back out, darn it. But I think the band removal surgery itself was much, MUCH easier to recover from, personally. Best of luck to you. I hope all goes well and you heal up quickly.
  24. Ivy Verde

    Pain when in between my shoulders

    It's the CO2 gas used during surgery that has irritated the nerves that run through your diaphragm, most likely. It's normal to have this pain shortly after surgery. However, IF it persists, definitely speak with your surgeon because it's not uncommon to have referred left shoulder pain with gastric banding. (And it can extend into the back, neck, jaw, and ear.) But, yes, it is normal to have this referred pain for a while after laparoscopic surgery. Feel better soon. You can try a hot water bottle under your rib cage to see if that helps at all. Walk as much as possible, but not to the point where you exhaust yourself. No five mile jaunts or anything.
  25. Ivy Verde

    Why does it hurt to eat in the mornings?

    For the same reasons people can have puffy eyes, feet, and fingers in the morning-- your body is swollen.

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