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Blog Comments posted by krg75

  1. Well I did get a fill. They started with 3cc's. They do it under floroscopy(sp??). They injected the saline and then had me swallow some Barium stuff to watch it go down, The tech said it looked fine, but before I sat up, I could feel it coming back up and not going down. So they took .5cc out and told me to sit awhile and drink some water and see what happened. I started on the water, but it just didnt feel right, felt like it was not wanting to go down. I kept swallowing, idk if it was nerves or what. The tech came to check on me and immediatly saw me swallowing hard and got me back on the table and took another .5cc out. Then I had more water and everything was good. I was really nervous, but the techs were awesome. They were so understanding. That night, I had some potato soup and it DID NOT agree with me. I vomited for about 30 min...just sick and ugh feeling. Then I was fine. It was really thined so idk what it was. Have not had any problems since.

  2. Thank you both!! Today I am tracking what I am eating. I said I would do it and by gosh I'm going to!!

    We all hunt and fish. My son is always wanting to shoot smthing to eat. His thing right now is rabbits, but IDK about that, so we havnt let him shoot any yet...lol.

    Its crappie time too!! They are biting real good. Already have some in the freezer!

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