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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by krg75

  1. krg75

    March 18th

    I was banded March 18 too!! In Ft Worth..or rather at a Medical Center in Roanoke, TX. My Docter is in Ft. Worth. I am down 35 pounds since my first consult in February. 15 since surgery. I am loving this not hungry feeling. Although about once a week I feel like I want to eat EVERYTHING!!! haha. I go for my first fill appt April 29th...and I'm not sure yet if I want a fill. I am pretty restricted at the moment. OH, I had the IBand...lap band with plication. So maybe that has something to do with it also.
  2. krg75

    woman has lapband removed so she can eat...

    Im going to say this...People like this, (who have insurance or taxpayer money to get the band and then fail the band), are the reason that MY insurance company has a COMPLETE exclusion clause for ANY bariatric procedure. No matter your health or any other factors. I was total self pay. $10,000 out of my pocket. Because some people just take advantage of the system and dont even try. GRRRRR!!!
  3. krg75

    another spammer...warning (got via pm)

    My grandmother got a call not too long ago from a man who said he was my husband. Said he was in New Mexico and had broke down but not to call me because I would worry. He needed $1000 Western Union ASAP!!! 2 things tipped her off, first she lives out in the county and it had been raining for 3 days, he told her to call and taxi and go to the store. (No Taxis here for 100 miles around here). Number 2 is he used my maiden name. She was sooo mad. I worry about that happening again. She is 94 and lives by herself. Good thing she is still smart as a whip!!
  4. krg75


    Thank you both!! I am enjoying the NEW ME!!
  5. krg75

    another spammer...warning (got via pm)

    Oh my...that is too funny. Who would ever fall for something like tha??
  6. krg75

    Got stuck

    My doctors offic told me that pineapple juice works with stuck episodes. Something about the enzymes breaking down the food. Just try sipping a little bit and see if that helps?? Good luck.

  8. krg75

    Protein Powder

    I know you can go to unjury.com and get unflavored protein there. They also have chicken broth protein, which to me was really good the first couple of times I had it, then the smell turned me off. Has an egg smell..and not a good one. Just my experience though. Hope that helps!!
  9. I am one week post op today. Whoop whoop. The doctor just released me for soft foods. They said I could have mashed potatoes, tuna fish, over cooked pasta, eggs, etc. Even canned meat, as long as its soft. Does anyone have any ideas or recipes they used for this stage? I have been doing good, had a baked sweet potato for lunch, it was yummy!! But I would like more ideas for the next week!
  10. My doctor said I could have cottage cheese. IDK about the tomatoes. During my 1st week post-op, they said to blend the cottage cheese, but to me that sounded nasty. I did have some just now, took small bites and chewed really good. Hope you can have some soon.
  11. krg75

    So Scared...

    Good luck you will do fine!! Just take a deep breath and breathe!!!
  12. krg75

    Lost Over 100 Lbs in....

    That is simply awesome!!! I hope to follow in your footsteps. You are an inspiration!!
  13. On my final countdown. 3 days to go!!! Monday at 8 am on my way to changing my life!! So excited, nervous, scared, stressed, but oh so very happy!!
  14. I am so feeling the same way. My surgery is 5 days away. Yesterday I was so happy and today I am a bundle of nerves. I just feel blah and want to hide under the covers and cry. I am so excited for this opoortunity, yet so scared of failure. All my life I have wanted to be NOT FAT!! Now that I am fixing to have the tool I need, my head is filled with doubt. UGH!! I dont like it. Sorry I cant help...just know I know how you feel....
  15. krg75

    guilty pleasures

    Love Parenthood!!! Deadlist Catch!! Biggest Loser!! Cant stand the way that woman on Dance Moms treats those little girls...or the mothers that put up with it. Love Food Network...obviously...but have stopped watching it! lol Guilty pleasures...TEEN MOM and the Kardishians Shows...ugh...I know...lol
  16. So I had a hard time with the liquid pre-op diet for the first few days. This is day 6. Yesterday was easier and today was even better. I had to go to the hospital for pre-op labs and I snuck into the scale room. OMG!!! I have lost 6 WHOLE POUNDS!!!!!! I cannot believe it!! Made it all so worth it!! That makes 18 total SO FAR before surgery. I am so super stoked!! In exactly one week I will be at the hotel recovering. #lovingthislife!!!
  17. krg75

    Hey Grandpa whats for supper?

    MMMMMM....Banana and Strawberry Protein Shake!!1
  18. Glad your BCBS will pay, some underwriters wont. I am a total self pay with BCBS-TX. They have a no bariatric policy. They will not cover ANYTHING bariatric related...even with other health conditions. My sister also have BCBS-TX (seperate employer) and hers covers...go figure. Good luck to you!! My surgery is March 18th!! YAY ME!!
  19. My date is March 18th. So ready, the liquid diet is hard!!! I am self pay too. SO I know I will make it work!!
  20. I started my journey January 21, 2013, weighing in at 326!! (my highest weight ever!!) That is when I made the decision to do the LapBand even though my insurance will not pay anything bariatric. TOTAL SELF PAY HERE!! I had my first consult Feburary 19th. I weighed in then at 320. YAY!! 6 whole pounds off!! I am going to have the LapBand with Plication (iBand). I have tried to research everything about LapBand on the interent. Horror and success stories, diets, exercise, advice, ect. I am soo committed to this working!! I had my nutrition and physc consults on March 5 (weighing in at 314.6)) YAY ME!! Surgery date is set for March 18. Cannot wait. So now I am on the liquid diet. I was told to have 3 protein shakes per day, 1 can of soup (any kind), and 1-2 snacks per day (jello, popsicles, etc). I am having a very DIFFICULT time with all of it. UGH>>>its not that I am even that hungry, I am just consumed with the thought of food. I even started smoking...which is horrible I know!! Food has been my every thought for so long, that now that I am on liquids, it is so very hard!! Can anyone give me some advice?? Or pointers?? Or encouragement?? They said if I am not total compliant with my diet they doctor can tell when he opens me up and can refuse the surgery!! HELP ME!!!
  21. Thank you!! I already felt better just asking for help!! LOL. Helps to talk to someone who can understand!!

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