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- Birthday 09/14/1964
healthny started following "pouch" or "funnel" which is it???, pancreatitis, gallbladder out,pain oh my, gallbladder pain post LB - actigall and and 7 others
pancreatitis, gallbladder out,pain oh my
healthny replied to healthny's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Angela - thanks for sharing -- glad to know alls been well for the past year -- Have your doctors indicated to you what they believe is causing the formation of stone/sludge ?? Also, is anyone out there, whose had their gallbladder removed, taking actigall or any other med. during their weight loss phase to prevent stones/sludge?? please do share -- would love to hear form you. -
pancreatitis, gallbladder out,pain oh my
healthny replied to healthny's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
thanks guys for the info. much appreciated -- got me thinking does anyone know what is the diagnostic test to access one's bile?? sludge?? -
banded in May 07 -- all was going well until September when gallbladder was "inflammed" (no stones) started Actigall; by end of December had 2nd espisode with pancreatitis, January had gall baldder removed -- problem is now have constant upper right back flank pain -- doctor ain't offering any real help -- anyone else out there have similar experinece and offer help/advice/hope. Thanks
gallbladder pain post LB - actigall
healthny replied to kiwi4juss's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
wow - I haven't been on line since June came on today to see if I could find anything out about gallbladder issues and you sound just like me - last saturday about 3:00 am woke up with severe pain ultrasound showed inflammmation of gallbladder and sludge, no stones. Tranported to the hospital where I had my band that night no more pain spent all day Saturday and Sunday and 1/2 of Monday in hospital no pain meds feeling good -- I am so proud of myself I fended off 3 residents and the surgeon on call who were ever so eager to remove the gallbladder (like it was absolutely so inconsequential) Anyhow, started researching -- and have come to learn that losing a significant amount of weight and rapidly to boot puts enormous strain on your liver having to process all the cholesteral (no one told me before and I guess I never really thought about it). Now, two days out of the hospital and having met yesterday with my primary doc. -- he ordered a HITA scan, at my insistance really, that I believe will show me the functionality of the organ (is it impaired functioning or not) don't be surprised if you ask for one and the doctor says you don't really need it cause as far as they are concerned the ultrsound already showed the inflammation -- but I was insiting that I wanted to know about the functioning of the organ before any surgery and I will go back and have my blood tested in about a week or so when I finish the antibiotics. My band surgeon who I finally got to met with last night (who was out of the hospital over the weekend) agreed to put me on Actigal for the next 40-50 pounds I plan to lose. I heard it possibly aids in the prevention of gallstones during weight loss. My goal today is to do a bit more research about actigal becuase I really don't know of the side effects etc., etc., the only real concern he has is if I start experincing nausea and/or vomitting which won't be good. I am simply doing any and everthing I can to fend off having to have my gallbladder surgerically removed and be safe in losing the weight (everyone says its no big deal but I personally just don't buy it) Did you lose 43 lbs since having the band placed?? I'm no doctor but that sounds like an incredible amount of weight too quickly -- are you restriciting your caloric intake too much??? Are you going to take the actigall??? what did your doctor say about it?? let me know -- be well -
Alex - I was shocked to hear your news -- don't despair one door closes and another one opens -- fight the good fight you're so worth it !!! Keep us posted...HAVE A GREAT DAY !!!!
thanks crabcake - but I was wondering just about liquid -- anyone say anything about how many oz.s at a time ??? over what amout of time ?? I too have the 64 oz. total liquid and it is difficult to say the least to get it all ... Honestly, I am not even thinking abourt eating or real food at this point -- I am literally taking it one day at a time -- trying to get through this full liquid phase (2 weeks -- Good God I never did more than a day of liquid in my life) on Sunday I am plannning to think of my next 2 week phase -- blended YIPPEY !! (Can you tell my program does gastric bypasses too, I think thats the reason for the "diet" -- I really can't complain the weight is coming off --- so, what do you think about the liquid how much at a sitting (app) ??? thanks
I was banded May 8th and recieved the samller AP band and low profile port... (I first heard about it on this board in April, talked to the company, my surgeon and doc.) ...the "selling" point for me was that in the even of complication/revision it is apparantly eaiser for the surgeon to unlock/access. The other thing that made good sense to me was the full 360 deg of compression as opposed to 280ish with the other band -- it just seemed to make good logical/mechancial sense. The company will be publically announcing the AP bands at the the week of June 11th at the Bariatric Conference in San Diego. Whether or not it's better -- who knows -- I just know it was the right decision for me. With that said I recognize any band is just a tool and if you work with it it works -- if not, there lie the problems.
happy friday ... and best wishes to all those going in today and Monday. I keeping reading and am amazed at the diversity of protocol with regards to wheter or not one is hospitalized or done on an outpatient basis...it's soooo interesting...(maybe we could do a poll) As for me its day 11 of full liquid -- its getting real a bit old but hanging in there... what I have noticed is the less variety in my diet the eaiser it becomes -- sure its not the healthiest way to think about it but for the short run its ok. Thanks to all for sharing your "off the wagon" moments -- they really are appreciated, courageous and motivating. Truth is at this point I am simply too scared to do anything off course. I have had a constant dull ache since being banded right at my upper mid. breast bone -- I am hoping that's normal and will soon pass -- I went to my support group yesterday told the nurse about it but he kinda disregarded it he just said "oh your feeling your band" -- I see him privately next week and will definately address it then. Is anyone else experiencing a constant tightness in their upper breast area ??? I am paying very close attention to it today and I noticed it gets more intense after I "drink" about 2-4 ozs. Also could you guys share what your docs. orders on liquid are mine gave no limit other than when full -- I think I probably have been drinking a little too much and too fast.... I need to learn to be dainty and sip.... so much too learn ..... HELP
I have become a huge fan of ispoure during these two week post op liquid -- as I understand it it you can't freeze or boil isopure (I mean you certainly could) but it ultimately changes the molecular structure of the protein and you don't want that. I found my isopure at the Vitamin Store -- its pricey but I bought two case premade and it has been very convenient. I don't know if they have samples or not but I bought fruit punch and apple melon (don't care for apple melon) next time I'm in I will buy a bottle of each and figure out what I like before buying the case. They also sell in in powder form and that's even a better deal.... I can't rave about it enough -- without it I would be struggling to get all the protein in these days.
Was banded on the 9th and still in pain..
healthny replied to katspaww's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I had surgery on the 8th -- don't despair things will get better -- everyday that passes you will feel notice you're on your way -- my best advice stay positive and be gentle with yourself.... but I definately would have the blister checked out..that could turn into a dangerous situation.... -
ONE WEEK POST OP- First let me say best wishes to all who are going in this week for surgery -- you'll be fine!!! I know everyone is different but as for me it's one week post op -- things couldn't be going better. No pain meds./no gas/ little to no belly soreness at this point -- it has been really interesting day to day to listen to my body heal -- four-five days post op. the real belly soreness passed ... I am excited for the first time to really listen and watch my body heal -- my scars look fantastic, I am treating them like babies -- although the doc. told me it was ok to shower immediately when I got home I have sponged bathed all week trying to keep them as dry as long as possible, I believe it will aid in healing/scarring. As for the two week full liquid phase -- honestly that was the part I never thought I would be able to get through -- though somehow day by day it is eaiser and the feeling of pride I have in myself for sticking it out is absolutely amazing. I have carefully planned my diet and am always including at least 65-75 grams of protein a day -- there is no question for me that has helped with hunger and it is so very necessary for healing. I am truly amazed the "hunger" really is under control -- I would have never believe it!!! What I have noticed the last couple of days is that my stomach is really rumbling; and there is, from time to time, a tightness in my upper chest; hoping those things will soon pass too. One more thing that might hep someone out there the issue of constipation about three days after surgery was something I really wasn't prepared for and was a bit painful -- till it resolved itself-- I was recommended an herbal tea called "Smooth Moves" had one cup only and by the next morning everthing was resolved -- (but if your on any meds check the ingredients first ) the other thing I was not exactly prepared for in the hospital, hands down more so than anything else, was the dry mouth... doc says it was because of the meds. it was awful. I did have with me a mouthwash but in retrospect I would have brought one specifically for dry mouth. Dry mouth really was my hospital issue -- it was really excessive. (That is probably more applicable for those of you being admitted after surgery and if you are given your own self- dispensing pain medicine machine (PSA). I just kept pressing the button whether I needed it or not -- I just had a plan to stay on top of the pain, which was never an issue in the hopsital). The other thing I did post op. was to drink Barley Water. I bolied one cup barley with 3 cups distilled water for three hours and strained out the cooked barley -- it is very common in the Orient and reported to have anti-inflammatory properties, I think that really helped (my dog was thrilled he got all the cooked barley mixed with his dry dog food and loved it). So anyways, thanks for letting me share -- I am so encouraged and greatful for this new beginning ... taking one day at a time....Be well!!!!
Interested in a Gathering?
healthny replied to Alexandra's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
wow -- sounds like a great idea !!! This forum has given me so much -- I am soooooo very greatful and would welcome the chance to get together. Although I'm partial to New York what about New Orleans? Giving them the business/money, giving back/new beginings it all makes sense..... what do you think ???? -
Good wishes to all who go in today.... you'll do great!!! For me its just shy of 72 hours post op. feeling good -- SElaine - there are a number of threads about the AP band on this forum unfortunately at the moment I can't access them without the big boss knowing I'm back on line if you search around abit you'll find them -- the main diffference as I understand it is that the pressure/inflation is a full 360 degrees unlike the other bands and the "selling point" for me is the locking mechanism is eaiser to unlock if in the event of complications or need to reposition -- I was blessed to have my surgeon agree to it -- I am so very greatful!!! Making a real effort to get in 64 oz. of protein -- it is so very important for healing 1 20 oz. isopure/ 2 20 oz. designer whey shakes, vitamins and essential oils yesterday -- I am stuffed!! A couple things I wish I had arranged pre surgery 1) a step for my bed -- its quite high 2) a stool softener -- not constipated but don't want to strain too hard at this point 3) insist on a liquid pain reliever if possible you don't want to be bothered having to crush pills -- so other than that things are great the 11 pounds of water weight I gain from the night of surgery (Tuesday) is now gone and am starting to fee really good again. Oh well -- back to work -- shoot I wish I had more time to spend on line --
Hello everyone ... banded Tuesday morning, back on line and back at work today feeling great!!! (I'm only working half a day) Amy I am sooooo sorry to hear things haven't gone so well for you -- have faith things will get better. I have been ranting and raving about my surgery and the care I received -- I was so fortunate to get the revised AP band and low profile port, (primariely because of everything I learned from this forum) person scheduled before me cancelled, I was the only surgery that day went in around 10 out by 12 in my room by 1:00 and was out walking the hospital floor by 1:30 -- made myself a little cheat sheet liquid 30 ccs /breathing excerises/ankle flexes/walking and checked it all off as I went it was very enpowering. I just want to say a quick thanks to all of you who wished me well I am so very greatful and blessed so far soooo goood. I better do a little work in the meantime, I am anxious to post the rest of my journey and anyone who can benefit from my experience I'm thrilled to help -- all questions welcome, I feel like I have gotten so much from this forum, its my way of giving back... To all those who have yet to be banded -- keep reading educate yourself and be the best possible surgical patient you can be !!!! Knowledge really is power.....