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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About MissNikki27

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 06/27/1984

About Me

  • Biography
    A mother waiting to live life!!!!!!
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    Customer Service
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  1. I'm trying to get back on track. I had my surgery July 2013. I lost about 80lbs total. I got pregnant 9 wks post op with twins...continued to lose weight thru out. Now the twins are 2 and I've gained 30lbs by just reverting back to bad habits. I've decided to take control. I'm going to start attending over eaters anonymous tomorrow...journaling.... drinking more Water and just being more conscious of what I'm eating. I know that having a support system is important so I would love to buddy up with anyone so that we may be successful together. Sent from my LGMS330 using the BariatricPal App
  2. Yea I tried that stuff when I first had my surgery.....ugh so nasty. I tried cold, even tried frozen as a slushie.....it's just gross. The only one I can stomach is Premier and Muscle Milk but Muscle milk has too many calories.
  3. MissNikki27


  4. MissNikki27

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Count me in. .. I'm 233... goal weight of 218
  5. MissNikki27


    Too cute
  6. Okay so I went to my Ob today and got sent to the ER to get fluids. In dehydrated my blood pressure is low and to top it off I have a UTI. They are going to give me an IV at home, waiting on approval from insurance.
  7. I am 13 wks post op. And 7 wks preggo....not planned went thru the whole shock and devastation period. Now I'm facing reality, with twins growing in me I have no energy for anything. Do you think my doc will put me on bed rest til the second trimester when my energy comes back.
  8. MissNikki27

    Should I go to the ER?

    I actually them a join request awhile back.....still waiting
  9. MissNikki27

    Should I go to the ER?

    I didn't go to the ER. I did have a nutrition appointment scheduled for this morning and an OB appointment for the afternoon. I decided to wait it out. My sister brought out to my appointment and my nutritionist advised me to increase my protein intake and increase the amount of carbs. Although, with bypass you should always focus on protein I need to increase my calorie intake and I need to get some carbs in for energy for the baby. I then went to my OB appointment and they did an exam on me and saw the spotting and then gave me an ultrasound. Guess what!!!!!! I am having twins. So the spotting is considered normal. They advised me that because I am having twins I am having double the fatigue, double hormones, and double the discharge or spotting. They measured the babies and they are right on time. Then we listened to the heart beats and they are very normal. So surprise surprise to me.
  10. So I'm 6 weeks preg. And for the past two days I have been very weak and faint. I have hydrated myself, took vitamins, and ate protein rich food but no improvement. To top it off TMI alert....I have been spotting brown and red and I have had some thick substance come out that I've never seen before. The spotting has been going on for over a week.
  11. MissNikki27

    almost the months post OP and preggo

    Oppps I meant to say I'm almost three months. I'm 10 weeks. I go see my surgeon tomorrow and I'm anxious to find our what is in store. I barely meet my regular nutrition requirements.
  12. I don't how I'm going to tell my surgeon. This is so unexpected.
  13. MissNikki27

    Stop Watching Me....

    LOL as I am reading this opening my Real Fruit Newtons my co-worker peeks over the desk to see what I'm eating lol smh.
  14. Chobani Yogurt and protein shakes. Oatmeal and farina work great as well but there isn't much protein in those foods but you can always add protein. Sometimes I will have some canned salmon with farina...Tastes great.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
