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Liana Washburn

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Liana Washburn

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  1. Liana Washburn


    Mine would be covered, but I will call and see what they require. Anything else I have to do? I have been thinking about this and talking and researching this for 2 yrs. My husband and I have been wanting and trying for a baby for 5 yrs and have not been able to. We have 1 daughter and she wants a brother or sister so bad. I found out in 07 that I have diabetes and in 12 found out about my thyroid. 3 yrs ago I was in a car accident and have had 3 neck surgeries and now I am disabled and cant do very much. So the pounds keep packing on. Sense I was 18 I have been bigger and now at 32 its time for some changes big ones. Good luck with your recovery!
  2. Liana Washburn


    I have decided to have the surgery. Now what do I do next ?

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