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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Good question but no real difference here either. With the exception that when I buy clothes, I often think I need a bigger size. That's my own perception (or deception). Through the years though, I have found it interesting that no one seems to remember I was exceptionally heavy until they see an old picture. I avoided the camera when I was over 300 so those are far and few between. My first surgery was 2008 so it's been awhile since they saw me heavy. I stayed around 150/160ish the past 10 plus years. I do remember I was glad when the questions stopped. I never liked the extra attention.
  2. There is usually a honeymoon period after WLS, and if you don't take advantage of that time, and instead, purposely try to slow down your weightloss when you are still benefiting from it, it may be very difficult to get the maximum advantage of your surgery and/or get to goal weight in the future.
  3. Tomo

    Insurance question

    As long as you are covered 100% under your husband's insurance, yes.
  4. Tomo

    Medrol Pack after RNY

    Had an asthma attack, and they gave me a week's worth of prednisone. I think they gave me coated tablets that can be taken with it without food. No issues.
  5. Crawfish tofu stir fry (can't believe it's not butter, soy sauce,. Crawfish tails, silken tofu, lemon juice, garlic, cajun, salt, pepper) with a toasted clay oven shao bing (Chinese sesame flat bread). I ate 30g bread (half), and 97g of the stir fry. Sometimes, I "practice" mindful eating. I weigh the larger portion before and then again, after I eat, and get the amount I ate to log it. Hence, that huge dish lol. I am always surprised that I stop at around 4 ounces. I usually weigh my serving first though since I don't trust myself lol.
  6. Tomo

    Am I Broken??

    Ditto with all the comments above. How many calories are you taking in daily? I, too, had no issues drinking, and I also had a lot of water weight gain due to the IV for a few weeks. It is normal.
  7. Tomo

    I am going crazy

    I had a revision due to gerd back in August. I didn't really have any stalls but the first couple of weeks, I had Water weight (over 10 lbs) gain due to the IV fluids so that always appears to be a stall. It took over 3 weeks to get rid of all that water. I am guessing that is what you are experiencing right now or something similar. They told me that I won't lose as fast as the VSG but that was not the case for me. I was content at 160 lbs (post vsg weight) but I got down to 108 lbs after revision. I learned a lot of tools while I had my vsg, and they continue to work through the revision.If you gained weight with vsg, to continue losing after revision, your eating habits must change from when you had your vsg. Unfortunately, the surgery itself will not make you lose weight as faster than vsg. Statistically, it is more effective than vsg but not by much. Like the sleeve, it is an effective tool if used correctly. Are you logging your intake? What are your calories per day? If it is below what you daily expend, the weight will continue to come off and you can shrug those pesky stalls off.
  8. A few days ago, I made some simple Beef soup with daikon, eggplant, cabbage... Etc. and a mini umeboshii (plum) rice ball. I ate most of it.
  9. Tomo

    monthly weigh in and measurements

    I weigh myself once every morning and log it in an app. If I am at home, I weigh myself all the time, just to look at the number. I have a scale in the restroom, so if I go in to brush my hair, for example, I step on it. lol Weight fluctuations don't bother me. Probably because I have a history of water retention.
  10. From the beginning, I could drink water with no problem. A couple weeks after post-op, it could be literally at any pace. But, early on, I still went slow to make sure I didn't injure myself.
  11. You're talking about the sleeve, right? For rny, there is a pouch because the stomach is bypassed. Nothing really gives me ick. I do have a pet peeve though concerning wls. People who have too high of expectations. For example, complain they lost "only" 15 lbs a month (that is a whopping 52500 calories less) and blame the surgery when they wouldn't have lost weight at all if it weren't for the surgery and probably would've continued gaining.
  12. Since my revision I've picked up a strange new habit. I still think about food quite a bit, although I still average 970 to 1000 a day. I'm upping it slowly for maintenance. I'm going on my one year revision surgiversary in August. I love shopping online and get all kinds of food but I literally have a room full of food in sealed containers. If there is any emergency, I would have about 3 months of food or more haha. My poor husband has to eat the overfull freezer and fridge food that I buy. I used to have an empty fridge and freezer and eat out all the time (pre WLS srugeries) but not in the last year. Maybe because I've been cooking a lot at home and I want all the ingredients at my fingertips. I was wondering if there is anyone like this out there? Although it makes sense given my long history with my love for food, It's still so bizarre to me.
  13. I felt like dimsum today. 3 pork siu mai, 1 mini steamed bbq pork bun. I ate 2 of the 3 shumai and half the mini pork bun. I ate 94g (3.3 oz). Calories: 215.
  14. One of favorite go to dishes when I go to a sushi restaurant. So yummy.
  15. Welcome. It's invaluable to my journey. Sometimes when I get the urge to succumb to my head hunger, I come in and read some posts. It's a great distraction and can learn a lot.
  16. Strawberries, cherries, grapes, guavas, watermelon, apples are my go to Snacks. Especially late night Snacks. My refrigerator is always packed with fresh fruits. Recently, for guilty pleasures, I really like: That's it organic dark chocolate and banana truffles. (If they don't have those in stock, I get the Natierra organic chocolate banana slices. They are different though because they are crunchy.) Also, I have been into airfried real sourdough San Francisco style bread(lots of fake sourdough out there that don't have health benefits like real sourdough does) with cheese on it. I have been eating a couple of slices every day for the past few months. Also, greek yogurt dill pickle dip. Tons of easy and different recipe on the net. I make a week's worth and use it for a vegetable dip or eat with Korean popped rice crackers.
  17. Tomo

    HAPPY new year!

    Happy new year! Fantastic update and post. [emoji847]
  18. I gained over 10 lbs right after surgery. Fluids from surgery... Etc. Unless you are eating the same amount that you did before surgery, you are losing weight. If you can't understand this concept, then it's better to stay off the scale for now. Try to be patient, it happens to most.
  19. If you go to 10 different vsg surgeons, you will probably get 10 different post-op diets. If you go to 10 different rny surgeons, you will probably get 10 different post-op diets. The only difference between vsg and rny post-op diet is the surgeon's opinions. For example, my vsg surgeon wanted low carb, my rny surgeon pushes 7 to 13 servings of fruits/veggies a day for long-term weightloss, anti inflammation and anti cancer reasons.
  20. I had it done about a year and a half ago (for gerd). All good, nothing negative to report, much easier recovery, much easier everything actually.
  21. I would say don't overpack. I was sent home the same day after my vsg, and for the rny revision, I went home the next morning, about 24 hrs after being admitted. Basically slept till my release. What I found necessary was a very loose outfit that you can slip over your head, comfortable shoes, your cell phone, necessary ID items and a small pillow for bumps in the road for your ride trip go home is really all I needed.
  22. I would go to the ER or another physician to have it checked out. It may not even be connected to your surgery. You are retaining water so I am not surprised there is no weight change right now. A common cause of low urine output is dehydration, and you said your urine is dark, perhaps up your water intake in the meantime. But if you are going less than 500 ml in a day, that can potentially be a medical emergency and it may be a urinary obstruction, for example.
  23. You look great. Inspirational!
  24. I am so glad you are better now. Your explanation was very clear, and I think it will help those in the future to act quickly if they get similar symptoms.

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