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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. ashleigh81

    Second fill

    Maybe I'm just a baby then!! I can't eat otherwise!! I've lost 32 pounds though now!! I had surgery on jan 18th!! The first day is usually good it's the next few when it hurts!
  2. ashleigh81

    Second fill

    Is it weird I had to take painkillers for a few days after my Second fill? I have about 5 cc in my band now were doing the micro fill .8cc at a time. She said my first fill that I have 3 and a little bit in it already. I had heard from alot of people on here that your band is empty until your first fill but she said that is absolutely not true!
  3. One thing I love is no more heartburn since surgery!!!!!
  4. ashleigh81

    First fill

    Thanks for the info!! So the only do 1 cc at a time?
  5. I'm going for my first fill on Tuesday. Any tips??
  6. ashleigh81

    Having trouble! Stressing!!

    See I measure my food but am still hungry after so I eat more then I should. It's been 5 weeks and I am losing, I've lost 22 pounds. I'm just worried that ill mess my band up before I even get my first fill! I have to drive 3 hrs to get my fill and had a 4hr flight to get to the surgeon who did my surgery. So it's not like I can get that support to make sure everything's ok!
  7. I got my lapband 5 weeks ago tomorrow. I've been back to real food I think way to early! This last week I find I've been eating way to much!! It's all been healthy choices but I'm scared I have already ruined this and stretched my band!! I go for my first fill march 5th. Have I ruined my band already!? I have this lump about my big incision I thought it was the port but sometimes it's above some times it's below it. Someone please help!!
  8. I'm in week two! Not going how I planed. Sometimes I hurt other times I wonder if its even in there!!! Don't have very much support as I decided not to tell anyone except my parents.

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