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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Leslie

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 04/14/1965

About Me

  • Biography
    41, married, a 3 year old daughter
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  1. Happy 48th Birthday Leslie!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday Leslie!

  3. Leslie

    how much did you lose

    Thanks Cindy, I didn't know about the dietician. I will email/call and ask for some advice. Maybe I am totally eating the wrong foods. I feel as if I live in the North Pole, I don't really feel connected to the clinic at all. I am discouraged as I really want to 'get on with it'. Thanks for the encouragment I will try and hold on to that. I will also try again with the ticker. Fingers crossed that goes well.
  4. Leslie

    how much did you lose

    Quick question. I can not figure out how to do a ticker and get is to update and post it with each new message...please some one give me a step by step...thanks
  5. Leslie

    how much did you lose

    Hi there, I was banded on July 27 with Dr Coburn. I have only lost 22 pounds since I started Optifast on July 6 up to August 8. I am really feeling concerned that this is not working. I have actually gained a half a pound since Aug 8. This is not what I signed up for. Physically I feel fine but emotionally I feel out there. The cost of the surgery was huge and part of the cost was the after care. I have called the center two weeks post op and was told the nurses would call me back but they have not. I feel like I am trying to do this on my own and I can't. Sorry this is sounding like a rant but I am feeling depressed. I read this website and all I see are people's weight loss tickers moving down down down and I don't know if that is going to happen to me. Has/is this happening to anyone else?
  6. Leslie

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Last question on the ticker. How do you know which code to cut and paste?
  7. Leslie

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Sorry..hit a button and off it went to be posted before I was ready. Anyways, Can you guys give me an idea of what kind of things that you are eating. I am only eating/slurping yogurt drink, yogurt, Soups, Water, and crystal light. I have tried to take some Multivitamin and Calcium but they really made a mess of my tummy. Maybe because I wasn't eating enough. What do you guys think?
  8. Leslie

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Oh i feel hungry all the time. Maybe I am not eating enough. I am defiantely also looking at the scale and wanting it to change. I am not sure how much of the Optifast that I can stomach in a day. It is not sitting too well with me right now. To be honest I really liked the chocolater flavour before the surgery but now it kinda makes me head to the "loo" if you know what honest before the
  9. Leslie

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    Susan, How do you do the weight ticker that you have going? I like it...
  10. Leslie

    Thought I shouldn't be hungry?!?

    thanks for the advice guys !! I will definately stick with it. Since I started Optifast on July 6 up to today I have lost a total of 19 pounds so not so bad a start. I think that I will carry a Water bottle around with me all the time just to keep myself feeling full. talk to you later, thanks again
  11. Hi everyone, I was banded on Friday July 27 with Dr Coburn. We stayed in a hotel until Sunday then flew home to Winnipeg. My question is...I thought that I was not going to feel hungry for at least the first week? Not sure why I thought that but nevertheless I do. Well anyway, my stomach has been growling ever since. I am sticking to the suggested menu of full fluids. I did try a few Optifast but alas they were a bust. In every sense of the word. Did/does anyone else feel the same? I mean my husband and daughter were eating a pizza for supper and I literally felt that I could have eaten a slice with no problem. I didn't. Thanks for listening. Wish that I lived in the Toronto area so that I could take advantage of the center more and having more people like ME around. Leslie
  12. Leslie

    What to bring to hotel

    Thanks for the info everyone! I just bought the Bullet so hopefully that will help.
  13. Hi there, :help: I am new to this site so please bare with me if this question has been answered a dozen times. I am coming from Winnipeg to the TSWLC for surgery on July 27. We are staying in Novotel. I want to know what I should be bringing for food wise. Just the Optifast? thanks
  14. I would like to know if any of you are from Winnipeg or Manitoba and how it works for adjustments? I was told that they had an adjustment doctor in Winnipeg. Just wondering if I am paying the fee for the surgery and it is supposed to include follow ups and adjustments how that works for out of province patients.
  15. Leslie

    Lap Band vs Gastric Bypass

    Thanks everyone. Appreciate the quick reply. I was 99% sure now I am %100%.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
