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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Leslie

  1. Thanks Cindy,

    I didn't know about the dietician. I will email/call and ask for some advice. Maybe I am totally eating the wrong foods.

    I feel as if I live in the North Pole, I don't really feel connected to the clinic at all. I am discouraged as I really want to 'get on with it'.

    Thanks for the encouragment I will try and hold on to that.

    I will also try again with the ticker. Fingers crossed that goes well.

  2. Hi there,

    I was banded on July 27 with Dr Coburn. I have only lost 22 pounds since I started Optifast on July 6 up to August 8. I am really feeling concerned that this is not working. I have actually gained a half a pound since Aug 8. This is not what I signed up for.

    Physically I feel fine but emotionally I feel out there. The cost of the surgery was huge and part of the cost was the after care. I have called the center two weeks post op and was told the nurses would call me back but they have not. I feel like I am trying to do this on my own and I can't.

    Sorry this is sounding like a rant but I am feeling depressed. I read this website and all I see are people's weight loss tickers moving down down down and I don't know if that is going to happen to me.

    Has/is this happening to anyone else?

  3. Oh i feel hungry all the time.

    Maybe I am not eating enough. I am defiantely also looking at the scale and wanting it to change. I am not sure how much of the Optifast that I can stomach in a day. It is not sitting too well with me right now. To be honest I really liked the chocolater flavour before the surgery but now it kinda makes me head to the "loo" if you know what honest before the

  4. Hi everyone,

    I was banded on Friday July 27 with Dr Coburn. We stayed in a hotel until Sunday then flew home to Winnipeg. My question is...I thought that I was not going to feel hungry for at least the first week? Not sure why I thought that but nevertheless I do.

    Well anyway, my stomach has been growling ever since. I am sticking to the suggested menu of full fluids. I did try a few Optifast but alas they were a bust. In every sense of the word.

    Did/does anyone else feel the same? I mean my husband and daughter were eating a pizza for supper and I literally felt that I could have eaten a slice with no problem. I didn't.

    Thanks for listening. Wish that I lived in the Toronto area so that I could take advantage of the center more and having more people like ME around.


  5. I would like to know if any of you are from Winnipeg or Manitoba and how it works for adjustments? I was told that they had an adjustment doctor in Winnipeg. Just wondering if I am paying the fee for the surgery and it is supposed to include follow ups and adjustments how that works for out of province patients.

  6. Hi, I am new to this forum so if this question has already been answered to death then please point me in the right direction.

    Why choose lap band over gastric bypass? I am about to have an over-the-phone consulation with Surgical Weightloss Center and would like to know why YOU guys have all chosen lap band.


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