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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gretchdid

  1. gretchdid

    How often do you get an adjustment?

    Missy, thanks. I didn't even think about that. Why go when you have hit your goal weight ad have the right amount. so simple. Kime- I love that you named it George. Clever!!!
  2. Seems like I'm always going to get a fill or fluid taken out? I've had the band for 2 years. Is this a normal routine to do? I go about every 2-3 months to add or take out. And on the other hand I have a friend that had hers for 6 years and hasn't had a fill or fluid removed in 4 years.
  3. gretchdid

    How often do you get an adjustment?

    It is and I want to not feel alone in this and want to see if others experience the same thing. It's nice to have something in common with others to relate to on each of our journey with the band.
  4. I've had the band for 2 years. I'm always getting adjustments from previous sickness or allergies and the band tightening I was sick two weeks ago and the coughing slowly made my band tighter and tighter. So painful and I couldn't eat or drink so I had 1 cc taken out yesterday. Dr. said that should do. Liquid is kinda going down. I still feel pain at the port site and where the band is. I'm now experiencing something new. It feels like I've got acid in my throat and kind of a sick unsettled feeling to my stomach, like I need to throw-up and do in my mouth a little. Should I give it a bit to help the swelling go down or call the dr. and say not much has changed except that liquid is now going down?
  5. All the fluid has been removed from appt yesterday. The doctor does not feel the band slipped from just how I responded to the water going down and feeling I got when it went into my stomach. But, to be sure he wants a Upper GI done and I'm happy he wants it done. Better to be safe than have it filled again only to go through all the fills again to find out it had slipped. Praying it didn't slip. Eating only soft food and everything is going down normal. I wonder if it had slipped if I would still be having troubles now?
  6. After a bad sickness have you ever experienced your stomach swelling and your band get tighter? I was sick a week ago with a bad cold and I think from all that nasty coughing that it irritated my band and stomach and now have to have fluid taken out. Is this happened to you and feel that it's a normal part of this process of having the band?
  7. gretchdid


  8. gretchdid


    From the album: gretchdid

  9. gretchdid

    after a sickness and swelling

    That's what I did too and thankfully it helped, but I think I jumped the gun to early and made it worse. I'm glad to know though that I'm not the only one. thanks
  10. gretchdid

    Frustrations with band

    I know exactly what you are talking about. Our stories are identical! I asked my doc. the same question why my friend never has a problem and hasn't had a fill since she got the band 5 years ago and I've had it 2 years and it's a constant battle. His reply is that every body is different and each respond to the band differently and just have to keep trying until we're at a good spot and even when I'm at a good spot my allergies act up or I get sick and then have to have an adjustment.. I guess it's like medicine some may experience side effects from it when others won't have any problems. It is worth it, but I do understand your concerns.
  11. My dr. called and is going to remove all the fluid tomorrow and wait two weeks and see if that helps and hopes that it didn't slip. oy.
  12. I'm hoping it's nothing. I had to have emergency surgery last year from a hernia that pushed my stomach through my band. NOT fun. It's a different pain so I'm hoping it's not that. I called just now and am waiting for the doctor to call me back. Normally when this happens I can get everything down. but, yes, it should feel like it's tighting so soon after yesterday's de-fill. Thanks for replying. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my concern!

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