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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Booyah!!

  1. Booyah!!

    Before Pics

  2. I feel great today! Had a great workout ! ready for the day!

  3. Feeling pretty good to see the scale is still moving in the right direction !! DOWN

  4. Booyah!!

    Sweet Success!!

    Kime-Lou , I am having a frustrating issue, being 30 post op and am stuck at the same weight for over 10 days, I am eating right (I believe) and excersing 5 days a week. this is normal? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Linda
  5. the scale has been stuck for 10 days!!! very frustrating

  6. the scale has been stuck for 10 days!!! very frustrating

  7. 17 days post of and feeling great! sleeping on my side, yeah!

  8. Booyah!!

    New Lenox IL

    Wishing you the best of luck, alot happens on that big day. Just listen good and follow instructions. And I agree with the heating pad, it was by savior. I am 17 days post op and feel great! lots of energy, and motivation. Keep us posted with your updates and stay calm, you made a long journey to get to this point, and it will be worth it.
  9. Booyah!!

    Is this normal?

    Me too, i do feel some tightness after a burp in my throat.I am on full liquids also.
  10. Booyah!!

    Sugar free products

    Farina is dry cereal that needs to be cooked like grits or oatmeal. I personally like it with some cinnamon and sweetener.
  11. Booyah!!

    Post op experiences and support

    Yumm Yumm!! thats the motivation we all need, to have my husband pick me up would be pretty thrilling for me. As long as me doesnt end up in traction!! lol I am looking forward to amusement park rides, shopping at the regular stores for clothes, booths at restaurants (not tables) airplane seats and bathrooms. Many things that were a struggle or imbarassment. Happy days are coming!!! although it is snowing like crazy in Chicago!!
  12. Booyah!!

    scared! surgery soon.

    You can do it!! We all did/will. I was super excited because I lost 18 pounds in the 3 week pre-op diet, my Dr. was very happy. I took that part very seriously, but also got out my final cravings a week before surgery! So I was content going in, I had a wonderful RN at the surgery center that was all my strength and she was so fun and friendly, it didnt seem like I was there for the reason I was. Good Luck to all, take a deep breath and think forward a few months! God Bless Linda
  13. Booyah!!

    Post op experiences and support

    You can do it Cindy!! i am 5 days post-op and am still in the liquids for two weeks. I need to remember that bad eating is what got me here in the first place. And that nothing, I mean nothing tastes as good as feeling thin (ner) does!!! Eventually we can eat it all, IN MODERATION. Good luck to all, and hang in there. h20 h20 h20 !!!! have a postive week! Linda
  14. looks like we are all on the same page, I have more pain in the morning. I keep ice packs going 20 minutes on 20 off. I ahve not tried gas-x maybe thats all I need to cut back on the pressure. I will try that now and see what happens. And I also have plenty of gurgling sounds and plenty of the lower gas too. But what does feel wierd is burping, I think that is when I actually feel something on the stomache itself. Like a sort of tigh feeling.
  15. I know! i feel funny to say this publically but hey there is no modesty in doing what you have to do. I have the next best thing to a bidet, a hand held shower head!! if you know what I mean!! i strained myself this morning trying too soon . If you dont have one , you should get one, make life much easier, and cleaner!
  16. Booyah!!

    - 15 lbs!

    Great Work!!!
  17. Well I guess that big step is over with, I have a new friend now, I am not sure what to name it yet! lol As I have been told, the port sight will be the most painful area, and I agree to that. Keep the liquid vicodin going and ice packs help alot. I am nervous to make a wrong move or sip water too much. But I am learning. My Husband is an awesome nurse and assistant through my lap band procedure. I figured I would put a shout out to my latest status. God bless all ! keep up the great work, and thanks for listening.
  18. Booyah!!

    2 days lap band post-op!!!! everyday is better =)

    Thank you everyone and I wish the same support back to you!!! you are all incredible people.
  19. Booyah!!

    2 days lap band post-op!!!! everyday is better =)

    Thank you everyone, this is definitley a new journey for me, I have never had my muscles cut. and i comend any of you ladies for having a c-section delivery! seriosly, I don have kids and now I see what you gp through. But again we all pull through, And hope to have a happy recovery
  20. Step by step, Day by day it does get better. I say use the pain meds as needed dont suffer through if you dont have to. I think I may have stretched a little too far trying to take care of personal buisiness in the bathroom. Be careful and exhale any time you have to bend. Like my nurse said, pretend you are blowing candles out as you stand up. Wishing all the best in the recovery process. Linda
  21. Hi Cindy, I also would love to be band buddies witha all. I had my surgery on 2/21 and I too have had the pain shift around, and the most is at my port sight, which everyone says is normal. I now have a bit of bruising but its not spreading, so I believe that is good. I keep ice packs going most of the day, I have 5 incisions, 4 are smaller but i do have one thats much bigger than the others and asode from the port area, that big one can get painful too. I can finally get out of bed on my own, with out Hubbies help ! So day by day it goes =) Linda
  22. Booyah!!

    February 21st Surgeries!

    Thanks! I did it !! I am a bit out of it right now, but that is the healing process. I dont have children, but I am very humbled by the women that have had a "C-Section" delivery. I have never had surgery like the lap band, but now I understand the discomfort they all carried. My surgery it self when great, right on time. very organized team I had. I had lost 18 lbs. doing the 3 week pre-op liquid diet, which really made my Dr. an d myself pretty happy. i wish all the best to each and everyone of you! =) Have a positive day! Linda
  23. Booyah!!

    Pre-Op Diet Support Thread :)

    Onamission, good luck this week with your surgery! I am ready to forward with this adventure but I have to wait til the 21st. I wish you the best! Linda
  24. Booyah!!

    Pre-Op Diet Support Thread :)

    Great stories from all ! I enjoy reading the, all. I am day 9 pre-op liquid diet, I am using the Bariatric Advantage shakes (5 a day!) and cant complain about being hungry. If I am Its usually when I am due for one. I am down 12 pounds since I started the liquids, it is just wierd to have made it to the "200" 's after at least 5 years in the 300's. 11 days to go until surgery!! sooooo excited for this new adventure in life. Good luck to each and every one of you =)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
