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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by yaya9805

  1. yaya9805

    True Results - Houston

    I used True Results in Scottsdale AZ. Everyone was super nice, luckily my insurance covered most, due to me having asleep apnea. But I met a few other ladies that had the hernia and got it done that way. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago, and I know it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Good luck with everything. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  2. It sure does hurt, to laugh, sneeze, cough, move. Oh dang, I'm trying to just not move too much. Can't wait for the first few weeks to be over, or at least the pain to be gone. Anyone know about how long it takes to be pain free?
  3. yaya9805

    Cream Soup on liquids post-op

    Aww dang! I guess I better call tomorrow. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  4. Ok, thank you. I'll keep an eye on it. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  5. I do have a little bit of stuff leaking out, it looks like it's been there for day or so already, I still have the gauze covering it, should I take the gauze off? When I sneeze is it making the stitches open? (I was banded 3 days ago)
  6. yaya9805

    Cream Soup on liquids post-op

    So when is it ok to have cream soups? I'm 4 days post-op and tired of liquids, and broth... I want something with flavor! Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  7. yaya9805

    Food all over again!

    Sounds yummy! I was just banded 4 days ago, still on liquids.. can't wait for real foods. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  8. Well before getting into the shower, I called the Dr, he said the tape will fall off by itself, and its ok to shower, let the soapy water fall over the stitches to help keep them clean, I'm already taking an anti biotic, so I don't have to worry of infection! Yay! I will never take showers for granted again! Lol
  9. Ok, thank you. I think it's mostly from surgery day, they told me I'm all clear to take a shower Sunday (today) I'm super excited, just can't remember I'd they told me to leave the tape on our not, but from what I just read, I think I do have to leave it. I'll try calling doc right now, but not sure they will answer, as today is Sunday.
  10. yaya9805

    just got banded today :)

    Lol, I think it might be time for more drugs... Lol. Did anyone else have shoulder pain? I don't know why, but my shoulders and chest hurt. And yes, I'm on a schedule, I wake up take drugs, breathe from my breathalyzer looking thing, sip some water, take a walk, then back to bed, in bed asleep is when I don't feel pain...
  11. yaya9805

    just got banded today :)

    Lafaye999 how do you post a profile pic?
  12. yaya9805

    just got banded today :)

    Thank you all so much. I was so groggy afterwards, I slept till like 4 in the afternoon, and I had surgery at 6:30am... Lol. Then I got up and walked for about 15 min, then came back to bed. I will try walking tomorrow. I can't wait to feel better. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I'm glad I found this lap band support app, it's wonderful.
  13. yaya9805

    super excited/nervous :)

    Thank you both! Wish I could've done this sooner, just happy it's right around the corner.
  14. I'm on day 2 of my pre-op diet, I'm scheduled for surgery next Thursday(31st). It's taking a bit too get used to, since the Protein shakes don't keep me full very long. I'm 33 and weigh 216 lbs. My Ins is covering this procedure because I have sleep apnea, but first I had to go through 6 mos of classes with a nutritionist, and have a psychological evaluation. I'm so happy to be so close, and I'm looking forward to feeling better about myself. My goal weight is 130-140 lbs, I'm 5'6. Super excited and can't wait . [ATTACH]25823[/ATTACH] Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk
  15. yaya9805

    Anyone in the mesa area?

    I live in Goodyear (west valley), haven't gotten mine yet, I get it in 4 days, looking forward to it. Don't know anyone, personally, who has had it done.
  16. yaya9805

    Anyone in the mesa area?

    I live in Goodyear (west valley), haven't gotten mine yet, I get it in 4 days, looking forward to it. Don't know anyone, personally, who has had it done.
  17. yaya9805

    get my band jan.31 2013

    Omg, I get mine in the 31st also. Well have to let each other know how it goes.
  18. yaya9805

    I have to brag

    Wow, you look so different. You look great. Gives me hope. I get mine in 4 days, and I'm super excited! Thanks for posting pics.
  19. yaya9805

    My Fitness Pal Newbie

    I haven't been banded yet, but I do use my fitness pal, my user is yaya9805.
  20. yaya9805

    Ashley soon to be banded

    I'm about to be banned as well, in about 5 days, I'm super excited as well! Sent from my Galaxy S3 using LapBandTalk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
