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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Today I developed a pain at my band site....any thoughts??
  2. mrscb


    What is the effects of carbonated beverages?
  3. Do you always need to stay away from Caffeine? I am craving a panera iced tea!
  4. mrscb


    I've done the broth, Popsicles and jello. Along with water and decaf tea so I have varies it.
  5. Was banded on the 23rd and am still on clear liquids going to full liquids on the 30th. However I am so hungry and tired that I am just miserable. Any suggestions?
  6. I was banded on the 23rd and am still on clear liquids until Wednesday then I can start full liquids. But I am so hungry that I am miserable.

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