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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. New Hope

    Excited and terrified

    Leatha summed it up beautifully! If you have any weight-related health problems, you will see these drastically reduced, if not eliminated. Any RXS, those will go down also. That alone will save you a fortune! As Clara Luz once stated, one day after your banding, you'll realize that you weren't lazy all that time you were overweight....you were just too tired to do the things you want to. You'll get out there and live life, instead of watching it pass you by on the sidelines. Can you give us a little background...how much weight do you want to lose, do you have any health related problems, what do you look forward to doing the most? Best of luck to you on your search for better health!
  2. So glad to hear that, Kim!
  3. New Hope

    Thanks for the hats RebeccaLee

    I would love to buy one from you, Becky! Any color! I like the fringe you put on Vera's. Blues are my favorite. But I sure liked that black/white one you made. I'd love to buy one type from you (fringed) and the other type (brimmed) from Teresa. Both styles are both so precious!
  4. New Hope

    HELP!! Just got Fill - Blood...

    Andrea, you should be able to eat hard proteins by now. Please make that drive to your fill dr. and get a slight unfill. Hopefully you haven't damaged your band and/or your esophagus yet. Thanksgiving's long weekend is coming up. You don't want to end up in the ER w/an intern who knows nothing about Lapbands.
  5. New Hope

    New Member

    ~C~ is in Montreal, Quebec. Perhaps you can pm her and she can tell you of anyone in your area. Best of luck to you!
  6. New Hope

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    Teresa, I'll take any color. Blues are my favorite. Are the varigated yarns easier to work with, than the solid?
  7. New Hope

    Thanks for the hats RebeccaLee

    Two precious hats for two precious girls!! What a couple of cuties!
  8. New Hope

    New Member

    Hi Concerned Husband, That's really sweet! Has your wife tried Mylicon Baby Gas Drops? I found that more effective. Get her to walk around as much as she possibly can. That's the very best way to work that gas out of your body. Try using a heating pad and liquid tylenol for the pain. It really does get better every day.
  9. New Hope

    Mushy Foods.........

    Anything can be put through a blender and eaten at the mushy stage. I would just blend whatever I had made for my family and enjoy it. No deprivation at all!
  10. New Hope

    Good News, Bad News

    Kim, some bandsters need 2 to 3 fills before they feel restriction. It's also possible that the second fill just hasn't kicked in yet. This can sometimes take a few weeks for you to feel. Please do be careful the amounts that you're eating. Even though you're not feeling restriction, you don't want to risk stretching your pouch and/or causing band slippage. Hang in there, girl!
  11. New Hope

    2 weeks post op

    Janine, you've lost 19 pounds in 2 weeks! That's fantastic! How about joining our Weekly Scale Challenge thread? Just pick one day a week to weigh and stay off that scale the rest of the week. It will help save your sanity! LOL You're also a new Mom! You are going to be so happy with how much better you feel and your big boost in energy. You'll be able to get out there and enjoy those 2 little ones even more. Best of luck to you!
  12. New Hope

    Texas bandster

    Are you also known as FatNHappy?
  13. New Hope

    Ah me. The (gasp) Holidays

    Kith and kin are the absolute worst things to have to put ourselves thorough. If we can make it through that, we can make it thorough anything!
  14. New Hope

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    Sending prayers and (((hugs))) your way, Ginny. Asking God to guide the drs. care over baby Joshua. That little guy needs to get bigger and stronger and come home so all of you can spoil him.
  15. New Hope

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Yeah, Betty! I bet you felt like you'd been let out of a cage! So glad you got out today.
  16. New Hope

    2 weeks post op

    Hi, Janine, Congratulations on getting your band! How much weight are you hoping to lose? I know you will really glad that you did this, once you are eating real foods, and you see that weight dropping off. Your energy level will get so much better. Hang in there, remember this stage is temporary. Please follow your surgeon's orders so that you don't risk any future complications.
  17. New Hope

    Measuring progress by sizes

    Alex, what an inspiring post! You've done remarkably well and you seem so happy! I know your family will be impressed.
  18. New Hope

    First Fill Thursday 18th

    Hope all goes well! What type of band do you have?
  19. New Hope

    Help please

    Has Inamed resumed selling Inamed bands to Dr. Lopez yet? What type bands are patients receiving from Dr. Lopez?
  20. New Hope

    i have a question

    It will take less alcohol for you to feel it's effects after you're banded, than prebanded.
  21. New Hope

    Help please

    What type of band will you be getting?
  22. New Hope

    I've misplaced a few things..........

    Congratulations, Becki! Hope you start losing those kind of things left and right!
  23. New Hope

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    10 miles bicycling @ 11-13 mph
  24. New Hope

    Ah me. The (gasp) Holidays

    Ryan, this will give you another month to drop even more weight before they see you! That's great! And two words about that Christmas shopping - mail order. No stress, no hassle, no crowds, no fighting for a parking place, and it's delivered right to your front door.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
