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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. New Hope

    weekly scale challenge

    -1 pound, unfilled Monday for reflux, to wait 2 months for refill, & take prevacid.
  2. New Hope

    Hello Missouri

    Congratulations, JessicaMegan, on getting your band! I see you have the same dr. I do. Wishing you great success on your journey to better health!
  3. New Hope

    Pre Op Diet

    Ryan, this is the best thing I've heard all day!! :laugh :laugh Too funny, but TRUE!!!
  4. New Hope

    My surgery postponed until 12/15 -- Bummer

    Theresa Marie, so sorry you got postponed. But that's the key word, "postponed", not cancelled! Believe it or not, that time will pass pretty quickly! Start getting your old clothes out and sort out in sizes, wear your favorites right now, and you'll be zipping through those in no time. Just think of this as a predrill, and now you're ready for the "real thing"! (((Hugs)))
  5. New Hope

    Got Rumors?

    This is such a sad commentary of an apparently brilliant surgeon who has chosen shoddy workmanship over individuals' health. My prayer is no fatalities will come out of this.
  6. New Hope

    Head changes vs. Body changes (Long)

    Nancy, what a beautiful post - from a beautiful person! I happen to be one of the lucky ones who has met Nancy. I just had lunch with her last week. This girl is fantastic! She is truly a good person, all the way around. And I know this is not something that happened overnight - that she has always been that way. She is a social worker, positively affecting children's lives everyday, she and her precious puppy volunteer their time to brighten senior citizens' lives, and she walks a disabled man's dog three times a week. It is an honor to call Nancy my friend! I look forward to seeing just what else you have in store for us, girl! (((hugs)))
  7. New Hope

    One dozen days

    Ryan, it only gets better and better! You're doing great! 30 pounds gone! And look how your health is already improving! Congratulations!
  8. I think you're doing great! How tall are you, your beginning, and current weight? You may have a lower BMI (less body fat). How about tracking your progress on www.fitday.com for a few days? This is very helpful to see what types of foods you're eating, calories, amount of exercise, goals, etc. Are you getting your waterload in daily (but not w/ meals or for an hour after eating - so you'll feel full longer)? It really makes a difference when I do some type of consistent exercise. (And I feel better mentally, too.)
  9. Newlapper, please don't be so hard on yourself! Do you think you would have lost that 40 pounds without your band? Please come here and "talk" to us. We're all in the same boat and try to encourage each other. Best of luck to you!
  10. New Hope

    Introducing Myself!

    Cat, congratulations on getting your band! Please follow your surgeon's post op rules about what to eat and when. It's very important to let that band get "seated" and not run food through too soon - to avoid later problems. You will get feeling better every day! And you won't fail! Really!
  11. Natalie, I'm coming up on my sixth month of banding. I've had two fills. After the second one, I was pbing on water. Just removing 0.2cc made all the difference in the world and still gave me good restriction. Best of luck to you!
  12. New Hope

    Got Rumors?

    Rita, has Dr. Kuri told you to have your band removed due to erosion? Have you tried the "search" feature at the top? Best of luck to you!
  13. Natalie, do you think that you could be overfilled? You should be able to eat small portions of proteins (meats) with no problems. Please do not hesitate to see your fill dr. if you can't keep foods down. Constant pbing is bad and should be avoided. You should be making healthy food choices - protein first, then veg., then carbs (if any room left) and avoiding starches, sugars, and high carbs. You should also be striving to drink 64 ounces of water daily, but not with meals or up to one hour after eating (so you stay feeling full longer).
  14. New Hope

    Regurgitation, yet no new fill???

    Michelle, I hope you get some good answers tomorrow! Sending you (((hugs))).
  15. New Hope

    Regurgitation, yet no new fill???

    Sultana, you can dissolve most pills in a tablespoon of water for ease in swallowing. You can use liquid Tylenol or the caplets that can easily be broken in half before taking (and dissolved if needed.) If you are taking any time released prescriptions, those can be changed to regular pills. Please be careful with pills. They can get stuck, set there, and cause problems. Hope you're feeling better!
  16. Chrissy, have you "talked" w/ Donali? She is a LBTer (and sweetheart) that had to have her band removed in 07/04. She has done an awesome job maintaining her weightloss since then. Perhaps she could give you some much needed advice. Especially since she's been through this too. Best of luck to you for a successful surgery and a quick recovery!
  17. JMHO, but shouldn't those that cooked Thanksgiving dinner get extra points? That's a lot of hard work! (P.S. I personally did not cook T. dinner.)
  18. New Hope

    Got Rumors?

    I knew we were past due for another "glowing report" from you. What rumors? You mean the mass of Lopez patients that have erosion and are having to have their bands surgically removed by another surgeon? Unfortunately, Margret, those aren't rumors, but are sadly realities! Hopefully, you won't be among that number.
  19. New Hope

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

    Now, Leatha, that's what Thanksgiving is about...family, love, and blessings! What beautiful pics! I think you should frame that black and white one for a Christmas present. Just beautiful!
  20. New Hope

    Regurgitation, yet no new fill???

    Sultana, do you think you could have acid reflux?
  21. New Hope

    Turkey Trot

    Kim, Congratulations!! That is a wonderful NSV! You weren't lazy, just too tired (as Claraluz says). You'll be doing bigger and longer runs from now. So proud of you!
  22. Hi, Judy, I'm not familiar with lymphedema, but I'm sure there is someone here that can give you some answers. I would think any kind of weight reduction would help reduce this condition. Can you tell us a little bit about lymphedema? Is it hereditary, permanent, goes into remission, what type of symptoms do you have with it now, do you take prescription meds. for it? Best of luck to you in getting some sound answers and on getting a band to help improve your life. Please keep us posted on your progress.
  23. New Hope

    A new meaning to Thanksgiving...long post

    Carmen, congratulations on your one year bandiversary and the amazing weight loss! Your journey has been amazing! I look forward to seeing what this year will bring you.
  24. My dogs took me for a 2 mile walk tonight. Boy, bicycling sure is easier!
  25. New Hope

    weekly scale challenge

    Teresa!! Congratulations on MORE terrific weight loss! Girl, if making those hats does that, I want to learn how - right now! Really, I am so proud of you!

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