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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. Sending you (((hugs))) and prayers for a noneventful surgery and minimum pain recovery! This is your last weekend as an "Unbanded Woman"! You'll do great and be back telling us about it in no time. Take care!
  2. New Hope

    Where is YOUR port located?

    I don't think we have a say-so where our port is placed. Each surgeon has their favorite, for various reasons.
  3. New Hope


    I was sitting in bed, putting lotion on my feet the other night, when I realized that I was sitting cross-legged (Indian style) (quite comfortably). I didn't even think about it before I did it. Been years!
  4. New Hope

    New Grandson Alert!

    Pam, Congratulations!!! So glad that Dylan is healthy and content. You got the best Christmas present early!! Now you can really spoil him rotten (and enjoy every minute of it!) Hope your SOL and daughter continue to regain their health.
  5. Wow, Leatha! Great job! That's a lot of miles! And you definitely should get extra points for putting your bike together. Heck, just for reading the directions and finding all the parts!
  6. New Hope

    PB in Sleep

    Paula, don't eat or drink a couple of hours before you go to bed. That will give things time to pass on through your esophagus. Juice is pretty acidic. If you drink anything late, maybe just water. Get someone to elevate your headboard. Propping up on pillows just bends your stomach and doesn't help. Do you think that you could be too full? Please check with your dr. Reflux is bad with a band. Take care and get to feeling better! Santa Claus is coming!
  7. New Hope

    will have band placed 12/2/04

    Yeah, Fran, you're a Bandster!! Please take care of yourself and don't overdo. Walk, walk, walk, and drink, drink, drink! Mylicon Baby Gas drops works great for the gas pains. Also, just standing in a warm shower, with the showerhead on pulse feels great on your back and shoulder blades. It really does get better every day!
  8. New Hope

    Help I'm under attack

    I was afraid to leave the house there for a few days! Be sure you're drinking plenty of water so you don't get dehydrated. Once you get on solids, you'll have the opposite problem. Welcome to Bandland!
  9. New Hope

    What do you want Santa to bring you?

    I'll have my sons home for Christmas!
  10. New Hope

    iI'm Approved by UHC Ob BOY!!

    Phyllis, what did you decide to do about the $$ to Dr. Beltran?
  11. New Hope


    Michelle, sending you (((hugs))) that you start feeling better very, very soon!
  12. New Hope

    Where is YOUR port located?

    Pat, I have a sternal port also. But mine is pretty much dead center. It's a great place to have one. It doesn't bother me at all. Best of luck to you on your surgery Monday!
  13. New Hope

    will have band placed 12/2/04

    Well, Fran, I see you're a normal "prebandster", unable to sleep the night before surgery - so you come to LBT. LOL (I did the same thing!) Sending you (((hugs))) and a prayer that God will guide the surgeon's hands, you will have an uneventful surgery, and minimum pain recouperation. Be sure and tell the anesthesiologist to give you something for nausea (before you go to sleep). He can put something in your i.v. and that will prevent that little problem. Really, you'll do fine and be back on here giving bits of wisdom to other future bandsters before you know it. Best of luck to you!!
  14. New Hope

    New Update with pictures

    Wonderful progress! You both look so much younger! Keep up the great job!
  15. New Hope

    new banster as of 11/30

    Congratulations, Melanie! Try to walk around as much as you possibly can to help with the soreness and gas pains. Also, a heating pad is great for your tummy. Take care!
  16. New Hope

    Got Rumors?

    Apparently Lopez doesn't require a mental evaluation before banding!
  17. Walked 3 miles yesterday. Put up with used car salesmen today and again tomorrow. AHHHHH!
  18. New Hope

    I did it!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!!

    Jane, that is wonderful!! Sounds like some "fatter" person will be getting some nice donated clothes. Keep up the good work!
  19. New Hope

    new member

    Minny, best of luck to you! You've already begun your journey to better health. You are very, very wise to get your diabetes under control. That is a horrible disease that affects so many different things. You will be happily surprised to see what dropping and maintaining a healthy weight will do for you. The band is a tool that will greatly help you, but you have to be willing to do your part. Please be careful with the sugars and starches, regardless of what you decide to do - because of how they affect your blood sugar levels.
  20. New Hope

    Cost of Fills??

    Do your research on why fills are necessary for your band to work. Then get to work right now on contacting (in writing) the proper person at your insurance company that has the authority to approve more fills for you. Send him/her this info. with your written request for coverage of an adequate # of fills. Insurance companies do have the power to make exceptions, but be prepared to fight for it.
  21. New Hope

    Christmas Songs

    I heard the college bells chiming Christmas carols when we walked this evening. So beautiful! We have our outside decorations up, several gifts bought, and inside stuff still to finish up. I bought a new "skinny" Christmas tree to replace the 25 year old one. It's so pretty, has little pine cones, bark, and is prelit. Going to a Christmas party Friday night, and Sunday to a December wedding. Got to go put that new Christmas cd on, Betty!
  22. New Hope

    Cost of Fills??

    Did you know that your insurance would only cover 2 fills per life when you got your band? What is the sense of them approving your band, if they're not giving you the means (appropriate # of fills) to make it work?
  23. New Hope

    Cost of Fills??

    Do you currently have a fill dr.? You need to check directly with him/her about your costs. Each dr. is different.
  24. New Hope

    New and Interested

    Are you self-pay or have health insurance? Are you wanting it in the states (which one?) or are you interested in going to Mexico? Please do a lot of research BEFORE you get a band. There is a lot of info. to learn. A well-informed patient has a much better chance of success. It's not all about getting the best price. You need to have an experienced surgeon, have your aftercare lined up (before surgery), fully understand how the band works, have realistic expectations, and know the band is a tool. The band will help, but it will not do the work for you. There's a lot of headwork involved too. Best of luck to you on your search!
  25. -1 lb., unfilled to 0.5 cc yesterday, reflux, take prevacid, wait 2 months for refill walked 2 miles

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
