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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. New Hope

    My Holiday Greeting to All

    Gregg, what a perfect sentiment! Hoping you and yours will have a very blessed, happy, and healthy holiday season. With even more good things in store for 2005.
  2. New Hope

    Hardees near you?

    Yeah, start leaving room in the frig. for your little take-home boxes. See, you're already savlng $$! LOL
  3. New Hope

    Crazy Family & Inlaw stories

    Greg, I hate to tell you this, but it's not a secret any more. I saw the movie. Some relative must have beat you to the punch and sold your story rights. I bet the $$ is sewn up in their mattress!
  4. Best of luck to you on your 12/21 banding! As Jack says, Freedom Day! Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you feel like it. You'll do fine!
  5. I'm not a veteran bandster yet, but I agree. I'd rather have a small fill and do my head work, than risk the complications and risks. I want to loose this weight in the healthiest way that I can. Erosion and slippage are serious problems.
  6. New Hope

    Theresa Marie is home!!!!

    Glad to hear that each day is getting better! You are so right, we do have so much to be thankful for! Better health being one of the best. Please continue to take it easy and follow your dr's rules.
  7. Hi, Curly! Great job! I have an unfill right now. Let's hope everything settles back down for us. I hope I can do as good as you have!
  8. New Hope

    Darcey, 12/21 is Your Day!

    Darcey, I have 2 sons (20 1/2 and 24 yr. old). I've been fortunate to be a full-time Mom. It is really strange to do something for you. But your sons are going to benefit from this just as much, if not more! You will feel like doing more active things with them. You are extending your life and making it a better life. You'll feel so much better, getting off of meds (and their side effects), less aches and pains in your joints, more energy, sleep better at night. That's not counting the mental part - feeling more confident, happier and more social, caring about your appearance, enjoying clothes shopping now, finding the variety of colors (other than the standard black) and styles. I love long bicycle rides (10-20 miles) and 4-5 hour mountain hikes now. That was never even a dream in the past! I can't wait to hear about your post-band journey!
  9. New Hope

    Darcey, 12/21 is Your Day!

    Vera, how special to have your sister be Darcey's guardian angel!Then you know this is going to be a perfect case!
  10. You should contact your surgeon's office and discuss this with them. Be able to give them a clear discription of what your incisions and the surrounding area look like, do they feel "hot" to the touch, get a good temperature reading (before drinking anything hot or cold), what you have been doing (ex. have you been tugging on anything, straining your stomach in any way, etc.), have you been feeling "sick", and any thing else that you can think of. You should be taking showers and not baths at this point. The information you give them helps them determine what to do.
  11. New Hope

    Questions and opinions

    Sandra, I notice that you're in Houston. There are many surgeons here highly qualified in abdominal laproscopic procedures AND laproscopic band placements. My surgeon does both RNY and lapband. He did 4 different surgeries on me. PM me if I can give you any details. Best of luck to you! Please research carefully. You can get a lot of "helpful" responses that aren't always accurate. Please check everything out thoroughly and don't just take anyone's word on it. You're the very best advocate for yourself.
  12. New Hope

    Hilarious and depressing!

    These are all such wonderful stories! So proud of each one of you! Keep up the great job and 2005 will bring even more good things.
  13. New Hope

    How Do You Delete A Member Name

    Yep, I did, went from 4x4x4 to New Hope. How's that for a little hope? But I pm'd Mr. Alex (not Alexandra). He's the board owner and he'll change it to what you want or delete it. It sometimes takes a while to get in touch w/him because he's very, very busy. So Greg, what are you wanting to change to? Hopefully there won't be a big bunch wanting to contact him.
  14. New Hope

    Band Sabateurs

    Rica, you little skinny-minny, where have you been? How's your Dad doing?
  15. New Hope

    Questions and opinions

    Sandra, regardless of what you choose, please research everything you can get your hands on - before you make a decision. This is a lifechanging opportunity. You really need to learn as much as you possibly can - about both procedures, so you can make a decision that you will be happy with. Best of luck to you on your search for better health!
  16. Tina, I, too, am a "Closet Bandster" and glad so far. That is a decision that each of us has to make for themselves. We have some other Dr. Ren patients here. Have you tried doing a "search"? There is so much information to learn before you get your band. Please study, study, study. Everything that you can learn will just help you be that more successful. We look forward to hearing more from you. Best of luck to you on your quest for better health!
  17. New Hope


    It definitely is something we all need to be aware of! The band is a "foreign object" and still a relatively new concept. I'm currently unfilled due to reflux. But I've felt from the start that I want to get as small a fill as possible and do my part for this band to work. I know that's certainly no guarantee, but I don't want to push my luck.
  18. New Hope

    Band removed

    Betty, thank you for sharing that! I'm glad to see a well-established band surgeon talk so extensively on this. Anyone of us can have problems.
  19. New Hope

    Pre Surgery Questions

    Barbara and Infaith, Congratulations and Welcome to Your New Improved Life! Riding that roller coaster of emotions is very normal. Being nervous, but excited about the surgery is normal. Please get up and walk around as soon and as much as you can - after surgery. This will prevent blood clots, pneumonia, gas pains, and help you get your strength back quicker. You won't have any trouble sipping. Gulping is uncomfortable at that point. Don't be surprised that you'll be hungry. But it's very important to follow your surgeon's post-op rules and give everything time to heal before you start eating foods again. It's temporary and well-worth it! Try to keep yourself busy with non-food related things. Avoid t.v., too many food commercials! I really haven't had any trouble with any foods. I do try (most of the time) to make healthier food choices. I've reduced my health problems and prescriptions by half. I feel better physically and emotionally than I have in years. I enjoy bicycling and mountain hikes now. I'm taking part in life and not sitting on the sidelines anymore!
  20. New Hope

    Band removed

    Chrissy, sending you (((hugs))) and prayers for a complete recovery. I'm sorry you lost your band. But I'm thankful you found out about your problems and got the band taken out before something worse could have happened. Please take care of yourself and give yourself time to recoup.
  21. New Hope

    Solid Foods, Pbing, Family And More!!!

    Steve, I remember you have a very sweet, concerned wife. She posted on here when you were rehospitalized w/dehydration and bad pain - right after you were banded. That's one of the reasons I was concerned about you getting a fill too soon and possibly too much. Please listen to your body, if something hurts or isn't right, then follow up on it without delay. The dr. only knows what we tell them. Hope all is well.
  22. New Hope

    NSV but it really sucked...

    Those are my house rules too, Rebecca! (Mainly to keep the dogs from using it as a water bowl.)
  23. New Hope

    NSV but it really sucked...

    Oh, Jack, apparently you haven't had this happen. It's not only the ice-cold shock, but that initial l-o-n-g drop before you hit the frigid water.
  24. New Hope

    Solid Foods, Pbing, Family And More!!!

    Steve, you were banded 11/11 and have gotten a fill? That is very soon. It sounds like you could be too tight. If so, a slight unfill should help. Being too tight is very dangerous and will not help you lose weight faster.
  25. Lauri, hopefully nothing is wrong. But the important thing is to follow up and get some professional medical answers. Remember, we're not qualified to answer your ?? Take care and best of luck to you!

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