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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. New Hope

    Weekly Challenge

    Day Three: Breakfast - small Protein drink, 1/2 veg. sausage patty, 1 scrambled egg lunch - chicken salad dinner - one A&W chicken strip Exercise - 13 miles bicycling at lake Good Deed - took bread and bird seed to ducks at lake (O.k., I'm stretching here. Will do better.) Big lesson learned today: The difference in pb and sliming. Chicken strip got stuck, went to public restroom, pb a little, came back to booth, SLIMED about a cup of clear gunk (aahh) down my shirt, went back to public restroom, pb a little more. 45 min. later, finally felt better. If you still feel "stuck" after a little pb, don't be an IDIOT and sit there. You're not finished! And a handful of napkins isn't going to be enough to handle the situation. Thank goodness, there wasn't anyone else around right then!
  2. New Hope

    Central Jersey Bandsters, I need to network

    Candy, I'm a long way geographically from you. But I'm just a click away on the internet. I'm sending my best wishes to you and your family. Hope everything works out.
  3. New Hope

    Compression Stockings

    Compression hose (or support hose) are usually white and fit very tightly over your foot up to your thigh. They usually have a hole made into the top of them so a nurse can check your toes for circulation. They're supposed to prevent blood clots in the legs while you're lying around. People who do a lot of standing also wear them to prevent varicose veins. Some drs. provide them, others don't. They're about $25-30 at a medical supply store. I had the machine w/the blow-up things (don't know technical name) following surgery. It felt wonderful, like a continual massage. The only problem was I had to have someone "disconnect" me every time I had to go to the bathroom (which was often with the i.v. running all night). I finally asked the nurse if I could just leave them off since I was getting up and walking so much. The important thing is to start walking and walk as often as you can as soon as possible after any surgery. This will prevent blood clots (which they don't want to travel to your heart) and help get the anesthesia and carbon dioxide worked out of your body.
  4. New Hope

    WLS on TV

    Whoops, got this post too late. Nancy, what was it about?
  5. New Hope

    Weekly Challenge

    Teresa, I tape a note written in a Sharpie on the bathroom mirror. I know a pit stop will be made and looking in the mirror is a given. And, I've also left one taped to the t.v. remote control.
  6. New Hope

    Immediate Support Needed

    Hey, Betty, give it a try! You don't have to feed it, wash it, or gas it. No license required. And they come preassembled now days!
  7. New Hope

    What Do I need to Ask???

    I haven't seen my PCP since my banding. He doesn't even know I had it done. My PCP is not familiar w/ the band, so I wouldn't go to him for band-related problems. My band surgeon is local. That's wonderful that you don't have any pre-existing health problems! That just puts you that far ahead of the game. My husband and I are coming to Estes Park in 10/04. I can't wait to enjoy the gorgeous Aspen, bugling elk, and mountains! You might research some old posts regarding Mexican banding, what to bring, how to get around, where to stay, how to communicate. There's some great stuff posted. Please keep us updated!
  8. New Hope

    What Do I need to Ask???

    I had to start w/my PCP to get the proper chain of events for my insurance company rolling. I don't think Mexican bandsters have to do that first. However, you might want to talk w/ your PCP about any health issues you have, any RXs you're taking. You won't be able to swallow very large pills. You will need to change to a regular release, not time-released med. One thing stressed has been your aftercare. Will you be planning on going back and forth to Dr. Kuri for your fills and any potential problems (band-related)? Do you have a fill dr. lined up near you? Do you know for a fact that he/she will accept you after you're banded? Just be sure that you have all of your bases covered! Best of luck to you!
  9. My surgical assistant nurse (day of my banding) was a happy Dr. S. bandster. She highly recommended a Dr. Long. I figure since she was a PS patient and a surgical nurse, she probably knew what she was talking about. Maybe we can get a "two for one" discount.
  10. New Hope


    They say every one has a twin. Maybe in your cases, it was a clone! Dolly, Dolly, where are you?
  11. New Hope

    Immediate Support Needed

    Wow, and I was afraid the police officers would make me do the cones at the bicycle run!
  12. New Hope

    1 year ago today!

    Well, Alex, you're not exactly a "slacker"! You've done great!
  13. New Hope

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    Betty, all good things come to he who waits. We'll still be here.
  14. New Hope

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    You look darling!! Will you be wearing this to see the Droolious Dr. Billy? That might liven up his day! Hey, Playboy recently did a "Walmart Employee" spread. Maybe we could contact them for a "Walmart Customer" spread. Leopard print, boas, Lisa's purple glove, Donali's sexy bras... we could get creative here. Look how much younger you look from your original pics. Wow!!!
  15. New Hope

    1 year ago today!

    Wow, Cindy 28 lbs. in 29 days!! That's fantastic! Please be sure that you are getting enough protein in.
  16. New Hope

    Regarding Pain part deaux

    Leatha, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news. But this gallbladder problem is not going to go away. Right now, you have the option of choosing when & where to have the surgery. It will be laproscopic. It will most likely be outpatient. If this thing ruptures, you're endangering your life. They'll have to open you up, clean all of that poison out of your insides, put you on intense antibiotic i.v.s, and keep you a few days. They may have to pack you, keep that open for a few days, then close you back up. That is really, really serious! If your job is making changes, get this surgery out of the way now. They know you're great and that you're not a slacker. You've probably already met your deductible. You'll have some great IRS exemptions this year. Please take care of YOU!! Do you need me to come up there and bring a big stick?
  17. New Hope

    Weekly Challenge

    Michelle, how about taking a nap after all those "early bird" good deeds? That could fall under exercise...stretching your muscles and checking your eyelids for cracks. Do you sleep in the fetal position? (abdominal crunch) Hey, if Penni can use the guitar string purchase....
  18. New Hope

    Sent the email!

    Kelli, the first step's the hardest. Admitting we have a problem. You've already done that. You're on your way! Best of luck@
  19. New Hope

    weekly scale challenge

    Melissa, where do you find that scale at? How much is it? Thanks!
  20. New Hope


    Extra points to you just for having to sit by the kitchen!! Yeah, bake them some cookies, bring ice cream, and regular cokes! Then nibble on your carrot sticks while they pig out. (If you really want to be mean, you could add a little exlax to the cookie batter:rolleyes:)
  21. New Hope

    1 year ago today!

    Will it really happen to me, too? Hey, how about posting some of those "Victoria Secret" pics here. I'm so proud of you!!! You've not only lost a huge amount of weight, but you've also had a lot of fantastic NSVs! :(
  22. New Hope

    Called the Doctor's Office

    O.K., while you're waiting, start getting in the habit of drinking enough water to float a barge -- daily! Don't drink w/your meals or at least an hour afterwards. Eat protein first, then veg. Wash and sort all your current clothes. Hang in different size groups. As you lose weight, you can donate the bigger ones. These are all things that I've learned since being banded, but that are really useful to everyone -- just living w/comman sense. (Apparently something I didn't have.) And try to do some form of physical exercise that you enjoy. Baby steps! Now, hit that water!
  23. New Hope

    To Surgery We Go....

    Anne, how are you feeling? Hope all went well and you have Restriction! Please post when you feel like it.
  24. New Hope


    Donali, how are you doing? We need your guidance and wisdom here!
  25. New Hope

    Regarding Pain part deaux

    Leatha, how are you feeling? Have you scheduled your surgery yet? Where will you be having it done? Hope you're feeling better. But please don't put this off. The sooner it's out, the less chance for other problems and you can stop hurting.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
