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About myliza26

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  1. myliza26

    So discouraged!

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I went to my primary care today who wrote and noted on each comorbidity and explained why weight loss surgery would help prevent further health conditions. I hope with more thorough documentation and a few cheeseburgers, I can get back on track I really have my heart set on this and am definately not ready to throw in the towel. Congrats on the 2/14 surgery!
  2. myliza26

    So discouraged!

    I am 5' 5.5" and 220 lbs. I have gastroeaopjageal reflux, asthma, hypertension, hypoglycemia (pre-diabetes) and sleep apnea( waiting on the sleep study but my husband is convinced). I am fully aware that I am on the lower end of the scale, but I didn't expect to be turned away because of one tenth of a bmi point when everything else is there.
  3. myliza26

    So discouraged!

    Yes, I could go to Duke, UNC, or REX, but I was hoping to go through the Duke team...... I will have to look in to my other options.... I am really turned off now....
  4. After researching and completely obsessing about having rny for the past month while eagerly awaiting my initial evaluation with the surgeon, I get there, my BMI is 34.9 and the surgeon refuses to see me!!!!!!!! I have been sick for two weeks and have dropped about 6 lbs. and the nurse rounded up a half inch on my height. I have ALL of the other required things and comorbidities. I am so upset! They canceled the appt and told me if I qualify in the future to call back for an appt! I have years of documented obesity!!!!!! Sorry to vent........that's all...... I'm going to eat some junk food now!
  5. myliza26

    Pre-Op Pictures?

    Under "more" and "profile"
  6. myliza26

    Pre-Op Pictures?

    I have an IPhone and I just have to touch the empty pic box and it gives me the option to upload..... Don't know if this helps....
  7. myliza26

    New to the forum.

    Misscelia, my BMI is 36.6 with comorbidities. I am worried about insurance approval even though I am pretty sure that I qualify. Should I have a diet history ready for my surgeon when I go for the initial eval? Sorry for all of the questions!!! Thanks for the help!
  8. myliza26

    Pre-Op Pictures?

    When you reply to a thread on the app., hit the plus sign and add the photo from your library.....(I'm going to upload one just to try..... This is a before/after collage of my past 7 years of yoyo dieting...lol)
  9. myliza26

    Pre-Op Pictures?

    I know what you mean! I would like to loose 80-100lbs tops! I qualify because of comorbidities and desperately want to be strong and healthy again! I am 32 yrs old, 5'5" and 220 lbs. I don't really care how quickly I loose, only that it will actually stay off this time. I absolutely believe in before and after pictures! With all of the challenges we are about to face, why not inspire ourselves and others by sharing pictures?
  10. myliza26

    New to the forum.

    Misscelia, have you been through all of the evals? If so, I am curious as to when everything was submitted to the insurance company and also what information was required. ( 5 yr weight history, diets tried,.........) I am trying to be as prepared as possible with previous medical records and such....
  11. myliza26

    New to the forum.

    Hi! I am also new to the forum and in close time range as you! I go for my eval this Wednesday and my nut &psych on 2/23! I CANNOT wait to get things underway! Good luck with everything! I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
  12. Hi All! My name is Melissa. I am in the very early stages of wls. I have my initial consultation appt. in two week. I will be having the surgery (hopefully) through Duke University Hospital. I have struggled with weight all of my life. I go from a size eight (160 lbs) to a size 18( 220 lbs) every 2 years or so. I am a fantastic dieter and exerciser! I am horrible at sticking with the plan. I recently compiled a timeline photo from the past 7 years which really helped me realize that wls is the right decision for me. (the bottom right was taken Christmas 2012) I have a bmi of 36 with several comorbitities. I want to share the photo for anyone who has been through a similar situation. I hope that everything pre-op does smoothly. I have found this site very helpful in my decision.

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