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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skikyd

  1. I ha my surgery in a center of excellence. The day after surgery I had a cardiac complication. I was damn glad I was in one if the best hospitals in the world. In about 2 minutes I was on a cardiac wing with the best doctors there are, If a center of excellence is available---- go there. Your life is too precious.
  2. skikyd

    Men's Clothing

    free mens Ihave a size 58leather motorcycle jacket. Like new frontandback vents. Free to anyone that can use it. Just pay postage
  3. skikyd

    How to build muscle postop

    10 pays post -op. I had a cardiac complication day after surgery. Held over 4 days in hospital. I could feel muscles going laying there. Whey discharged they told me to take it easy. Just some light yard work this post weekend. Back to the gym for light work outs starting today. I plan on Protein shakes after workouts (2) I' ll keep you posted.
  4. skikyd

    October Sleevers - Men's Room

    Good luck Russ. I was sleeved Oct 3. Doing well.
  5. skikyd

    One Last Drink

    I had a SIP of Coors light at Fenway Park. ( no Fenway Frank) the night before
  6. skikyd

    Protein drinks

    I LOVE New Direction shakes, Soups and puddings. Also GNC powder ( vanilla) mixed with diet Snapple. ( wide mouth jars are a plus)
  7. skikyd

    7 weeks post surgery

    Congrats. You sound good. I lost 40 Pre-op ( 10 mos) And at least 10# post. - op. ( 10 days) I am away for the long weekend and have not seen a scale in days.
  8. skikyd

    Four days post-op

    I was getting a pain just below neck Almost with every bite. My doctor was in my room while I was eating Jello. He said" smaller bites , smaller Sips. He said if all you can get down in 1/6 teaspoon The just do 1/6 teaspoon. It worked. Smaller sips...it got better every day. ( 9 days post op) It forced me to eat/ drink/ sip slower.
  9. I Also use PURE Protein Pre mixed shake ---- 23 g protein with only 110 calories. The. New DIRECTION shakes, Soups and puddings are 27 g protein for 200 calories----- but 3 of the give you 100% of minimum daily requirement of dozens of. Vitamins. Pure protein and. Muscle milk do not have all the nutriements. But they are pretty good. I keep them in my car for convienence, when I cannot mix a new direction I also keep ,some GNC and diet Snapples In my office. Not all nutriements but pretty good. I hopes this helps someone.
  10. I eat 3 high Protein "liquid" diet meals / day and 3 meal supplement shakes/day from New Direction. I love them. Taste and very satisfying. Loosin weight and have NO hunger. LOVIN IT
  11. My doctor, that I trust 100 % Has me on liquid diet for 4 weeks And Mushie food for 4 more weeks.. Lean meats for 4 more weeks. I'll get red meat Jan first. I will get a reservation at a steak hous and get the 8 oz filet mignon. Eat 1/2 and take 1/2 home for the nest day. 75-80 grams Protein per day, 1/2 gal of Water / day I am amazed at the people on here trying to eat chilli and chicken wings pork kabobs. ...... Are they trying to I'll them e selves. I have a co worker who lost 125 lbs then gained it back eating Mac Donald's every day for lunch. God. Knows what he ate at home. I try hard to follow the instructions. I have had NO PROBLEMS except an. Occasional belch. LOVIN IT1
  12. skikyd

    NSV: the one day clothes

    I have. A size 58 leather motorcyle jacket. Black leather Great condition-- almost new Front and back vents Free to anyone that can use it- Just pay postage. Contact me if it works for you
  13. skikyd

    NSV: the one day clothes

    I am 9 days postoperative. I lost 40 pounds PRE-op. and nearly 10 lbs post op. I have been playing with clothes for. 2-3 days. Last Lear in Dec I had NOTHING that fit. I kept replaying in my head a Payton Manning commercial that went something like this. ----- ". I am an elite Athlete...... You'r are not. Just buy a bigger shirt." I DID I bought a bigger shirt and 2 bigger pair of pants. I swore that was the last time I would buy bigger. I recently threw out the the bigger shirt and pants, and the one big ripped, frayed sweater that fit me last year. I have found a. Closet of GREAT clothes I can NOW wear. I am down 2 pants sizes, and 1 to 1 1/2 neck Inches. FEELS GREAT. Being 50 lbs less was a dream. The dream is true! I am one happy dude. I am. Following the rules my doctor gave me. They seems rational. I am NOT Hungry. I feel great. Happy to talk to anyone that needs help. mike
  14. I only buy under armor
  15. Allii My doctor said drink or sip what you can. He was with me when I was trying to get some chicken broth down. If 1/6 teaspoon is all you can get down then1/6 teaspoon it will be. It is good practice eating slowly. I was able to get more down with time. Sip, sip, sip.
  16. I like my new direction shakes. I keep a shaker bottle in my house, car,and office. I also have an emergency stash of GNC Protein powder and diet Snapples at work. I keep Pure Protein Shakes on hand. They are Pre mixed, in re sealable cans---- in case I cannot mix something my self.
  17. I am with 5.0junkie. I am afraid of what it will be be like if I screw up AFTER SURGERY. I had a sleeve BTW. I have discomfort swallowing small sips of Water and broth. I do not want to think about what meatball sub would feel like!
  18. You need to get your mind right, BEFORE. being banded. I worked with a guy (400 lbs), got a full by pass. Lost 125#, and gained it all back. I used to see him come back to work with a Wendy's bag. duh! I made up my mind and changed habits before surgery. Lost 40 # before surgery. I know I can lose the next 40, 50, 60 with the HELP. Ask your self. Why do I want to lose?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
