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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skikyd

  1. skikyd

    On the fence for surgery...

    Congratulations Russ. I am 5.5 weeks post op. Almost off all shakes. Just Proteins. Still losing 3-5 pounds /week. A dream come true. It gets easier. I do sometimes eat too fast. It hurts. So I ave to slow down. I love my new life!
  2. skikyd

    What's your poison!

    Scotch wisky, Bourbon, or a manhattan.
  3. I am 5 weeks out. Just trying to get all my Proteins in. Still having an occasional shake. I was struggling with food vs liquids timing. I do this: First thing in the morning: coffee, water with meds, and a shake. I note the time and plan food in 45-60 mins. Hard boiled egg... Etc. Then meals---- note the time...... 45 mins to next liquids. & so on.
  4. Out I have been saying the same thing. Nobody notices the first 50 pounds. I did not notice until I got to 40 pounds! A friend said it best last week. (55lbs), You look normal, like you always did , like you are supposed to look. Take it as a compliment.
  5. I was sleeved 5 weeks ago. I am down nearly 60 pounds since Jan 1, 2013. I feel GREAT. I was so excited I didn't sleep for 3 nights before surgery. I am so glad I did it. I have tried and failed to lose weight over the last 30 years. My current weight 227 is. A dream come true. I got here so easily, I am lowering my gol to 185#. Another dream, that I know I can reach. I do not know much about diabetes, but, a diabetic friend of mine lost 50 pounds ( without surgery) and is completely off diabetic medications. I know my heart will be healthier with 60, 70, 80, 90' or 100 pounds gone. Even if you cannot get off all meds, you be a healthier person overall.
  6. I am always cold. (never used to be) I asked my case manager nurse about it 2 days ago. She said well you just lost a layer of blubber.
  7. skikyd

    On the fence for surgery...

    Gentlemen I too AM the guy you want to roll with. I had my my 4 week follow up today... They asked If I was depressed. I said hell no I'm the happiest guy there is. Being the big party guy is a big part of my persona. I ' m down almost 60 pounds. ( 40 more to go) ( jack sh*t NO body notices the first 50). I feel 20 years younger. And I KNOW I AM MORE HEALTHY. A friend told me that because I look normal, like I am supposed to, like I used to. I am still party central. I show up with a virgin Mary in my hand and dance.... I lay off the food.. I say I already ate. Or I bring food I can eat. ( bringing ground turkey holiday loaf on Saturday) It will be delicious, on MY plan and I'll look like a hero. It's all about YOUR HEALTH. your image will live on.
  8. Sleeved. 10/3 Hw 285 Sw 245 Cw 230 4/12 weeks out. Short term goal. 210 on NEw Years Lt goal. 185 Just started mush. Struggling with it. Seeing NUT and nurse on Wed.
  9. skikyd

    One Last Drink

    My last beer was a sip of beer at Fenway park the night before surgery. Since then I'm am enjoying a whisky when I imbibe. No carbonation.... Fewer ounces. We all know it is the same calorie count either way. About 100 cals 3500 cals = one pound. The big thing to rebember is alcohol is a dis- inhibitor. We sometimes make poor choices, and decisions after drinking.
  10. skikyd

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    I'm a60 year old. I am down almost 60 pounds since my start. I feel 20 years younger. Next week I am having a para-thyroid with a growth on it removed. My doctor tells me I'll feel 10 years younger when that is done. My wife is frightened. A 60 year old in a 30 year old body!
  11. skikyd

    Full liquids!

    Try drinking very slowly.
  12. Candy free. Did not even miss it. Sent to a Halloween party.... They served deviled eggs. Woo hoo! Right on my " mush plan"
  13. Throwaway: The sleeve is a tool,not a silver bullet You like to drink? Me too. My motto: "One and done" Alcohol is empty calories. Factor it in. 125 cals Per drink. Also it is a dis-inhibitor. You drink----- you do Stupit things..... I'm sure you can recall some examples. Like eating the wrong things. I go out all the time and order Virgin Mary's. Only the bartender and I know I'm not drinking alcohol. You Do not need to cook to get the good Proteins. Protein shakes.--- Pre mixed or powders Canned tuna Canned chicken___ Swanson has tuna & chicken in 3 oz cans-- pop top lids. No can opener- perfect portions. Hard boiled eggs yogurts Cottage cheese Go out and order an omelet I was out to dinner tonite and ordered tuna tartare.--- awesome! Remember why you started this.
  14. skikyd

    August sleevers progress

    Some advise my PA gave me: We Do not expect you to be perfect. But, if you can look your self or anyone else in the eye and say I am on program; Most hours Most days Most weeks Most months Most years. You will get there.
  15. I just started " mush " diet a few days ago. I am finding it more difficult than I imagined... Because of the no drinking part. When I was on "liquid diet" they said I could drink any time. Now it is food, 45 mins later Water , 60 mins later Protein shake, 45 mins later water Then food , and Repete cycle. I'll get it but haven't had enough time, or awareness to watch the clock. It's 10:30 at night and I'm working on my water .
  16. Sleeved 10/3. Down 15 lbs in 28 days. I am away for the weekend- no scale. 40 lbs lost Pre-op. Doing great. Loving all the old clothes in my closet That now fit. Few people have noticed the 55 lb drop. One person explained it. I now look like I used to. I look normal.
  17. skikyd

    October Sleevers - Who else

    I just read the last 2sTys worth of posts . Congratulations to all you newbies. You all sound great! Great job and continued sucess to the sleeves from the early and mid part of October. Awesome nd inspiring. I am happy for you all!
  18. skikyd


    My insurance company required a 6 month supervised program. It took me 2 months to get in. I was irked at first. But, looking back on it ... It was for the best. I was down 40 pounds before surgery, which is safer, and I was able to " practice" being sleeved. My mind was right, by the time I got to it. A friend started with me in Jan 2013. He had no such requirement. He didn't lose Ny weight or, get his mind right. He was re scheduled twice and later droppedby the surgeon.
  19. skikyd

    On the fence for surgery...

    Guys. You have to do this for you,not what your lunch buddies think. I told my wife and son and one else in my family. I told Most friends. Only 1 pushed back. She has since come around and supports me. she is coming to dinner Friday night. I am 4 weeks out and start " mush food" that night. I'll control the menu. It will be aewsome for them and compliant for me. The " eating out weirdness". Only lasts a very few weeks. I have danced around it successfully with my extended family. Due to complications I was hospitalized 6 days. No one knew. In terms of eating out. --- 99.9 % of people will understand and be helpful. I have explained my needs To waiters. Thay have in 100% of cases been helpful and have even gone out of their way to accommodate me. Sunday night we are going out with friends. They suggested a place. I looked up the menu on line and suggested some. Place else. I told them I had just had stomach surgery and thought the place I suggested would work better for me. They were very much on board. I am happy to chat 1 on 1 with anyone on the fence. It is all about YOU AND YOUR HEALTH.

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