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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrettyGirlJey

  1. PrettyGirlJey

    2 1/2 months...down 49lbs :)

    Holy smokes, you morphed into a beautiful creature! Very very pretty!! Keep up the good work.
  2. For me it would depend on my level of scars...idk but...I don't want anyone rubbing up on me and sweating all over my incisions ew lol
  3. PrettyGirlJey

    So, here goes! pics

    You look great and you have a super cute figure now too. You go girl!!
  4. PrettyGirlJey

    Just Banded 1/15/13

    Wow, sounds wild! Maybe it was your stomach getting used to having something wrapped around it. But glad that's over!
  5. PrettyGirlJey

    what did you wear in the hospital?

    Wow that sucks!..but I'm sure you used the new acquired free time wisely to work on yourself :-)
  6. PrettyGirlJey

    small bits

    This sounds like a pretty good idea, I'm definitely going to give this a shot when I get banded. Thank you for sharing this!
  7. PrettyGirlJey

    surgery is tomorrow.

    Best wishes! Keep up posted on how everything goes...
  8. I'm from Long Island too :-)
  9. PrettyGirlJey

    Just Banded 1/15/13

    I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you? What exactly happened the first 36hours after if you don't mind me asking.
  10. PrettyGirlJey

    Great News!

    Yayyy!! I'm happy for you! Best of luck :-)
  11. PrettyGirlJey

    What are you most looking forward to?

    5. Crossing my legs. 4. Running up a flight of stairs. 3. Being more flexible (wink wink) 2. Walking into a job interview with more confidence. 1. Not having to wear girdles that are so tight that I can't feel my legs!
  12. I now understand why the pre diet is a good foundation. I'm just worried that they won't do it if I don't lose a certain amount of weight.
  13. I'm really hoping I can just skip the pre-diet because when you think about it, my whole life has been a diet! I definitely need a nutritionist or some sort of guidance with selecting healthy foods etc. I love to work out so I know I'll be able to do that. Working out right now seems almost impossible because I feel beyond odd walking in to a gym ANDDDD I get so tired so quickly and carrying around all this weight is a heck of a task! I'm in NY, I certainly have to find some friends in my area to hit the gym with. I haven't told anyone in my close circle about my plans yet because I know everyone is going to say something and I really don't want to hear it.
  14. I don't have high blood pressure nor am I diabetic but I might have sleep apnea. I snore like a family of bears so I'm 75% sure that I do but my PCP is going to get a little machine thing to determine if I do for sure. He said most obese people suffer from sleep apnea. And thank you cheznoel, I'm pretty happy that I took the first step!
  15. PrettyGirlJey

    I Should have NEVER said anything

    I watched a movie a few years ago and will never forget the following scene: Picture a man on a bike carrying load in a basket in the front of the bike. His son about 10 years old is walking along side him as they travel home. Someone they encountered on the journey yelled at the dad that he was a bad dad because he was making his son walk. The father got off the bike and his son started riding. Another person they passed yelled to them that the son was disrespectful because he was making his dad walk and since he was younger and had more energy he should let his dad ride the bike. This time they both got on the bike and another person yelled that they were wicked for putting so much weight on the bike. They both got off the bike and just pushed it home but yet another person had something to say. He yelled that they were both silly for walking when one of them could get on the bike....as you can see, EVERYONE WILL HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. Do what works for you and tune out all the people you pass on the way to your satisfaction.

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