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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by littlebitsy

  1. Just thought I'd share my story with all you pre-ops. I arrived at the hospital at 5:45am and got registered. About 6 they called me back and did all the fun pre-op things: changing onto my attractive hospital gown, drawing last minute labs, starting the IV (one stick), and a ton more things. I met with the anesthesiologist and OR nurse and just had to wait for my doctor to arrive. 8:00 I was on my way to the OR, scared but ready. I was asleep within minutes. I don't remember anything after I scooted from the stretcher to the table. I woke up in PACU and was extremely nauseated and in a lot of discomfort. They have me Compazine for the nausea that when it kicked in it took the nausea away completely. I dozed on and off during this time. I did notice it was 11;30 when I first looked at the clock. At noon I was transferred to my room. My husband was waiting for me and all I could say was that I was sorry and wished that I could have been happy being fat (can we say I was having a little buyers remorse and really early). I actually told him that a few times but I had really bad gas discomfort and was still exhausted from the anesthesia. The gas pain was terrible but I knew and the nurses reinforced that walking was the only thing I could do to get rid of it. My body felt heavy and I could barely lift my arms at this point so walking just seemed like a ludicrous idea. My husband left to get my son off the bus and I slept. I forced myself to wake up an hour or so later because my son was coming to see me and I wanted him to see I was okay. Once I woke up I had to pee and of course I am scared to death to get up but I have to. It is something Iust do. I called for help and up I got. Surprise it wasn't bad, my fear was for nothing. I then started doing little trips in the room going to the window or to the bathroom and guess what the has pain got better. It's still not gone and it hurts to lay down but it's tolerable. I have also been sucking on ice chips as much as I can to get my fluids in. It is now 12 hours past my surgery and I no longer have any buyers remorse (for now) and the gas pain I have is in my shoulder and a smidgen in my belly. I did have a hernia he repaired while he was in there or so my husband told me. I just wanted to share my surgical story with everyone. Tomorrow I have a swallow study and I hope to go home. Good luck to everyone on this journey.
  2. littlebitsy

    *September Sleevers Check In*

    Surgery- September 10 HW- 270 DOS- 232 CW- 203 Was really hoping to be under the 200lb mark by New Year's but not really optimistic at this point. I was doing good for a month getting to the gym but my work schedule has prevented it for the past month. I'm hoping once I get past the holiday's I can get back into my groove again. I really want to run a 5K this Spring.
  3. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. In the picture I have a 1 week post, 1 month post and 2 month post from left to right. I can tell a small difference in the 1 week to 1 month but from the 1 month to 2 month it looks like I have actually put on weight. It's not enough that I am barely losing any weight but to see side by side pictures that look like I'm gaining weight is evil. I lost most of my weight pre-surgery and feel like I have been in one big stall since surgery. Most days I regret ever doing this. HW- 270lbs SW- 262lbs DOS- 232lbs CW-212lbs
  4. littlebitsy

    2 Month Post Op With Pic

    Thanks. It's so hard to see the changes in yourself. I know that changes are happening because my clothes are looser I just wish I could see it more. My goal is to be at the 200 mark by the New Year and as slow as I'm losing I'm thinking of changing it to my birthday which is in February.
  5. littlebitsy

    2 Month Post Op With Pic

    I do want to say that I am following the diet given to me by my surgeon and NUT although I am not perfect at all times. I am getting my Protein in and try every day to get all my fluids. I either do circuit training or walk the treadmill for my exercise and I try for 4-5 days a week.
  6. littlebitsy

    I Am Not A Lap Band Patient

    Okay I had to go under my profile and edit it under the patient data part. Whew.
  7. littlebitsy

    I Am Not A Lap Band Patient

    I need to know also. I don't like it says that.
  8. littlebitsy

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Started this last week. I'm hoping to do my first 5K in the Spring.
  9. HW: 270 DOS: 232 CW: 215 I have gone from 3x to 2x scrubs and 26W to 22W jeans. So far I can tolerate almost all foods except for milk straight up. I have accepted that I am a slow loser weight wise but the inches seem to be coming off. I have had 2 three week stalls and I am only almost 2 months out which is frustrating and a reason I don't post very much. I still have many regrets and am not sure if I had the choice that I would do this again.
  10. Ice chips, orange jell-o, and Isopure. My surgeon starts us on pureed at 1 week.
  11. I made sure to tell them when I first got to the back. They had me put on a pair of the wonderful mesh panties (please take note of sarcasm) and one of their pads, they didn't allow tampons. It's really no big deal. The only thing that sucked for me was that I usually have mine for 6 days and instead I had it for about 12 which I'm guessing was due to the blood thinners they had me on.
  12. littlebitsy

    Question for Post-Ops: Intubation

    Anesthesia has a different definition of awake (I know because I work with anesthesia during cases at times). Basically to be extubated you have to be breathing on your own. They give you medications that take away the body's desire to breathe so when your case is over they will give you reversal drugs to wake up your body. Once you wake up and start breathing without any complications they will take the tube out.
  13. littlebitsy

    When did you try breads?

    I'm a little over a month out and got to add toast to my diet this past week. Untoasted bread, pasta, and rice can be added back in at 8 weeks post-op per my office.
  14. littlebitsy

    anaesthesia problems

    It's rare but it does happen. If you ever have to have surgery again please be sure to tell them about this experience so they can try and prevent it from happening again. They even ask the smallest kids what they remember when they wake up from anesthesia in case it happened to them or at least it's a common question in our OR. http://www.anesthesiaweb.org/awareness.php
  15. littlebitsy

    Tears of Frustration....

    Before I even got to the end of your post I was screaming to get a different cardiologist and get a second opinion but then I got to that point in you post and sighed a huge sigh of relief that you already were. While I agree that there are times that a cardiac cath is necessary and can save lives (I am a former cardiac nurse that worked on a post-op floor for cardiac caths and took care of patients with other cardiac symptoms) you don't fit the criteria the cardiologist I worked with would just want to cath a person for especially with all the other tests he ran unless it's something new they started doing in the past few years since I left that specialty area. The biggest red flag for me was the fact he didn't want to give you your test results. Kind of shady in my opinion. Good luck with the new cardiologist don't let the one bad apple ruin the bunch.
  16. You move forward. Live and learn. It's okay.
  17. littlebitsy

    Pointless Public Information Announcement...

    Yep I am right there with you.
  18. littlebitsy

    September sleevers

    Surgery- September 10 Weight when I started 6 months pre-op in January- 260lbs Weight 3 weeks prior- 243lbs Surgery weight- 232lbs Weight at 1 week check up- 224lbs Total weight loss so far- 36lbs
  19. littlebitsy

    Sorry for myself!

    I am so sorry about your hubby. My thoughts are with you.
  20. littlebitsy

    Liquid Diet Menu?

    All I was allowed on mine was SF Popsicles, SF Jello, broth, decaf tea or coffee, water flavorings, and water on top of 5 protein shakes a day.
  21. Oh that is an awesome idea!!! We have a Chinese Buffet that does that as well as the Golden Corral. My kids were scared they'd never get to go to these places again but now I can see it in our future.
  22. littlebitsy

    problems pre op

    I had mine laproscopic but when I signed my consent I had to sign for both ways just in case it had to be done as an open surgery.
  23. littlebitsy

    Period day of surgery and after

    I was on day 5 of my period for surgery. Mine normally last 5-6 days and this one lasted 7. I'm actually glad it happened like that because now I don't have to worry about it until I'm a little more healed.
  24. littlebitsy

    Not as bad as i thought

    Congratulations. I was sleeved on the 10th and I'm still on the liquid part of the diet until Tuesday. The guide I got from the nutritionist says that potatoes boiled and mashed with skin removed are allowed in the second stage. And while yes this isn't a protein packed food it is a food I can enjoy with my family and they'll finally feel a little more normal with me. I don't plan on having it every single day but occasionally yes I will enjoy a tiny boiled mashed potato.
  25. littlebitsy

    Worst thing so far

    Thanks everyone. I know that this is all worth it in the end it's just a struggle right now. I see the doctor on Monday for my 1 week appointment and I should be cleared to start pureed food then and I can't wait. I bought foods before surgery that my husband could easily fix but so far he's only stepped up to that plate once and even then I had to walk him through it all. How hard is it to make frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
