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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by littlebitsy

  1. I agree!!!! No idea what Yumberry is only now that it is yummy.
  2. September 10th. I live in Illinois about 45 minutes from St. Louis.
  3. littlebitsy


    Hi. My name is Stacy and I will be having my surgery sometime mid to late August. This is partly because of insurance requiring the 6 month supervised diet and partly my choice. I planned my vacation for the first week in August before I started my official sleeve journey. I decided that even though I will be eligible for surgery at the end of July I wanted to enjoy my vacation with my husband and kids without having to worry about the pre or post op diet. So my plan is to go on vacation, work the week I'm doing the pre-op diet, and then have surgery followed by 2 weeks off from work to recover. Here's to hoping my plan works out.
  4. My official date is September 10. I could have had it done in August but with my August being so crazy hectic September just worked better.I'm not scared of the surgery itself I'm more scared of failure. I'm scared that I'll have 85% of my stomach removed only to become obese again.
  5. littlebitsy

    waiting for approval

    I just got my approval from my primary insurance, it took exactly a month. I'm still waiting on approval from my secondary.
  6. littlebitsy

    September here I come!

    I just got my date today and it is September 10th. I was hoping to do it in August but I had to work around work so September it is. I've been doing all the insurance hoops since January so an extra few weeks is okay. The reality is hitting me now so I'm pretty much a ball of nerves and self doubt right now.
  7. I actually got the call on Friday but by the time I got the message to call it was already to late so I had to wait the whole weekend to see if I had been approved or not. Called first thing this morning and found out I was approved through my primary insurance (still waiting on BCBS my secondary) so the date is set. I'm going to have surgery on September 10. Suddenly it is all sinking in and becoming a reality and my nerves are starting up along with all the self doubts.
  8. I'm hoping for sometime the end of August but it's starting to look like it might not happen until September due to circumstances at work.
  9. littlebitsy

    medical alert bracelets

    It was highly suggested by my doctor's office to get one. I plan on getting one before my procedure but that is my preference.
  10. littlebitsy

    Waiting on insurance approval!

    I finished mine last Tuesday so now I'm in the waiting game with you. Good luck.
  11. littlebitsy

    help.. primary vs secondary ins

    I have a primary and secondary insurance. My primary required 3 months supervised diet and the secondary required 6 months supervised diet. I had to do all 6 months even though my primary didn't require it. I am paying out of pocket for the 3 months that went beyond my primary since my secondary has a big deductible to meet before they pay. I just finished my 6th appointment on Tuesday. Honestly the 6 months was worth it for me and it flew by. I'm not having surgery until August as a personal decision though.
  12. littlebitsy


    You look great!!!!
  13. littlebitsy


    I'm scared they'll tell me I can't have surgery because I can't wear a CPAP. I tried, I mean I really tried but the panic attacks weren't worth it in the end so I returned the machine today because insurance wasn't going to pay since I couldn't wear it the required time every night. I'm the type of person who can't have anything near my face when I'm sleeping, I even have to fold my pillow so it's not touching the side of my face at all or I go into a full blown panic attack. I tried sleeping pills, anxiety pills, both types combined but it never helped. If I fell asleep I would sleep maybe 30 minutes then wake up panicked and ripping the mask off my face (I was using the nasal pillows). It was to the point that even thinking about wearing it sent me into panic. I will probably see my surgeon later this month or early next month so until then I'm not sure what's going to happen. I'm sad and feel like a failure right now.
  14. littlebitsy


    Just wanted to say hi to all and it's so nice to see all of us that are ready for August.
  15. littlebitsy


  16. I got Jay Robb samples at Whole Foods.
  17. littlebitsy


    So my husband told one of his bosses today that he was probably going to have to switch one of his vacation weeks in August. When his boss asked him why he told him that I was having WLS that month and he wanted o be off that week so he could help me with the kids. His boss told him that he thought I looked perfectly fine and didn't need to have the surgery. I'm totally flattered and really took that as a compliment. Of course I'm still having the surgery because I know that my weight is not healthy and am starting to get health complications as the years tick by. Sometimes I wish I could look in the mirror and see the same person others see.
  18. littlebitsy

    So sad

    My Mom told me today that she really doesn't want me to have the surgery. Her reason is that according to what she's learned most people regain the weight so it just doesn't seem like the surgery would be worth ruining my life for. She also said it was my body my choice. She also said she knew people who had bypass and were just as sure as I am that they could change their lifestyle regain all the weight they lost. I tried to explain everything but just kind of ended with I just don't want to die before I can see my kids grow-up. I'm so heartbroken right now. She also brought up all the doubts I struggle with especially about failure. I want so bad not to be the fat girl anymore. I still am going forward with all the pre-op prep and the surgery in August I just wish my Mom was okay with it.
  19. littlebitsy

    So sad

    Thank you so much everyone. There is no doubt in my mind that this surgery is the right thing for me. My Dad passed away at over 400lbs last January and I know that if I continue the lifestyle I have been living it won't be long before I'm in that same boat and I just can't bear that thought. I want to enjoy my life and my kids. I am so glad I found this site, it's nice to feel supported and know I have a place to come and vent and share.
  20. littlebitsy


    From the album: littlebitsy

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