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About jenna35

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  1. The banding is over, the drugs keep me pretty comfortable, but I noticed I feel like i have dry cough , I need to get out but it won't go anywhere..Anyone else struggling with that feeling, I can cough, but it is just the feeling , not that i actually need to cough when I do it doesn't make anything better....I am not hungry and I have been sipping and getting liquids down just fine.. ideas?
  2. jenna35

    January 2013 Bandsters Unite

    Tomorrow is my big day, im a bit nervous.. But my question is for those of you from earlier in the month , when could you drive again?
  3. jenna35

    $8500 surgery assistant??!!!

    If the surgery was approved and the insurance company deemed they dr unnecessary they will deny the charges, but you should not be liable. The DR will need to appeal. But, I suggest calling your insurance company and advising them you were unaware an assistant would be there, and could they reconsider the charges. If the Asst. surgon is par and the services are denied not medicallly necessary you should not be liable for the balance. It is between the insurance , company and the dr to sort out through medical appeal and md reveiw..
  4. Anthem has very good bariatric coverage in Connecticut if the reversal is for medical reasons, then I am almost certain that it would be a covered benefit. Since, I don't know if you have individual or group coverage it is hard for me make any assumption. I would suggest that if you request a care manager instead of dealing with customer service, he or she would be responsible ultimatly for approving the service if covered. It isn't required but it saves you from dealing with offshore customer service reps and they are a very good group of folks!
  5. With the exception of my boyfriend, my parents and my son, I am also not telling anyone. I am lucky enough to work from home 99.9% of the time and based on the amount of times I actually go in the office don't think its anything I need to share. I am only taking 3 days off for the procedure and why I did tell my boss I was going to have surgery , I didn't share why. Oddly enough my mother thinks everyone I will work with will figure it out anyway because I work for the health insurance company lol...Thankfully, employee access is super restricted so I know thats impossible! Good Luck!
  6. jenna35

    January 2013 Bandsters Unite

    My diet is 32% protien, 18%fat and 50% carb, or I have the option of store brand Meal Replacement shakes, sf pops, Jello, etc.. I have primarly been sticking to egg whites for one real meal and then shakes the rest of the day..I guess I am trying to prepare now for after the surgery , I had gained 10 pounds at my pre-op and got a stern lecture on how important my organs being mushy was important to this surgery being able to happen, and well I just don't want to take a chance..I really haven't had any issues so far , on day 6 but, between the SF pops if I need that icecream feel and the chocoloate shakes, I am staying pretty comfortable. I'm finding it hard to eat multiple times a day but it is coming along. I do think it is interesting how everyone's dr/dieticians have them on different plans. I look forward to seeing everyones progress and of course my own. I see a few of you with surgery dates today, good luck !
  7. jenna35

    January 2013 Bandsters!

    I am the 23rd as well... Nervous as all get out, but excited at the same time.. Glad to have found this site.

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