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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by athykay

  1. athykay

    PB Any advise????

    Thanks for all the advise, I am feeling a little better now. I still have some uncomfortableness at times. Leatha I was thinking that I might be a little too filled also but it is different all the time. I guess that is why they say this band is a fickle thing. I know that I am losing really good I can really feel it. I was just concered that I may have hurt something when I pb'd. Is it posible that my fill kicked in tighter after 4 weeks? Haven't heard of that but maybe someone else has. Marimu I feel the same way just trying to figure out how to deal with this gas, air burping all the time. Lisa everyone I work with knows that I am banded and I tell them before we even start to eat, thank god I can hold the lower end but burping no way can't hold back. It is just a automatic I eat, I burp. Any suggestions how how to help avoid this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again everyone, have a great Turkey Day!!!
  2. athykay

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    Thanks I will keep trying, keeps me busy.
  3. athykay

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    I too am so excited I thought while you were making mine. I would give it a try. Make some Xmas gifts. I bought the yarn and the needles and have tried and tried. Well it has been way to long. I can't figure it out I can't even get the darn thing started. HELP Teresa what am I doing wrong.
  4. athykay

    weekly scale challenge

    Way to go Teresa, I am down 3 more pounds for a total of 8 since my fill. About those hats? I bought the yarn and the needles thought I would give it a try, but it has been much longer than I thought. I can't even get the darn thing started. Any suggestions???????
  5. athykay

    Check out this for Weight Loss Information

    Very cool site, I was looking all over for something like this. Thanks
  6. So sorry that you have to go this. Lopez was my Doctor also. I am so glad that we have this place to come to and get information. We need to know and be aware of these things. I also think we all need to not let this alarm us into to thinking it will happen to us. This is after all one of the risk. I don't know what the actual numbers are but I know that I was aware when I had my surgery that this could happen. I am not defending Lopez in any way just don't want us all freaking out. I think we have to look at the positives and focus on them. How many patients has he had? How many haven't had problems? We need to take good care of ourselfs, try to follow the band rules, have regular check ups and most of all think positive thoughts. I just don't want everyone including myself to worry their selfs sick over this. We are very lucky that everyone here shares their stories and we can all learn from them and be aware of the risk. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  7. athykay

    My first fill!!!

    Teresa, I am glad it all went well. Take it easy each day is so different since my fill. I am down about 7lbs since my fill. It is a fickle thing this band. Some days hard to get much of anything down others it is like nothing. Take care and take it slow.
  8. athykay

    Pics of me!!!

    I vote for #2 a great smile. A smile brightens anyone’s day for both the giver and recipient.
  9. athykay

    I'm back

    Glad your home and everything went well. Rest and take care you'll be feeling fine in no time.
  10. athykay

    See you next week

    Thanks for sharing the photos love' em. You look great you will be back on track in no time.
  11. athykay

    Regarding Belighter.com

    I also went thru belighter and spoke to Ann Marie on many occassions before my surgery. She seemed so caring and said I could call her anytime. We arrived in San Diego and waited for over a hour for the driver to arrive. I tried to contact her then and no answer and that is the way it has been. She said she would call and check on me, never heard from her. I feel ripped off by their services and the lack of them. People beware, I learned later that it was just to set up the surgery and that was it. No after care what so ever. I am sorry I don't have nice things to say about Ann Marie I know she knew that I made calls, and emails but she never responded. I had spoke to someone on this site after I had already sent them (BELIGHTER)money. This person had the same Dr. but oh what a different price. I had mentioned the difference to Ann Marie and she lied totally lied. I only wish I had found this site and all these wonderful people sooner. Just beware they are out there.
  12. athykay

    See you next week

    You are looking mighty fine girl and your hubby looking pretty darn good too, a little flirting never hurt nobody. Been married almost 30 yrs and a little fire keeps the fire burning. More, more pictures, please!!!!!!!!!
  13. athykay

    Survivor fans???

    Very cool Teresa I never have watched the show but you look great. Must have been very exciting for you.
  14. athykay

    See you on the other side

    Sleep tight, see you on the other side. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  15. athykay

    Pitty potty! Why me?

    Lauri, That is great news, so glad to hear it. One day at a time!!!
  16. athykay

    TWO Major NSV's!!!

    That is awesome, can't wait for the day.
  17. athykay

    See you next week

    Have a great time Lisa, don't forget to take pictures. I love it when you share them.
  18. athykay

    My fill went bust...

    Oh no Teresa I am so sorry. They had told me that they sometimes have patients that they have a real hard time finding the port. And the darn flori place not being opened. You must of been just totally bummed out. I feel so bad that you had to go through that. Hang in there!! I think I was ready for a couple of months. I had stopped loosing also. You will get there again. Sooooooo Sorrrrrrrrrrrry Kathy
  19. athykay

    weekly scale challenge

    Yes my fill is working great down 5 pounds. 230's here I come. Kathy Dr. Lopez 5/21/04 First Fill 10/25/04 286/241 -45
  20. athykay

    Burping & Farting

    Both ends for me. I was hoping someone would say something about this. I thought it was just me. It was always very difficult for me to pass gas before banding. Not no more, hubby said I had my orfus fixed. What ever that means.
  21. athykay

    Why do we fill ??

    Someone explain to me why we need to get more than one fill? If we have good restriction with one why would we ever need another? Where does the fluid go? Does it dry up? Does it stretch out? I have no clue. Please explain. Thanks Kathy
  22. athykay

    Pitty potty! Why me?

    Lauri, Hang in there!! It sounds like you have had a rough time. You have to have faith that things will get better. I have this quote that I refer to often. Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. You have something to do- get this surgery done and be on your way to a healthier you. Something to love- sounds like you have 3 children and a husband. Something to hope for- brighter days for you and those that you love. I hope this little quote may brighten your day. You are in my prayers.
  23. athykay

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    Really, really your going to make them? Good thing I didn't make it to the store yet. I would love one too. Black would be awesome for me too. Let me know how much you need and I will send it. Maybe when I get yours and I can look at it I will give it a try and make them for the family. You are a dear, Kathy
  24. athykay

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    It would be so much easier if you made them.LOL They are darlin, gonna go buy me some yarn and needles and give it a try. Haven't crocheted in years but sounds like fun. Thanks for posting off to get my needles and yarn.
  25. athykay

    THE moment..

    I am in awe, I can't believe I have just finished reading about me, in all of you. You could take something from each one of these moments and that would be my life. Not being able to fit, embarrassment, shame, hurt, fear, and so much more. So glad we all found each other and can share. I have struggled for as long as I can remember. I was in denial for many years, I used the excuse that giving birth to 3 wonderful daughters is what created this monster. But I was only fooling myself, I remember school days being teased, and left out. No one wanted the fat girl on their team. I remember avoiding stairs, avoiding restaurants with booths, cursing the airlines for making such small seats, avoiding parties that I used to love to attend, dancing, swimming, all things that I love to do. I was now to embarressed or afraid to do. March 14th 2001 our grandson Jaden was born. I had found a new love in life that I can't describe. Grandma was proud, I had always wanted a son, and this was much better. As he grew so did I, it was a major chore just to have him for the day. Putting him in his car seat, packing him up stairs. What was I going to do when he wanted to run, swim, play?? I was so out of breathe with just the small things. I would lay in bed at night and think am I going to live to see him do all those things. My mother had passed away when she was 54 and I'll never forget what she said to me when we first found out that she only had six months to live. She said you know I always prayed that I would live to see you and your sisters grow up. I never thought that I would want more. She said I do, now I want to see all of my grandchildren grown, my youngest was 2. We lost her 7 months later. We had lost my father in January of that year and now my mother in September of the same year. For years I was angry that my girls had missed the greatest grandparents in the world. I don't want to miss the moments. I want to be there. I was banded May 21, 2004 and on June 26th our grandaughter came into our lives. It is now November 6, 2004 and I am 43 pounds lighter and I feel like I am going to live. And I mean live, play, dance, swim, and have the greatest birthday parties for my grandchildren. Thank you all for sharing, you touched my heart in so many ways that you will never know. Kathy

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