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Everything posted by SandiLee

  1. SandiLee


    I would guess it depends on what your insurance requires (unless you're self pay, then I think you'd be fine) and how quickly you start everything after the info session. I have all my 1st month's appts within the next 6 days, then scheduling February's appts during the first week and March's during the first few days. What is your major, and what year are you? I'm a Psychology major, graduating in May [goal #1 is to get to wear a size 12/14 to graduation!].
  2. SandiLee


    I had my info session in late December, initial surgeon consult & labwork this morning. My insurance requires 3 consecutive months of nutrition counseling, personal training, and medically supervised diet plan. I am a college student and need to have my surgery during spring break, and the surgeon got the ball rolling ASAP so that everything can be done on time. I am tentatively scheduled for March 11.

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